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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. I feel like the new mechanic is something that can only happen if the character in question hasn't participated in an attack or dual-attack yet- I'm not sure how this will affect balance, but that's the only thing that makes sense to me without making this feature completely broken. What gave me the idea is why the mage didn't attack the dude before Krom did, but then again that could just be an exhibition simply because together they both killed the dude. I can see this as a good way to add some sort of balance to ranged units/archers, though, either giving them a better way to chip or a better way to get kills (ie, they could have an enemy phase if your units could do a dual-attack on enemy phase).
  2. That would imply they have more of a western feel to them... which they don't.
  3. I wouldn't say general FE is generic anime style. It's definitely different than most anime style I've seen.
  4. It doesn't help that she looks kinda like Catherine in that game...
  5. I hope to God this is a new world. Any idea what they are saying?
  6. I don't even know why a jail sentence is that much of a punishment- it's rehabilitation, though, which is a plus. But they do have access to things that not even many Americans have access to. Not that I believe in punishments to begin with, because punishments are not at all constructive. I'm not entirely sure about how I feel about community sentences, but they can't hurt so long as they are being watched by the police.
  7. son i am now merely a common mercenary.....
  8. yea i felt like someone would throw numbers at me unless i specified v_v
  9. I think you mean 2/5 of a boot because there's two boots v_v (hopes you get that this is a joke)
  10. Lott's durability ends up becoming far better than Fir's, though. See, I'm not sure *what* the standards are because the thing is that if we deploy a unit alongside our best units, then they end up falling behind obviously and they don't get as much EXP because your mounted units and whatnot are rushing ahead. We obviously can't take it slower for their sake, but that's kind of an example of tier lists needing more concrete definitions. Not sure if you were trying to make fun of me but FE10's tier list was wonky to begin with simply because of random shit like chapter jumps and whatever, so my FE10 tier list idea was merely an alternate tier list idea. FE6 isn't as wonky so one single tier list is the only thing we need, and if I were to do chapter-by-chapter then I'd have to do it for all FE games- which I don't have time to do.
  11. My honest opinion is to revamp tier lists from the ground up and argue them more slowly. If we care enough to keep replying here then we obviously care enough to work hard on a better tier list- I have a hard time continuing an argument with Anouleth because of random double standards going on coupled with the most random issues that I have with other parts of the tier list. Just far too many to mention, and frankly knowing just why each unit matches up to each other unit without having to do some search bullshit (through 121 pages, and you can only view 8 pages at a time and search is SENSITIVE) would not make this a bad idea. Of course we'll probably just take the lazy way out and not listen to me- after all, I'm more or less just radically vocal and only recently did I get back into the FE debating scene- but I feel like parts of this list are remnant from the ranked list (same with FE7 to some extent, and FE8/9 are quite a bit more solid in this regard because the standards haven't changed much whereas 10 is just a problematic game to tier in the first game) which gets in the way of effectively judging this game. Redefining tier list standards, especially for characters of a lower tier, is also a fantastic idea. If not, a chapter-by-chapter tier list (lol though 30+ tier lists per game) would be a far more accurate gauge of how well units work out (or a points system based on the chapter-by-chapter lists). edit: fuck im a horse
  12. I guess I should solidify my stance at this point; marijuana is a mixture of a social freedom and an economic issue, so I do believe it's good to not gloss over it completely. To be honest, I don't think Obama's *that* corrupt. As far as politicians go I feel like he's one of the more pure ones -- doesn't say a lot, but I do get the feeling that he's trying ridiculously hard and he's just so... idk. He's just unable to do anything. Considering how much he's aged, I just sometimes have a hard time believing he's really as corrupt as the average politician. It's like when you care *so* much about someone or something and you're just trying so hard to keep it from keeling over and whatnot, but all it feels like you're doing is delaying the inevitable and you need something short of a miracle to actually pull it off... it just saddens me that people talk so much shit about this man.
  13. ah... an rper i take it? that's interesting, props to you... i could never write well enough to rp and my long term interest wanes when it comes to the internet

  14. Something for you capitalists to consider: why are we using materialistic benefit such as money and... things as a sign of success? There are many people that are far more successful than your average actor and god knows who but they don't have the money to show for it- and frankly despite how hard they work they don't even necessarily ask for more. They just do their thing and try to help people.On top of the fact that you are getting socialism and communism confused. Sadly, communism doesn't work because of people like you that attribute material wealth to success. Because Ron Paul is allergic to becoming President, getting elected and getting his name out there, for some reason. There's a very good reason the media has glossed him over repeatedly. Altruism and humanity is altruism and humanity. Yes, we should cut a bunch off and tend to ourselves, but we've dug ourselves into enough of a hole that if we were to cut off our foreign aid, I'm sure it would be portrayed in their media as "US withdraws aid, we're screwed, fuck the usa" (not verbatim, obviously, but the point gets cross). It would be a short-term boon but it wouldn't be good for us in the long term. Yes because giving up when someone contradicts you is a great debate technique. Though, this is coming from the guy who's countering you in a massive rush because he needs to get to an important meeting, but I've generally given up on politics anyway.
  15. yeah... so whats the origin of magnus blade?

  16. I think you can work a rescue chain with Thany rescuing Tate and a mounted unit taking her from there so Klein can talk to her easier.
  17. I swear I read it a while ago, but a second google search has proved me wrong. At this point its showing that drug crime rates are increasing, but in terms of the economy- abortions and gay marriage aren't as big an issue as the drug war. In terms of social freedoms... yes, those two are far more important than weed. I think what I *may* have read was that 70% of all people incarcerated for drugs were marijuana. So I apologize for that, I definitely should've read much closer.
  18. haha i'm not really a raven fan anymore, but i've stuck with the raven internet moniker for years and i'm not ready to find a new one lol

  19. hey

    i dont know you :X but hi

  20. I loved using Dart whenever I used him... with an Iron axe he can kill Pirates in his join chapter. Then again, this may be normal mode I am talking about.
  21. The point was that it wasn't important since the economy was in the dump, my point is that every little bit counts.
  22. Just because you can double reliably doesn't meant you're doing fantastic damage. But his being a sword user against the Isles is a point in his favor, I'll give him that (though it should bump him higher shouldn't it...?) Can't Lott ORKO Soldiers? In fact, can't just about anyone easily kill a Soldier (especially if an Archer chips them)... I'm pretty sure Alan and Lance are generally pretty good about killing Soldiers. Finally, I don't see why Lugh kept being brought up in my Lilina arguments as someone that has *so* much durability issues without the angelic robe, as well as issues being doubled. Lilina is doing the same things as Dayan for longer but she not only has massive durability issues but she'll have issues making overall use of resources... whereas Dayan is versatile from the getgo. These arguments make no sense.
  23. It would help a lot, though. We waste shitloads of money on the drug war and we mainly fail at it- only to block marijuana. I can't remember the exact figure we're shitting out on the drug war off the top of my head but it's a stupidly large amount (not enough to cure our crisis, we need some sort of fucking miracle for that, but still). Add to the fact that a *large* majority of people are in jail for something that shouldn't be illegal in the first place. A very large majority; I think a solid 75% of inmates (or some massive percent) are there because of something related to marijuana. It also costs ~35K/yr to keep an inmate in jail, so just imagine how much we could save per year. In fact, investing that money into more financial aid for people could help too because it's enough to give two people near-full rides to an in-state college every year, and one person a full ride to an out-of-state college (per year).On top of the other "marijuana isnt as dangerous as people think" arguments that are just overdone at this point. Still not saying it's going to fix everything- I'm not stupid nor am I that idealistic- but it's a strangely bigger issue than things like abortion and gay marriage.
  24. Sorry I wasn't thinking.I don't think a character like Ward should be higher than Geese and Lilina though -- Ward's offense never ever grows into any sort of powerhouse. You said yourself that Geese is ORKOing a bunch of Wyverns at 20/1. At least Lilina become something useful (OHKOing Wyverns and ORKO Wyverns, on top of powerful offense in Geese's case) because if Lugh is getting doubled so is Ward. And Ward's 1-2 range is *pretty* inaccurate. I was thinking TelliusFE's support bonuses so I'm sorry for that. At any rate, why is the gap between Lugh and Lilina so high then? I was arguing on *that* basis. Level 13 Lilina hits ~28 avoid at Level 13 in Chapter 13. Not much more than that if she's at a higher level; she is still getting OHKO'd eventually by a 50% hit on enemy phase. Not at all because Lugh is too damn high since all of that is the case. Doesn't mean she can abuse the hell out of it though, but I guess this argument should turn into "Dayan and Lilina should be bumped out of their tier placement, and while Geese should be above Dayan, he they all do not deserve to be below the likes of Ward and Oujay." on top of a gap closing between Lugh and Lilina. I think we should reformat some of the tiers first if I'm going to keep arguing about this... I still don't think Dayan should be that low because he's versatile enough to kill Wyverns and he can ferry Roy or something because of his 8 move (without having to waste a good offensive unit to do it).
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