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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Franz - Paladin Gilliam - Great Knight, fuck Generals Vanessa - Wyvern Knight Moulder - Bishop Ross - Fighter -> Hero Garcia - Hero (always has been my favorite promoted class Neimi - Ranger Colm - Rogue Artur - Sage Lute - Mage Knight Natasha - Valkyrie Joshua - Swordmaster Forde - Great Knight (honestly could really use Axes) Kyle - Great Knight Tana - Wyvern Knight Amelia - Cavalier -> Great Knight Gerik - Hero Marisa - Assassin (lol) L'Arachel - Mage Knight Ewan - Shaman -> Druid Cormag - Wyvern Lord Knoll - Summoner
  2. erm... yeah... so how is life

  3. Power can't be too hard, considering your base level is at the minimum like 490. That means you have to give slightly less than 10 levels to every single unit that is playable including characters like Yodel, Niime, and Dayan... so it should be way easier than you think.
  4. i'll make his girlfriend do it for us :3 she comes into our room all the time anyway

  5. "Press Z to do more damage" to emulate Squall and Seifer in FF8 would be awesome, though! Adding like 20% more damage per well-timed hit is pretty cool.
  6. And +45 Avoid, but the point still stands. Titania is almost integral to the first thirds of the game; Oscar is not integral to the last thirds where he's better.
  7. he'll be more charitable next time now that i've let him drink my vanilla coke and ginger ale... but i still owe him almost 200 for a TV lol

  8. yeah, chocolate chip chewy cookies... he doesn't let us touch any of them :(

  9. One is blade and one is sword? I think of Blades as more massive -- like Durandal -- whereas Swords are not as long -- like the Sword of Seals.
  10. wikipedia you have let me down...... you are not an effective substitute for google!! how do you feel about chips ahoy chewy cookies though? everytime my friend buys them he only lets each of us eat one and he finishes the rest :(

  11. oh it was fanmade (and idk why people feel the need to say the same thing like 5 times to the same post, just one is enough)
  12. She's had a crush on her brother and kissed him in the manga, and had a kid with both Finn and Beowulf. Jugdral in general is filled with whorish women (though mainly due to abuse they had affairs) and men who had a child with every woman they met.
  13. Yes it does. All women in FE are whores Sadly the only one who's canonically kind of a whore is Lachesis.
  14. oh i know what you're talking about now... i'm lame and don't like crumbs :( but i guess the real question is... is it sexy AND cute? like theend?

  15. More of a weird mix of Colonial and Medieval, so we see things like Rifles but we still also see standard weapons.
  16. You had allies in both Drakengard games, the system just blew for the first one. The first one is actually one of my favorite games (in the loosest sense) but it's quite... extremely shitty. Obviously it was a joke suggestion. Now we can see who really dominates! Seth or Sigurd! So long as the writing style isn't the same as your standard Tales game I would be up for it. We all need to buy Graces f if we want to see more tales anyway...
  17. i take offense to thatmaybe i'll go emo over some debt collectors taking over my house
  18. To be fair, Priscilla's kind of a whore.
  19. Or maybe... Drakengard! In Drakengard you actually mount a Dragon.
  20. If you sit in the front, everything doesn't seem so big (and it's easier to focus). Today was the first day of classes of my sophomore year. My professor gave us pre-class homework and I spent like 4-5 hours doing it (because I forgot how the formulas work behind the springs -- I know how the springs work, but I mixed up what some of the variables represented). He trolled us and didn't collect it today, and said its due date was postponed to Friday smh because he's my advisor and kind of a moron. At least he threw a penny at me for getting an answer correct.
  21. what's shortbread?

    *isn't in with this baking lingo*

  22. Bases, but growths are an advantage in FE9 where we do have free EXP to give.
  23. im also a leech, but my university makes amazing cookies. next time i see them, i'll take a picture on my phone and show you

  24. Considering the amount of enemies, having two wouldn't be a bad idea.
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