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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Yeah i kept a save state in case something comes to me. I'm not sure where I could've saved a turn, though, simply because of the pitfalls. But I have heard of a 4 turn clear somewhere.
  2. I managed the five turn. Chapter 23 Turncount: 5/120 Preparations: -- Arms Scroll on Tormod (C Thunder, so he has Meteor and Bolting now) -- Tormod/Reyson A -- Full Guard to Marcia -- BEXP Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Astrid 08.02+ 38 19 8 24 26 16 19 13 Ike 06.00+ 48 22 8 21 22 16 19 12 Jill 07.02+ 38 25 6 23 20 9 21 5 Tormod 04.01+ 44 5 21 20 19 15 13 17 Makalov 02.00+ 37 19 4 16 20 11 18 6 Remaining: 8 Units deployed: Ike, Oscar, Boyd, Soren, Marcia, Mordecai, Kieran, Jill, Astrid, Makalov, Tormod, Muarim, Reyson Anyways, here goes; it was basicaly similar to my previous plan. I did use the glitch where you put a flying unit on a pitfall, but generally I did it very similarly. Tormod went out as my first unit and OHKO'd the Archer with a Bolting. This allowed me to use Jill some more. Then he OHKO'd the Sniper with Bolting on the very next turn (but he needed to be Canto'd by a now-transformed Reyson). Marcia and Ike kept going north and I managed to get Ike to the left side by the end of Turn 2. Petrine attacked me on Turn 4 EP, where Marcia missed with a Killer Lance (I used a Killer Lance to off a Ballista operator) and, well, here's where it could've improved. Marcia could've used the Knight killer here instead, allowing me ~15 damage. Marcia couldn't double Petrine, which is why I tried the Killer Lance Crit. At any rate, I had Oscar attack (miss) and Kieran attack with a forged Hand Axe (it hit and did very little damage). From there, I had Tormod siege her with a Bolting once, and then Reyson Canto'd him and he attacked with a Meteor because Meteor did 16 damage with supports. Where could I have improved? The Knight Killer actually made jack shit of difference cause I still would've missed. Tormod would still have to hit with a Siege tome (Oscar had a 38% hit rate whereas Kieran had a 65% hitrate considering his was forged and he has Marcia support) but moving Reyson up north earlier would have been a better idea. Kieran did enough that she went down to 32 HP, which allowed Tormod to KO her with two Boltings. But I could've Canto'd Reyson north and used Bolting *once* and had her go down to 13 HP. Then Marcia would be guaranteed a KO, because she would've been able to do 15 damage and kill her. But I mean, I didn't lose any turns and I can just have Elincia Hammerne Tormod. I kept a save state just in case. Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 07.69+ 49 23 9 21 23 16 19 12 Marcia 11.35+ 42 23 10 24 25 16 14 20 Oscar 05.65+ 39 22 4 18 21 8 18 6 Jill 08.06+ 39 26 6 23 20 9 22 5 Tormod 05.45+ 34 5 21 21 20 15 13 18 Reyson 05.31+ 23 2 15 15 19 17 3 27 Muarim 09.26+ 45 23 4 17 18 11 15 8 Kieran 03.70+ 41 21 6 18 20 10 19 5 Boyd 03.54+ 48 22 1 15 19 8 10 10 Astrid 08.78+ 39 19 8 24 26 16 19 13 Soren 01.57+ 32 4 21 22 19 11 6 22 Makalov 02.67+ 37 19 4 16 20 11 18 6 Mordecai 02.22+ 41 22 2 12 11 10 16 7 Haar 11.64+ 47 21 8 19 17 12 20 10 BEXP: 400/408
  3. In C23, he is in the back line of the formation and still managed to get in range to OHKO an Archer. Soren didn't have that access. Long way around. It took around 4 turns to get in range, with the standard being a six turn clera. Didn't have the Laguz Lance, but getting him to Resolve range can be easily done because the Mages seem to prioritize him if he equips the Silver Blade and Ena does ~13 damage (The Mages themselves do around 6 apiece). Parking him in front of Ena yields a pretty high damage output with a Laguzslayer, especially with Resolve.
  4. Getting into range much faster. 2 move = a whole extra turn's worth of movement advantage every 3 turns. There was Ena, for me, in case Ike's critical didn't work out; Tormod could Meteor, Marcia did 9x2 with Javelin (so twice = 36 HP) with 5 damage from Meteor would kill off Ena assuming Ike does 13 damage with Laguzslayer. That was for my efficiency run, anyway, as backup.
  5. oh whoops. Still didn't answer the second half of the question. I'm saying it's there, not that it's to be relied on. It has to activate eventually, after all.Doesn't Shinon have 20 crit or something? That's not something to be relied on but it's still there. My efficiency runs had the lowest possible per chapter and he got to Level 5 on Chapter 7. He was Level 4 going into C6 and Level 5 coming out of C7. Soren 2RKOs a bunch of things that he can double. Boyd has a hard time with doubling even with Speedwings sometimes, too, so he borders on 3HKOs and Ike has a tough time surviving while 2RKOing. Regal Sword Ike does more damage unless you're giving Boyd a Hammer or something. Except Ike can't get too much action on enemy phase if he wants to go up against him -- I'm not sure about you but even with Angelic Robe and dodging the Fighters he was brought down to like 5-10 HP out of each enemy phase. Spirit Dusts you can use on Soren on top of Mage Bands. Not that it matters much because this is a Soren argument and not a Callil argument. By the way, who are we arguing Soren against here? When I wasn't into efficiency he would get killed off pretty easily, and some enemies tend to have critical on him -- the odds DO stack up after all, and he's bound to get hit by something. He doesn't have as much Avo as lategame Mia/Zihark (but his midgame offense is ridiculous). At best I could think Stefan > Mages > Miahark, though. I wasn't making an EXP hog argument. I was saying he doesn't grow as fast so people out-durable him very quickly (especially with better supports and the mounts get Axes), nor is he extremely integral to his chapters afterwards (like Titania, for reference, who can easily get to Level 8 or 9 by C13). Not that I'm comparing him to other units, but I'm saying that time and resources don't really fix his problems like other units.I've been doing more in my efficiency run and I'm starting to lean towards Tormod > Soren again. Soren chips in early chapters, and he does a good job, but Tormod's massive movement just puts him extremely far ahead of Soren and allows him to Siege extremely well.
  6. To be fair, most of my restarts of that chapter were due to poor position of my other units. Because the only units that were doing anything resembling efficiency were Marcia and Ike, I played inefficiently for the rest. And only once did Ike *not* kill Ena with a Wrath crit (because Miracle activated, what the fuck) so I never actually had to restart due to the Wrath crit. Turns out Ike can be hit by just about everything except a Killer Lance crit in the bottom part if I want to kill Ena, because he still only takes like miniscule damage from Ena. Also, I'm not restarting for level ups or anything if that helps. I did reboot the game because I felt I was doing something wrong because I had bad level ups but I ended up with almost the same thing the second time through. I'll retry the chapter, then, and aim for a 5 turn. I'm not sure how viable it is to have Marcia kill any of the ballista operators, though, but I know that Soren has +1 Atk and Tormod has +3 Atk in supports to kill the Archers. I'm not sure where you're getting "a lot" from. I've never relied on chance or a critical occurring, and I explained what I'd do if the critical *didn't* occur except in the case of Ena, where I needed the critical to procure a 6 turn. If I didn't end up getting the critical then the 7 turn works equally well.If you're talking about the Killer Lance crit in C23, I also said that if Marcia didn't get the crit then Kieran and Oscar would home in on her. I also forgot to mention that Tormod could Bolting/Meteor her cause he was in range too (8 move is fucking ridiculous for a Mage). The only one that ended up happening was the Laguzslayer. I did end up restarting once because I thought I had two Arms Scrolls (so Marcia could get a C in Swords for the Laguzslayer, therefore I could get a more reliable 6 turn) but I was mistaken. Either way, I should've given the Laguzslayer to Tauroneo, given Ike an Elixir because those cunts don't attack Ike, and then Tauro would activate Resolve against Ena and kill her that way. If anything, I restarted on Turn 4 when I dropped Ike because like every so often he'd end up sleeping. If you're talking about C15, it's not hard to restart on Turn 2, especially in a chapter where I engage in combat three times exactly -- once against Jill, once against Boyd, and once against Marcia. Marcia had approximately a 64% chance of success. I didn't get the Laguz Lance since I don't know where to get it, which is why it was like that.
  7. one more week till i move back in, so excited

  8. There's three but we can afford to give Soren one. What are we doing with the rest, exactly?
  9. This is not entirely correct.7 isn't massive sorry for exaggerating, but with 2 level ups Soren is able to double archers (the ones weighed down by Steel Bows) as well. But the thing is that his offense is almost on par with Boyd and Ike's when he's around... *almost* with an 8% adept activation rate. He'll also definitely gain EXP in the defend map and he'll be able to get to Level 5 quite easily on that Escape map which gives him ~9 AS and 9 (10?) Atk. It's not enough to 1 round but frankly nobody outside of Titania is one rounding anyway. He helps get rid of Armors that barely take damage from anything but Tits and the Regal Sword, and he can also double some Myrmidons if he needs to. He eventually 3HKOs and he combines with other units for KOs anyway (since nobody can 2HKO except Tits). False. His offense is more or less on par with everyone else's, but his Defense is pretty terrible so I can agree there... he's better than most things against Ike anyway because he doesn't necessarily fear a counter attack. That is fine but a 20/1 Soren has *slightly* better damage output than a 20/6 Callil. 20/1 Soren also has a B Ike at this point to add 1 to his Atk, and there are enough Arms Scrolls that you can feed Soren a few (in fact, he'll probably only need one if you've been using Fire tomes, and even then that may be iffy because his ranks get boosted to D when he promotes anyway so he'll only need one). Mage Band increases the gap too, by another 2 points. Stefan has less move than Tormod once Tormod promotes, and they're on equal footing otherwise. Not counting the fact that Stefan has otherwise poor durability at a certain point and lacks the option to launch (good) attacks from 2-range, which Tormod has. On top of Siege tomes. Stefan may join as one of the best, but he doesn't gain much experience and ends up pretty fail. Especially considering his lack of supports. Tormod at least has a quick support with Reyson for +3 Atk, as well as Callil for a +5 total Atk. Stefan has Soren which gives him... +1 Atk, +8 Evade, +a shitload of hit that is quite irrelevant.Tormod can at least keep up with Pallies and can launch Meteors right from join time.
  10. Chapter 21 Turncount: 6/113+ Preparations -- Oscar/Kieran A, Tormod/Reyson C -- Smite to Muarim -- BEXP: Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Tormod 01.00+ 31 2 19 18 17 15 12 16 Soren 01.00+ 32 4 21 22 19 11 6 22 Ike 03.00+ 46 20 7 20 19 14 19 10 Remaining: 25 Units deployed: Marcia, Astrid, Oscar, Kieran, Jill, Tormod, Ike, Muarim, Boyd, Reyson, Volke, Mordecai, Lethe Wow so fuck this chapter. God i hated every moment of it, I had to restart it like 50 times because it was just a fucking terrible chapter. Anyways, my 6 turn is something I'm satisfied with to some extent (I've heard of a 4 turn clear of this shit but I doubt I'd be able to make it possible as it currently stands). On turn 1, I had a bunch of weird shove strategies which amounted to Lethe shoving Marcia to the right and Muarim smiting her upwards. I did some weird stuff with Reyson and Mordecai to make this possible, and I put Mordecai in such a spot where he could Smite her once on Turn 2. Ike was rescued by Marcia this entier time, equipped with a Knight Ring and he had a Laguzguard to fight Ena with; he used a Pure Water before Marcia rescued him. Turn 2, I took out a soldier in my way with Tormod and Mordecai Smited her to the left twice, Lethe Shoved her upwards once, and then Muarim smited her upwards. Then I took Marcia around and into the water. (By the way, if you're in the water, Tauroneo and his crew won't come out, which was integral to my 6 turn). Then I basically sent everyone upwards and I sent Tormod as far up as possible just in case he'd be able to damage the Mage or Sage enough for a Bishop to heal them (instead of Sleeping Ike) but this didn't happen. I also moved my mounted units upwards to clear the way for Volke so Volke could nab the Energy Drop on Turn 6. Turn 3, I take Marcia to the west and I drop Ike two spaces to the right and one space down from Tauroneo. This allows all of Tauroneo's armors to attack him and allows Marcia to clear some of the Steel Lance armors. Everyone else still charges north. Ike has to dodge the Sleep staff and one of the Armors for this to work. Turn 4, Marcia kills the Bishop and Cantos north. Ike talks to Tauroneo and Cantos north. Tauroneo kills a Mage with his Silver Blade. The rest of the units charge north some more. Turn 5 I break down the door and Astrid kills the Sage (after some Cantoing and some other stuff) while Kieran and Oscar take care of all the armors and Bishops to the west. Tormod is still kicking some ass, and I equip Ike with a Beorcguard and Laguzslayer and park him in front of Ena (he only takes 8 damage from her on enemy phase and at this point he had 11 HP). On this enemy phase I have to have Ike Wrath crit Ena (he can survive one Ena Breath and one Short Spear on this turn thanks to the Laguzguard) and this brings her down to 13 HP. Turn 6, Marcia kills Ena with a Javelin (9x2 damage), Volke gets the Energy Drop and Ike seizes. I guess these shitty level ups are just gods way of saying "fuck you" :( Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 03.71+ 46 20 7 20 19 14 19 10 Marcia 10.41+ 41 23 9 23 25 15 14 20 Oscar 05.08+ 39 22 4 18 21 8 18 6 Jill 03.50+ 36 21 5 21 17 8 18 4 Tormod 02.72+ 31 5 20 19 18 15 12 16 Reyson 04.70+ 22 1 15 14 18 15 3 25 Muarim 09.25+ 45 23 4 17 18 11 15 8 Kieran 02.98+ 39 20 5 17 19 10 17 5 Boyd 02.41+ 47 21 1 14 19 8 10 9 Astrid 04.04+ 34 18 7 23 22 13 18 12 Volke 01.01+ 27 14 1 16 15 7 9 5 Mordecai 02.21+ 41 22 2 12 11 10 16 7 Lethe 03.38+ 34 18 4 14 15 15 14 10 Tauroneo 14.33+ 48 22 11 18 13 14 22 14 BEXP: 400/425 Chapter 22 Turncount: 2/115 Preparations: -- Energy Drop used on Jill -- BEXP Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 04.03+ 46 21 7 20 20 15 19 10 Jill 05.00+ 37 24 5 23 19 9 20 4 Kieran 03.00+ 40 21 5 18 20 10 18 5 Tormod 03.00+ 32 5 20 20 18 15 13 17 Astrid 06.00+ 36 19 8 23 24 14 19 13 Remaining: 9 Units deployed: Ike, Marcia, Oscar, Jill, Tormod, Reyson, Muarim, Kieran, Boyd, Astrid, Mordecai Simple as shit. Thank God for this chapter. Basically, I killed the two Fighters with Tormod and Marcia, then someone Rescued tormod (and someone else dropped him) so Mordecai and Muarim could shove the two Priests and Boyd could shove the Bishop to the left. This left an opening, so I sent Astrid in to kill whatever was there. On Turn 2, I killed the Warrior with Astrid, Boyd/Kieran tag teamed an Archer (Oscar missed once) and Ike killed the other Archer. This gave Jill and Marcia an opening to get the boss down to 5 HP. I then had Tormod Meteor the boss and the chapter ended. Tormod had a 2% chance of OHKOing the boss, 12% with Muarim Bond. I should've done that but oh well, I like 25% and all but 12% (on top of a hit rate that changes a lot, considering the Biorhythm made it anywhere between 60 something and 80-90 something) is pushing it. Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 04.18+ 46 21 7 20 20 15 19 10 Marcia 10.61+ 41 23 9 23 25 15 14 20 Oscar 05.15+ 39 22 4 18 21 8 18 6 Jill 05.14+ 37 24 5 23 19 9 20 4 Tormod 03.85+ 32 5 20 20 18 15 13 17 Reyson 04.90+ 22 1 15 14 18 15 3 25 Muarim 09.26+ 45 23 4 17 18 11 15 8 Kieran 03.18+ 40 21 5 18 20 10 18 5 Boyd 02.41+ 47 21 1 14 19 8 10 9 Astrid 07.18+ 37 19 8 23 25 15 19 13 Mordecai 02.22+ 41 22 2 12 11 10 16 7 BEXP: 720/729
  11. I did 6 turns (not my NM draft, fyi, it's a separate HM run) with Energy Drop, Thani, AND Wind Edge. It's strangely unreliable to try and get all 3, though, simply because of the Myrmidon and the fact that Nolan's biorhythm is a MASSIVE factor in trying to get a hit on the Myrmidon. The Myrmidon also doubles Nolan, so he may either need to proc Def, proc Str/Spd, or use the Dracoshield (preferably the latter).I can't recall my exact strategy, but on Turn 1 Leonardo shoves Micaiah so she can attack the Northern Fighter which Nolan proceeds to kill while Edward blocks the chokepoint. Laura needs to go one space below the ledge so she can later be rescued by Leonardo. On Turn 2, you want Leonardo and Laura blocking the chokepoint and Micaiah heading towards Edward. Edward needs to be unequipped and using a Herb (though there are circumstances where he doesn't need to do either because he gets 3HKO'd by the Soldiers sometimes, so he just needs to use an Herb every turn). Nolan wants to go west above the Soldier, equip the Hand Axe and use a Vulnerary. Turn 3, you want to position Sothe so that all enemies suicide into him on enemy phase (he needs Kard equipped unless you have a +2 Str transfer). This is where it gets a little fuzzy for me, but on Turn 4 Leonardo needs to start moving (count the Archer's range so that he doesn't get killed by him) whereas Nolan needs to pop a Vulnerary so the Myrmidon gets killed on Turn 4 EP. Sothe needs to kill the Soldier near the boss on Turn 5 and Leonardo needs to drop Laura, and then Turn 6 you can open the Energy Drop chest and then Leonardo shoves Laura so she can Arrive.
  12. Well of course when you battle save and reset you'll get different RNs. Because the seed will change if you press it at a different time. If you don't keep pressing it at the same time when you see the title screen you'll get different sets of RNs, but there is a chance that you'll end up with the same set of RNs because you're pressing it at the same time everytime on the title screen.At least this is how Pokemon works so I'm basing my hypothesis off that.
  13. I think this is because the RNG is seeded based upon the time in which you press start at the title screen.
  14. Staves aren't for healing utility. Rescuing Reyson or Ike's carrier has a bunch of benefits, especially since she can do it in 3 chapters and save a turn in each of them. It's not like Mist or Rhys are used in every single playthrough, either.
  15. I mainly finished his levels so I think it was a ~300 BEXP investment for being around L14-15 by the time Tormod joined. Soren has MASSIVE base AS, and he was very good at killing random things early on since he gained ~40-50 EXP every chapter. Tormod's main use in my run was to kill Shiharam (who had 1 HP left after a Killer Lance crit/double) and clear out a Wyvern in Jills way to arrive, which Callil can do and Soren can do provided Soren uses two Arms Scrolls for Fire tomes.
  16. I think quick applies to a 2-turn 50% clear. But thanks! (LTC is low turn count..?) Anyways, Chapter 20 Turncount: 2/107 Preparations -- Marcia/Kieran B, Tanith/Reyson C -- BEXP: Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Makalov 01.00+ 37 18 4 15 20 10 18 6 Soren 19.00 27 2 20 20 16 11 4 19 Tormod 18.00 27 3 18 14 13 14 8 13 Remaining: 85 Units deployed: Ike, Marcia, Oscar, Jill, Tormod, Makalov, Boyd, Reyson, Mordecai, Muarim, Kieran Boss kill relied on a Killer Lance critical (~64% chance of success because it was 40% x2) and Tormod connecting with a 75% Meteor hit to get rid of the 1 HP he had left. Straightforward chapter otherwise, it took a bunch of attempts but I basically had Mordecai/Muarim Shove and Smite Jill and then I had Jill and Marcia go east. Jill has a forged Hand Axe so she ends up doing enough damage to the Wyverns to kill most of them or get them out of the way. Either that, or they go and attack Ike and Makalov retrieve the Smite scroll. Tormod had to Meteor the Wyvern out of Jill's way, then I had to Canto Tormod so he could wipe out Shiharam. Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 02.64+ 45 20 7 19 19 14 18 10 Oscar 03.16+ 38 21 4 18 20 7 18 6 Boyd 02.14+ 47 21 1 14 19 8 10 9 Marcia 09.67+ 41 23 9 23 25 15 14 20 Mordecai 02.21+ 41 22 2 12 11 10 16 7 Kieran 02.07+ 39 20 5 17 19 10 17 5 Jill 01.91+ 36 20 4 20 17 8 18 4 Makalov 01.45+ 37 18 4 15 20 10 18 6 Tormod 18.95 27 3 18 14 13 14 8 13 Muarim 09.09+ 45 23 4 17 18 11 15 8 Reyson 04.10+ 22 1 15 14 18 15 3 25 BEXP: 400/485 Also... 6 turns for Chapter 21 is looking likely for me. :( EDIT: I figured out the 6-turn strategy and how to position Ike relative to Tauroneo (recruiting him helps A LOT) but it's a matter of getting the one Wrath crit I need on Ena. I also get an Energy Drop in those six turns.
  17. Then what of Soren's level lead? Soren has an enormous amount of chapters to get that much better than Tormod. In fact, in my efficiency run (back when my characters adhered to their averages, although to be fair Soren had the Mage Band which is why he capped Magic) Soren had such a massive level lead over tormod that he almost wasn't really worth using... the level lead is a great factor. As for the Mages > Myrmidons, I don't think it makes sense to begin with because the Myrmidons have average output in most things (they require more than average resources). Mages at least have better than average offensive output with just about average resources (Tormod may require a lot more than average, but he's not unlike Mia in that sense). They also have utility once they get towards the end of the game.
  18. ... then how are defining efficiency? I feel like the definition changes like every five seconds to suit someone's argument.
  19. A strategy that relies on one 50% factor or an overall 50% factor is not a bad strategy considering a bunch of strategies as is have a bunch of numbers and statistics that end up becoming a 50% chance anyway.
  20. In my efficiency run, Marcia has essentially taken over Titania's role as turn-saving goddess. I might've gotten a little blessed with her stats but the fact is that she's been overkilling bosses anyway.
  21. Chapter 19 Turncount: 3/108 Preparations: -- Skills: Ike has Wrath, Boyd and Makalov lose Tempest, Marcia gets Shade (so things get out of her way and onto my other units instead) -- Marcia/Tanith C, Tormod/Reyson C, Astrid/Makalov C -- +5 Mt +25 Hit Javelin for Marcia -- BEXP: Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Jill 01.00+ 36 20 4 20 17 8 18 4 Kieran 01.00+ 38 19 5 16 18 10 17 4 Makalov 19.00 34 15 2 12 18 9 15 3 Soren 17.96 26 2 18 20 15 11 3 17 Tormod 15.00 26 2 16 13 12 12 7 11 Remaining: 0 (I gave Kieran Lances so he'd deal with Myrmidons/Swordmasters better) I'll be getting the Knight Ring -- the BEXP for not killing the crows is nice. Deployed: Ike, Boyd, Marcia, Soren, Oscar, Jill, Tormod, Astrid, Makalov, Tanith, Reyson, Kieran, Janaff Easy chapter. Took two tries of trial&error but my 3-turn with Knight Band and Crows escaping worked out. Marcia had to move forward two spaces so Reyson could Chant her and she could take out an Archer at a Ballista. From there, she moved into position (full guard and everything) for Naesala to activate Vortex. This allows Janaff to talk to him on Turn 2, and he takes to Reyson during the EP of Turn 2 and then Marcia is FULLY capable of taking out the boss in one round. 97%, 20 dmg x2 with a Javelin. It's just a matter of the Crows not suiciding into someone (namely the one near the beginning of the map). The map can easily be 2 turned without the Crows. Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 02.10+ 45 20 7 19 19 14 18 10 Boyd 01.87+ 46 20 1 14 18 8 10 9 Marcia 09.51 41 23 9 23 25 15 14 20 Soren 18.47 26 2 19 20 15 11 3 18 Jill 01.26+ 36 20 4 20 17 8 18 4 Tormod 15.60 26 2 16 13 12 12 7 11 Astrid 02.64+ 34 17 7 23 21 12 17 12 Makalov 19.38 34 14 2 12 18 9 15 3 Tanith 10.01+ 32 16 10 18 24 18 15 13 Reyson 03.90+ 22 1 15 14 18 15 3 25 Oscar 02.37+ 37 20 4 18 19 7 17 6 Kieran 01.34+ 38 19 5 16 18 10 17 4 Janaff 08.08+ 39 13 5 15 17 16 11 10 BEXP: 540/540
  22. I'm inclined to agree with Soren > Tormod at this point, as well as Tormod > Myrmidons. I'm not sure why Elincia is so low, though. Training Mist can be a pain in the ass, so she makes a very good Rescue staff user for the endgame (you have 3 uses, she's flying, and she's quite easily shoved by Muarim or something to get out of the way). Especially since this risky but efficient 2-turn clear of the endgame was just brought to my attention. The problem at this point is how exactly to gauge her usefulness, who to put her above, and finally -- how do we address the fact that she exists in only 3 chapters?
  23. The Skill bonus does factor into crit... i'm like 90% sure. It just isn't a large factor, considering it's like a +6 or 7 at best. Oh, how rude of me to not answer your question -- yeah I'm doing Wrath/Resolve Ike. I think Elincia can use the Rescue staff though, she probably is the best candidate... if it's not too out of my way then it shouldn't be a big deal to have someone get it in C20. And even if Elincia doesn't have enough Magic to properly Rescue Reyson, I can just shove him around since he's so light. But that's thinking *way* ahead.
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