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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Douglas and Cecilia are Generals of Etruria and Narshen is a Wyvern General and their stats are pretty... low for a title like that.
  2. There are? We have Oscar, Marcia, Kieran, Boyd, Nephenee, Ike, Kia. Marcia, Oscar, and Nephenee can trade theirs around if one of them don't end up getting one, and I doubt you're actually using *all* of those units. Sparing Soren a forge somewhere (one we can pass onto Tormod eventually) isn't out of the question. Therefore, he isn't helping much. Good to know. He can get a kill from Shinon or Gatrie weakening something in C3. C5 is around 6 turns defend and he can easily take kills too without dragging the entire team back at all. If he's Level 3 or 4 coming in he gets a solid 2RKO on Steel Bow archers (3HKO), but you definitely need to combine for kills on the north/east sides because Titania is taking the massive enemy density in the south/west sides. More or less. If we're going stealth he can finish off the boss if Titania misses with a Hammer or something, but that's if you're going for 12 turns to get all the treasure and nobody does that.
  3. To be perfectly fair, it's hard to actually get Iron forges to break and there is one chapter where we can afford a tome forge. After the tome forge, there's steel and ranged weapons that you'd want to forge eventually. lol Wind gets like +2 Mt against Ravens and Elwind is +5 Mt against them (I'm not arguing against you).As for your question, Soren needs 19 Atk to ORKO everything and 14 exactly to take out Myrmidons that are weighed down. He also needs like 16+ AS to double everything and 12 AS to double almost half the map, something that is manageable but he definitely needs a forge to do it all with. You barely need to heal in this game as is, so neither will ever be using Physic. In fact, Elincia can use Physic the moment she comes in and she's probably better for that because you don't have to go through the hassle of using Heal like 20+ times between Chapters 18 and Endgame (29). Let me run through what exactly Soren is doing in the chapters he has over Tormod.Chapter 4: he cannot do anything here other than some minor chip. He's getting a fraction of a level here at best, considering it's an easy 2 turn to pull off (and he doesn't at all help with a 2 turn). Chapter 5: This is a level gaining map. He does nothing of note here other than doing some random chip damage here and there and taking some EXP. Level 2 coming out of this chapter is likely, probably 2.80 or 2.90. Chapter 6: Him and Boyd stand back and take out Soldiers and shit, they don't do anything special. It's worth noting that enemies have like 30-40% hit on base Soren here even if they 2HKO him. Generally Boyd does nothing to help but bait things away from Ike, Oscar, and Titania while they charge forward to the escape point, Soren contributes pretty much nothing. He is level 4 coming out of here. Chapter 7: He helps kill things, and he can ORKO random Archers with Adept, but that's just about it. Probably Level 5 coming out of here. Chapter 8: Brings out more chip damage and idk what level he'd be at from here on out. Chapter 9: He can't charge south effectively enough, so he takes the west and takes EXP from there. He can kill things Mia and everyone else weaken, but he doesn't contribute anything of noteworthy value to this chapter other than taking hits every once in a while for Mist to heal. Chapter 10: He doesn't help at all with stealth or with charging. He damages the boss and that's just about it. Chapter 11: He can't defend against the Vigilantes and he can't kill anything of note particularly well without someone else chipping (but he can chip). His offense and defense prevent him from being unequip bait from the Vigilantes. Chapter 12: He doesn't do enough to OHKO the Crows without Adept, and even with Adept it turns a 3HKO into a 2HKO. Elwind is basically 8 Mt against the birds, and a forged Wind tome is like 14 Mt, but you don't want to forge Winds; waste of money, I'd rather forge a thunder that helps much more with the long term. Besides, you're only up against like 3 crows at best, which any amount of units can gang up on and kill. Marcia takes on the boss and kills him quite easily. Combat is not completely necessary here, and if you really want effective damage you have the Laguzslayer. Chapter 13: You need to rout by Turn 7, and 3 or 4-turn routs are easy to do. He contributes not extraordinarily, but he's still just another attacking unit and I think he is able to ORKO a good number of units, but he only has player phase to do so. He is definitely useful here in combat, though, I will give you that, and you need all the combat you can get. Chapter 14: I can't think of anything he can do in this chapter that would contribute to a low turn clear. Chapter 15: You can't kill anything here anyway, and Soren does virtually nothing to not help you kill (ie, beat the chapter ASAP so too many laguz don't get up on your ass, since you gotta send Volke and Sothe pretty far and you don't want them getting killed). His earlygame and early-midgame utility is nothing of note. I've already compared their lategames effectively enough, and Tormod is not crucial but extremely helpful in the things that he can do much more effectively than Callil simply because of his 8 move. He makes great use of the Spirit Dusts simply because of that. (I was making Soren > Tormod arguments earlier, but I didn't realize just how much Celerity would help with later chapters -- it helps that I was pre-chapter 19 when I was making the arguments against Tormod).
  4. Son, I've tried one draft tournament and didn't like it, not because I wasn't losing but because who plays FE that much? o_O I don't like being restricted to only a few units, even if low turns are possible, simply because it's just a burnout at times to do one efficiency run.
  5. I actually don't think Restore is all that necessary in many chapters -- at best C21, but a transformed Muarim can easily take a Sleep shot and then something else can kill the Bishop anyway. Tormod's actually useful in this chapter because he can reach the mages *really* easily in C21, and he can do enough damage to *not* kill them. This is beneficial because when you're dropping Ike, you don't want him getting to Sleep; even with a pure water Ike dodging sleep is iffy. The Bishop is retarded enough to give precedence to the Sages with a Physic staff than to Sleep Ike (or for that matter, Jill if she's also down there, but Marcia's a better choice because she can very easily dodge enemies and she has the resistance to go against the far more accurate Mages).As for Physic, you've got me there. I don't think Healing is all that necessary in this game, though, because of how easily your units can survive (and biorhythm for hit rates is easily manipulated because enemy stats/your biorhythm change every time you restart the game even if you saved at preparations, unlike FE10). idk Stefan doesn't have all that much utility even if he requires no resources and it seems like one of those things thats "hard to judge" because of the fact that one has high move utility (not quite mounted) and the other doesn't. Nephenee does do things (well not in C15, but that's where Thieves/Marcia/Jill truly shine anyway) when she's around, but they're often times shared with others and what she contributes pre-16 isn't as important as what Tormod contributes post-16. Actually, they are pretty far ahead. If you think about it, a standard rush strategy consists of them going far enough on Turn 1 that Reyson can Vigor them at the tip of his range (after being shoved around a decent bit), then Marcia/Jill going on for many turns. With 9 move, you get essentially 6 less spaces to traverse in a standard 3 turn strategy -- not counting the amount of shoving Reyson and Marill (I'm tired of typing Marcia/Jill, so I'll just talk about Pokemon) can take as well. This is also movement not hampered by terrain, which mounted units don't necessary have access to.Reyson himself has to wait until Turn 2 to be able to do do anything, and sometimes Turn 5 because there's only 4 uses of a Laguz Stone you could rationally get. The difference is the movement and their likeliness to see combat, as well as the situation in later chapters and just how different they are in nature to the earlier chapters. You compared them quite simply as healers, whereas I've compared them as foot units on top of siege units. Tormod is receiving more combat and can heal much more because units need to go far less out of their way to get to Tormod if he wishes to heal them -- not like Healing is very necessary anyway. Tormod's also not made of glass like Soren and can take more hits before going down, though Str/AS isn't a very large point to warrant it as an argument. I don't think Soren is doubling much more than Tormod is, at any rate, although you can afford to forge one or two forged Thunder tomes -- it just happens that if you reduce weight, it gets really expensive really fast. I was actually making a joke, but I guarantee you I have seen many more LTC/Efficiency runs that do a good job of showing just how much utility Marcia and mounted units have. Oddly enough, very very few of them had Jill because she wasn't recruited. Ulki's flier utility is much different to Marcia and Jill's, because he barely saves turns with it, has the laguz gauge to worry about, and he can't rescue drop nearly as easily as those two because of his lack of Canto; it slows things down as a result. Tormod does have no Canto going against him too, but Ulki is a very very poor replacement for fliers as is. He also can't have Full Guard and Demi Band at once.ie don't be a smartass. You know why that happened right? Because I made some positioning errors with my non-rushing units that were in the back and they kept dying. It just so happened I was sick of enacting that complicated shoving chain every single time I had to restart; I'm having the same exact problem with C26, because someone keeps dying due to some random positioning error because I'm too aggressive with the units that aren't as important (or Ike is 8 spaces away from the seize point smh).I might have had to proc some things, but I had backup just in case said proc didn't work, and I stated what I'd do and how I'd change it in the case that it didn't. I even suggested an alternate, less complicated and bitchtastic way in which I could finish C21 without having to proc a Wrath crit later on even if I didn't do it myself, and that was with the resources handed to me. The Killer Lance crit against Muarim was the only critical I had ever proc'd, because I didn't manage to get ahold of the laguz lance from the previous chapter and the Killer Lance crit itself had a 64% chance of occurring which is a very good chance, especially for a simple 2 turn. And of course I'm not getting super-low turncounts. You think the fliers are any less important when I am doing a super-low turncount run? If anything, mounted and flying units become *even more* important if we're going for lower turncounts.
  6. Neither help particularly much in the big mounted charges, if at all, but Tormod is much more likely to see action than Nephenee (hate repeating this point, if only because it bothers me, since I'm aware that you understand it and all, sorry if it ends up being annoying). He also has siege tomes and Reyson support to boost his ability to use siege tomes -- this actually allows him to more easily take out bosses that have a little bit of HP left or need one more push to get someone else to kill them. It may be situational but it's something that he can at least help with when the mounted units are dominating; Nephenee doesn't have access to that privilege nor can she use a staff when needed (if ever, I don't think staffs outside of endgame rescue staffs are useful). Boots can save you 2 turns on Chapter 16 and 3 on Chapter 17. In Chapter 17, Marcia needs to be able to take out all of the guys at the end (give her an Energy Drop and the Spear that the boss dropped in C16 and she's fine, the Halberdier also needs a certain amount of defense but that is pretty much the only variable) and she reaches them very easily with Boots. In part 2, if she's in the right position she needs a couple shoves to reach the Arrive point. Part 3 is just a "fuck around till the time runs out" map, and in part 4 the right shove chain with Lethe/Mordecai/Muarim/promoted Brom (lol, 3 levels of BEXP/scratch CEXP + Master Seal is good for him) gets her an easy 1 turn especially because Nosferatu will do shit all for damage. mmk, fair enough, it's a weird point to make and gauge especially since recruitment's not a factor in quality so sorry for that. Boots!Reyson isn't necessarily more helpful because of his durability issues. He still needs to survive enemy phase, and that's kind of a big if. His movement goes up to 10 when transformed but... he can't Canto without the Knight Band and if he's even utilizing the Knight Band he's pretty much going the same distance he'd go if he had 8 movement instead so why bother giving him Boots at all? He'll still outrace most of your units in that case so he's pretty much not making full use of boots, and transporting him is not an issue at alll. Boyd's resource taking is relatively small but his output is not all that large. Once again, it's the fact that he's around since C1 that he's so high on the list, otherwise he'd be "just another fighter" because his durability issues persist and are only salvaged by massive HP and WTA against Lances. Swords don't have many benefits in relation to axes, but Boyd still can't consistently ORKO with a Hand Axe towards the second half of the game (so late-midgame and the entirely of the lategame) because of the fact that mounted units essentially begin to truly overtake everyone, with *them* gaining axes too. Yeah he gets exactly 2RKOs with a Sonic Sword, but it surprisingly has enough uses for C25. I also had to use that one because of bad resource allocation so I don't actually consider my results all that accurate for C25, but I was surprised by the fact that 9 Mag + Sonic Sword 3HKO'd the boss, but the point is that ballisticians can go fuck themselves for making me do such a weird chain. Boyd didn't have enough durability to stay alive, the Swordmaster and Sage would eat him alive assuming he managed to somehow dodge all of the Halberdiers and the boss (I didn't have a Physic user either). Durability comes into question here too, though, and Steel Swords can easily be forged early on. Not like we're forging much with 1-range weapons anyway, since we don't get 1-2 range weapon forges till after Ike's promotion.I do remember Boyd taking out some reinforcements and Wyverns in the early portion of the stage, though, so I'll give you that. Ike could also do it if he wanted to, though, because only one of the Wyverns has a Javelin and Boyd doesn't do much damage to that one anyway (so I doubt Ike would be much of an improvement). Ike has his durability advantage going for him, not that he'll always be dropped last turn. Boyd's supports don't even assist in his durability, whereas Ike gets easy As with Oscar and a nice B with Titania... Boyd can get an A with Titania and a B with like Mist and that gives him +3 Def but zero evade.. Ike gets +1 Def and +40 evade. Ike requires less resources to keep alive, essentially. I'd say both units are hard to compare to one another at this point, because it's basically unmounted durability vs unmounted offense :|
  7. He says he S-ranked like 4 times but I'm surprised that despite all that he doesn't know how little sense an S-rank tier list is.

  8. ...advantage of the 328 turns.

    characters remaining: 1 my ass

  9. Harken > Raven is pushing it, especially in an S-rank tier list. I think healers are pretty overrated too (at least in FE7 and FE9/10, in FE5/6/8 you definitely need a healer), but that's just me. Seeing Heath that high is jarring too, and it's just a jarring tier list for S-rank. I don't even think you can tier S-rank HHM, it's about shuffling units and taking full advan...

  10. I'm KazumaTSB on gfaqs btw, i think i've screwed over the rest of my sanity debating over there again

  11. C26 has a surprisingly low density. Not high enough for Tormod to get 3HKO'd easily, and Nephenee deals with problems against the Sage with Bolganone (who is *really* fucking accurate) and the Meteor Sage, on top of WTD against the Warriors in the start. They're all fairly accurate (except the dudes with the Steel and Killer Axes), too. This disadvantages both units obviously, but the main difference is a 3HKO from a 4HKO. But that's pretty much a boss rush that consists of Marcia, Kieran, Oscar, and unit #4 rushing far ahead and dropping Ike by Turn 2 so he can Seize on Turn 3. Marcia most likely has boots. Not that Tanith is irrelevant, Tanith just isn't able to replace them as easily because one of them is quite easily getting boots (Marcia seems to double things a lot better than Jill) and the Boots come in handy for Chapters 16 and 17. Not always. You actually need to take like 3 extra turns to get Marcia and like 4-5 extra turns to get Jill. In fact, Marcia with a forged Iron can beat the chapter where you can recruit Jill (I'm bad with some of the numbers) in 2 turns if she wants. I'm not using this as a factor against either of them, merely presenting the possibility that sometimes they *won't* be sharing recruitment time. Marcia cannot be replicated. Marcia beats Jill in level for a while because she is most likely at a higher level when Jill joins and there isn't enough BEXP to catch Jill up. Marcia absolutely dominates for a bunch of chapters, essentially taking over Titania's role, and with Boots it becomes even more apparent. With Boots they beat Titania on a *bunch* of maps, by enough to make up for not existing in C1-7. Of course, they're not better, they just don't deserve to be one tier apart. You can beat the final chapter with Ena, but I'm stating a reason why he should be leveled so high and ended up with great offense, otherwise the final chapter becomes a bitch. It is a forced storyline thing but Ike is not always necessary to do it, which is what makes it different to him Seizing; Ike is just the most efficient way around it, and I was stating that as more of a reason as to why he'd be getting a bunch of BEXP over a unit such as Boyd. Ike can be rescue dropped on Turn 1 and I think he'd rather go for Ike with a Sonic Sword than Marcia with a Spear. Then again, Marcia had Shade, so v_v (I just completed the chapter and Ike/Marcia have about the same offensive parameters..) Level 13 is a little bit ridiculous though, we want to save enough BEXP for Marcia.I find that with most low turn counts, reinforcements either don't arrive early on or in the right place for Boyd to take them out. I'm judging this off my (random) playthrough, though, so I apologize if I sound elitist, but other units were more useful to keeping low turn counts intact AND doing those things. The mounts can ferry them if needed, but the other thing is that there aren't enough treasures worth getting that Boyd would be useful in doing that, and whatever treasures are worth getting are far out of Boyd's movement reach within a reasonably small turn count. Anyone who's not mounted in this game simply isn't that good (Tormod isn't either despite having 8 move), this even includes Ike. It's easy to cap off Ike's level because he doesn't even compete for deployment; Boyd actually competes heavily for deployment. I know when I was playing there were times where I needed certain units but didn't have enough slots... of course I always used Boyd, but most of his EXP was BEXP. I forgot about Nephenee's innate Wrath LOL I'm sorry. Boyd's available for at least 10 more chapters, Nephenee's available for like 5-6 maps. That's the key difference.
  12. you're fun to debate with. Keep it up.

  13. Erm, I'm fully aware it's not about winning or losing, but if you're going to make a statement like that you may as well show a relevant stance. 1 move isn't as significant as 2 move. C26 is a rush towards the boss too, it's a Seize map. You may be thinking of C25, but the enemy density in later maps isn't huge that we need one person to go into a group of enemies and take them all out, especially since we have 17 deployment slots to get enemies away from Marcia/Jill ferrying Ike to the boss. I'm saying Spear/Short Spear are in small supply, Javelin forge isn't a big deal I'd agree and it lasts around 2-3 chapters if she's doing as much as you'd think so I'll give you that one. Chapter 24 isn't a map that showcases anyone's quality but the fliers, as I'd like to point out. A 3 turn of the map is extremely simple (and a 4 turn is even simpler), and there aren't enough enemies that are able to gang up on Tormod and 3HKO him because the enemy density towards the beginning (you probably won't be going very far from the beginning, at best you'll be crossing the bridges and going into the northern village/killing the western archer operating the ballista). But *my* point is that full move or not, enemy density isn't large enough at that point to pull off that 3HKO or what have you, especially since Mounts are still likely to cover ground before him. But this still leaves Tormod with a higher chance of actually finding some combat compared to Nephenee, which is the main point.In the end we're tiering a pretty easy game anyway, so it's hard not to exaggerate certain things. Marcia and Jill have significant combat over Tanith, which comes in handy for rush maps. The other point in their favor is that one of them is likely not to be recruited going for low turn counts; not that it's a point against them, but it is a point to be made nonetheless therefore it is extremely likely that *none* of them will be sharing. In fact, the one that gets the Boots will have the more significant advantage, and it's hard to say which one will get the boots exactly -- not that I'm necessarily arguing them above Titania, but the boots help extremely with low turns in the middle maps and 11 move flying is better than 9 move mounted. Especially once the Full Guard comes into play. I'm just saying also that Titania shouldn't be on a tier all in her own. Because enemy density is greater in the earlier maps, notably in that one defend map (I forget the chapter#, but it's before Greil dies) and in C7. It's not as big a deal when you have a million powerful mounted units able to cover your ass easier; in this case, you have to clear the map quickly while dealing with your most powerful unit on the other side of the map. I'd say 2 defense is pretty good but I'm going to be fair in that 10/0 Ike is really high for the point of the game in which I'm talking about o.o Ike actually finishes the final chapter pretty early, which is significant. If you pour those resources into him, he can do that. Sonic Sword Ike may not seem like much, but it actually 3HKOs the boss of C25 very handily (and he doesn't have the durability issues Tanith comes with) especially because Resolve is a complete bitch.I'm also referring to when he's dropped. When he's on the field, since he'll be getting a lot of BEXP due to being almost necessary to beating Ashnard (unless you want to deal with Ena sluggishly getting to the boss and taking away Wrath/Resolve for herself, but that's slower and not as good as Ike) so he'll naturally be getting a lot of the surplus BEXP in this game anyway. Boyd is not going to be 13/0 going into Chapter 9. Oh hell no. Boyd's not even going to have a high level going into the later chapters -- this prevents doubling and ORKOing too, and this is all because of his 7 move. So put her above Ike v_v Ike doesn't use Vantage very well, I agree, but Wrath is extremely useful if you want a solid 3-turn of the final chapter. It's still iffy for her because she's not mounted or getting ferried to faraway places all the time. No, move is pretty important. I'm not alone in saying that a high movement unit with good stats (basically every single mounted unit in this game) is better than an average movement unit with better stats. Boyd's offensive parameters are superior to Oscar, Kieran, Marcia, Jill, and at some point Titania, but they all beat him due to move. The only reason he's even over many of the units in high tier is availability.
  14. Are you proving Stefan > Tormod or are you just saying that Stefan's durability is not *that* bad? Because the latter has already been covered with a loss from me (albeit I didn't outright say it).
  15. I don't see how Nephenee's even getting an enemy phase if the mounts are rushing ahead and killing everything they see. If anything, Tormod's more likely to see kills and combat (and trust me, he won't be getting hit more than once or twice on enemy phase because you underestimate just how powerful the mounts and fliers can be with proper resource allocations) than Nephenee, on top of having a 2-range weapon that does respectable damage AND has good durability, unlike Nephenee's (Javelins are either not powerful enough or you'd rather give the forges to someone like Jill or Marcia, whereas Spears and Short Spears are in short supply anyway; Tormod has no such competition and can gradually move up the magic ladder). Trust me, 8 move on a magic user is quite a boon, especially because there are instances where you can position your magic user in the back and they can still reach your mounts if they truly need to, and they can do it a lot better than your foot units. Judging by my efficiency playthrough, Titania did all the work in the first thirds, and Marcia did pretty much everything in the next 50% of the game, and Marcia/Jill are now tagteaming for the final sixth... so the tier list, if we're going by efficiency, could definitely use a bit of revamping to reflect something like that. I doubt Titania deserves to be an entire tier above Marcia and Jill; in fact, I don't even think Oscar/Kieran should be in the same tier as those two. Ike also deserves to be higher than Boyd. As strange as that sounds, hear me out; Ike with an angelic Robe is way more durable than Boyd and has almost the same offense early on. That's not it, though. As you progress, Ike becomes a bit more necessary for whatever reason and he's deployed constantly, he's moving constantly and etc, he'll be ferried a lot and he'll be carried to where he needs to go -- he receives a *shitton* of combat as a result. An absolute shitton. He leaves Boyd in the dust, essentially, giving him an eternal level advantage for a while, even despite Ike's "late" promotion. Boyd's 2-range can't even ORKO unless you give him a ton of resources that he shouldn't need to use anyway. It's still a good chance to kill, to be fair, but the problem is that Nephenee's durability sometimes doesn't let her get there in time to utilize that. She does stand a 75% chance of ORKOing any enemy she fights because of Wrath, though, but that's more of a boss killing tactic that Ike actually takes away from her once you get the C18 Wrath scroll. Not that it bumps her down that Ike does it better, but she's just too durable to properly utilize it when she's built up to par and she won't see enough combat due to having 7 move to make full use of it.I wouldn't be making these points now if I didn't realize just how fucking ridiculous mount (especially flying) and high move in general was in this game. Holy Christ.
  16. [12:24:12] <Mercenary_Raven> so playing my efficiency run [12:24:13] <Mercenary_Raven> i have decied [12:24:16] <Mercenary_Raven> decided [12:24:19] <Mercenary_Raven> ther eneeds to be 3 tiers in fe9 [12:24:21] <Mercenary_Raven> flier tier [12:24:29] <Mercenary_Raven> not flier but has good offense for a time tier [12:24:35] <Mercenary_Raven> and then why the fuck would you use these faggots tier [12:25:59] <Mercenary_Raven> oh mounted tier as well That is my honest opinion on how this list should be revamped LOL, I literally see no use for most of the list. In fact, I do believe Tormod should be bumped up to High (or at least above Nephenee) simply because of his movement advantage.
  17. the arenas Anyways, boosting Sophia's bases to at least make up for it would be fantastic, yeah.
  18. Jill's not doing any better in the durability department right now She also keeps getting hit. Marcia is still crucial to rescue dropping Ike so nyah. Chapter 25 Turncount: 6/129 Preparations: -- Marcia gets Savior -- BEXP Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 09.00+ 50 24 9 22 24 17 20 12 Jill 09.00+ 40 27 6 24 21 9 22 5 Tormod 07.00+ 35 6 22 21 20 15 13 19 Boyd 04.00+ 48 23 1 16 29 8 10 10 Astrid 10.00+ 39 20 8 24 27 17 20 13 Makalov 03.00+ 38 20 4 16 21 12 19 7 Remaining: 60 Honestly, I fucking hate rout maps. I know I can shave a turn or two off, but I didn't care enough to do so. Also, Sonic Sword with 9 Mag is surprisingly effective against the boss. It was basically a Marcia/Ike/Jill rush anyway, and Tormod helped out here and there. Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 11.70+ 52 25 9 24 26 17 21 14 Marcia 13.79+ 42 23 10 25 26 17 14 20 Oscar 06.55+ 40 23 4 18 21 8 18 7 Jill 11.35+ 42 27 7 25 23 9 22 6 Tormod 08.20+ 36 6 23 22 20 15 13 19 Reyson 06.01+ 24 2 11 12 16 18 2 22 Kieran 04.58+ 40 22 5 19 21 10 19 6 Boyd 04.50+ 48 23 1 16 19 8 10 10 Soren 02.58+ 32 4 21 23 20 11 6 23 Muarim 09.26+ 45 23 4 17 18 11 15 8 Makalov 03.75+ 38 20 4 16 21 12 19 7 Astrid 10.61+ 39 20 8 24 27 17 20 13 BEXP: 300/360
  19. Fuck Chapter 25. I can't think of any other chapter that deserves "least favorite"... If it's not a slew of 30% attacks hitting Marcia constantly (she has full guard) it's a random 5% critical.
  20. Actually it's not really a waste of BEXP, you only need to give him EXP in increments of 1 for levels after 10. He only requires 100 BEXP/level essentially.
  21. A beautiful mix of all of them is what a good game makes. I can't just pin down one thing, because all of those things have to produce some kind of synergy together in order to make a fantastic video game.
  22. i thought this was about me
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