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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Oh, so it did get finished. I completely missed the conclusion, sorry XDI apologize for the trolling, have a nice day.
  2. Probably. Still. O...kay? I'm comparing that their Strength difference is about as negligible as, say, their Defense difference.C5, C6, C6x, C7, can level up during C8 as well? Five levels in five chapters for slow EXP gain and already few enemies is definitely not probable.
  3. That's not my point. My point was to refute the fact that Sedgar is a good tier higher than Wolf... apparently their strength difference is "negligible" whereas their defense difference is not.
  4. Marth makes five kills. He gets a level up.Sedgar gets five kills. He gets 65 EXP. Pretty big difference. He's getting five levels in two chapters? That's nuts.
  5. Is it really? I really don't think that's right. Especially since he is only getting 13 EXP per level STARTING OUT, and this lowers pretty well.
  6. Which is Level... 4 or 5 on average? So you're telling me he doesn't need strength anymore once he hits the 11 mark as a hero? <_<
  7. You have to admit, Wolf is pretty cool looking. And Wolf is a cool name too.
  8. Doesn't he take 2 damage from each Pirate? I'm pretty sure it's not a tink..
  9. Stuff doesn't die in the Arena. They come back with 1 HP left. It's FE4, remember?
  10. Don't use Marth on wifi. At all. He doesn't have shit for range, and 25 is rather low considering there are enemies with capped speed at like 30... and, I emphasize again, his lack of a ranged attack.
  11. I was referring to save state -> go into arena (which wastes like two RNs, maybe a bit more) -> see what happens -> save state again if you're not satisfied.
  12. It's less about "carefulness" and more about their damage output per turn + the amount of action they receive on enemy phase.
  13. You got 2, and this has a 5% chance of happening -_-
  14. Oh yeah, Vykan, I've moved Callil above Ilyana.
  15. Specify where you want Jagen and argue. If you can't, then don't say anything.
  16. Resolve doesn't boost Strength in NOA RD though, unless they fixed this in later versions. In which case, it's just a speed boost that's useful, and possibly skill. No Strength. So for those already doubling? Don't need it. For those that aren't? Yeah, I'd recommend it. The point I brought up was that he adds to the team by bringing Nihil, I never said anywhere he'd be using it.
  17. I definitely would argue the contrary. Sanaki has overall shitty AS (her personal tome will weigh her down to like 20 AS which is enough to get doubled because you've got like 24-25 AS on enemies later), and the only thing that saves her is Resolve. She can easily beat the competition for it (you get two Resolves), but she's still very frail to have to rely on it. And the speed boost from Resolve is also needed by many others anyway because of the difficulty of doubling past Part IV, generally (you've got chars that aren't Ike or Trueblades with like 26-27 average AS too) so the extra Resolve boost helps a lot. Nasir's valuable in the final chapter, because he lets some people double that can't initially double. Sanaki slows you down and takes away a Resolve. And finally, Nasir comes with a Nihil, not only to prevent 's Corona but 's counter damage. ... holy SHIT, I forgot Pelleas got a B in staves! >_>
  18. It has everything to do with weapon rank. Did you not pay attention to any part of my previous post, or the WTA portion of the page Tino linked? EDIT: levin made a ninja edit.. hurr
  19. Except it does +1 damage if you're winning WTA at an A rank, no matter what the weapon. Weapon triangle bonus: * +1 if weapon is good against enemy's weapon (weapon rank is A) * -1 if weapon is bad against enemy's weapon (enemy's weapon rank is A)
  20. Pirates always have A axes don't they?
  21. I promoted everyone near 3-9 with only five people being used, and Callil got special treatment (I still beat the chapter in like 15 turns with a Callil quasi-solo). It's some exaggeration. "sup guys I won't counter this in the dark mages thread" :) It's a tier thread right? I probably should've, but it's a given anyway. I'm not saying he's doubling things? >_> Of course that also means that he'll be on the good side of 60 more times than not. O...k? I'm saying Pelleas hits better than Tauroneo somewhere...? The only thing I have to counter this point is that Swordmasters/Snipers definitely fuck him (and Elincia) over. He can take Warriors pretty well (they should have at the very best 40-50% displayed hit against you, and there's loads of terrain nearby too lowering it pretty drastically), and paladins shouldn't be TOO bad. Pelleas can start doing this from 4-2, though. Right at the beginning. Oliver and Bastian can only technically do this for one less chapter, and even then Pelleas still gets a boost to his stats meaning healing isn't the only thing he can do better now..
  22. Well if the case is that God name = name there's also the fact that they could've just changed their name in accordance to the God. :|
  23. There are only six, but look at the facts. You can only afford to use about five of the Greil Mercenaries + guys that arrive with the Mercenaries without EXP being spread too wide.Think a bit further, as well. You're using very few from the Dawn Brigade itself due to lack of EXP. And finally, Mist's promotion with the Holy Crown, not Master Crown. I don't think it's particularly likely either (it's still somewhat likely), but I'm not arguing him to be damn awesome either; just merely average. This doesn't take much away from the versatility of an Elthunder tome, considering how he's only competing with Wyrmslayers and Dragonfoe, in which case you probably don't have THAT many Wyrmslayers left (or that many in general) and Dragonfoe is quite situational (only like five dragons in C4-5). Dragonfoe also applies to Endgame-3, but then again Pelleas isn't competing for Wyrmslayers or Dragonfoes to do his job; he's only competing for the money to use Elthunder. And you can easily afford it, too, unless you splurge all your money on excess items. It makes him average at best. Wow and which ones is he beating? None! Which ones did I say he was beating? None! Cool story, his hit rate is still decent. Cool story, I thought we'd assume neutral biorhythm for most things? Everyone can get pretty fucked by Biorhythm at any rate, so this isn't just a disadvantage for him. Some less than others, but I'm sure Pelleas doesn't have it the worst.
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