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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. this won't get old. that is, when done sparingly.
  2. My parents avoid the city at all costs. The rest of the county sucks too, although not nearly as much as the city.
  3. I swear, it's the smell that makes them do that!
  4. I guess that makes sense. EDIT: ssh there is no pact. SSH
  5. Well no one in my family's dead yet after 20 years so...
  6. I'm not sure how all of you missed this fact... it's not even funny, considering about five years ago we all [the fandom] had the thought that Nino was a demi-God and Marcus ate shit.
  7. I guess the advice I received only really applied to highways, because 30 zones are typically the places where you barely want to go above 30 anyway.I dunno, I tend to go along with traffic when there's people around me but I go within 5 mph of the limit by myself just to be safe, but my driving teacher's said 9 is okay. I think some other advice is that there's no such thing as overuse of your turn signal. At the same time, you don't want to use it too early to mislead the people behind you, though, depending on the situation (like if you're signaling to turn right, but you want to take the third right from the point in which you started signaling from, as opposed to keeping a right turn signal throughout the highway).
  8. i just leave msn on and lock a lot though i may sometimes talk
  9. hey dondon

    god hates you

  10. fappin edit; i've been on msn though
  11. You can still have Mist promoted easily by 4-1, and she doesn't need to compete for the item either. Rhys probably will need competition for the master crown. they're both pretty easy to kill early on... I think Mist moreso.
  12. oh wait that's musashi hihihihihihihihihihihi
  13. I'm glad I missed the drama. I've been on chat for months now but I don't think I've really talked in forever.
  14. At most? I think some cops don't mind if you go 9 over the limit. At least, one of my driving instructors told me that. Isn't listening to the radio illegal until you get your full license anyway? At least, in MD?
  15. Lord Raven


    yeah I'm back. what have I missed? I remember leaving around the time... Fox was promoted. and after the massive downtimes.
  16. Popping in real quick to comment: I love how my SUPER TOP tier idea thing stuck. : D wtf are you talking aboutbows suck his ending averages are pretty average for how much work? a lot. then you deal with the fact that lucia's and bastian's starting stats are actually kinda usable IIRC. that's how that works out. EDIT: I may come around more often. :3
  17. 3-13? Lol I had Zihark and Volug with Resolve/Beastfoe solo the chapter. Tauroneo and Sothe took care of the west and east chokepoints and the allied units were all congregated above the ledge. It was really fun considering the 25% hit rates enemies had on me all the time. EarthxEarth support is rape, Paragon on Zihark also helped since he was like ?/19 at the end of the chapter. Sothe was like ?/11, Tauro was at like Level 15 and Micaiah at Level 9 or 10, Laura at Level 3 or 4 promotedish. I benched everyone else because they were useless to me.
  18. Except Geese is probably like somewhere in the lower half of the mid tiers at the very best.
  19. Rutger is definitely not getting A Dieck B Clarine. He's getting A Clarine B Dieck. Seriously, you can't make Clarine move THAT much and his support with Dieck is slow as shit.
  20. Titania's probably using Silver Axes by that point. Oscar needs to progress like 4 weapon levels before he can.
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