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Lord Raven

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  1. Lord Raven


    No.http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-01Phys...tures/index.htm helped me understand conceptual physics a lot better than my teacher has. Having that said, he uses calculus. Furthermore, if you can understand conceptual physics, you've basically gotten the math down (if you apply one to the other).
  2. well to be fair he was talking about smouch.net and not the ones on youtube..
  3. You can use the Master Crown immediately as he comes in for the Staffs. That instantly makes him better than most fighters, even if you can dispute the usefulness. The fact that you can use the Wyrmslayers and shit for those enemies is irrelevant; the fact of the matter is that he can still do it from base level, and I do believe that something like Elthunder is cheaper than a Wyrmslayer, and less fought over for than Beastfoe (which doesn't even affect Dragons btw). Where did I say it was reliable? I said it wasn't bad, I didn't comment on its reliability. The fact is that he can roughly dodge shots in terrain, which there is a bunch of in this very chapter. And so? Warriors are bound to have something like 30-40% hit on him, so they don't hit him very often either. It translates to close to around 70-80% real, which is still pretty decent. Once again, I didn't even say it was reliable; I said it was decent.Also, coming into Tibarn's maps without requiring a slot = win, especially since he's forced on you in 4-2. Low in level hurts his case, but only slightly considering he comes at least L10 anyway so he can use a Master Crown.
  4. In Normal mode he isn't "terrible" by any means... he doesn't get doubled and can evade swordmasters (in the forest) who have like 45% displayed hit on him. Everything else will be even lower. And his hit back is 60-70%, which isn't too bad by any means. Not entirely reliable, but not bad.In Hard Swordmasters are the only things doubling him, but he can do ~15-20 damage considering he has at least 30 base attack of his own, which isn't bad. It's nice chip damage, about 33%. And there's also Thunder magic for the Wyverns that exist in that chapter, even if they are few and far between; hell Thunder magic for the Dragons too who take little damage from chars not named Tibarn otherwise. He doesn't OHKO, but the damage he does is plenty. Compare it to like Ilyana, Tormod... etc. Everyone not named Callil or Soren (well, debatably Soren) and you've definitely got a winner. He can probably make use of a Master Crown right away (if not then give or take a couple levels) and pretty much beat out/become equal to Bastian. He isn't too bad, really. Salem of FE5 is actually decent if you give him Wind. That's more or less it though, considering how Dark Magic weighs you down significantly. Finally Canas sucks.
  5. Pelleas isn't TOO bad for what he is.
  6. Yeah it's too bad it requires you position your armors just right and they all have four move. You don't want three four move units with overall shitty stats on your team that you could easily grant to someone like... I dunno... a healer, Lugh, Rutger, Deak, Alan/Lance, Marcus, etc?
  7. Caesar and/or Cord work as decent Dark Mages, but you don't even need them in this game so it's kind of a useless class. I guess you can double up promoted people on path 2 as healing Sorcerers (Lorenz) but that's more or less it.
  8. She gets doubled by the Cats, and they essentially two round her at most. The Tigers do shitloads of damage to everybody, but they can't double... Meg has low HP too. >_>
  9. I can probably recall like 50-60 accuracy early on, and that number probably doesn't change much, actually..
  10. I managed to get S Axes by the time I got use out of Armads Just keep using Steel Axes. It has come to my knowledge that using Steel Axes or not is irrelevant. However, his skill is decent enough as his, he'll probably get decent enough hit from Clarine/Rutger, and Steel Axe is a nice boost to his Attack.
  11. okay, nevermind

    hi Iulius Caesar

  12. actually, I just realized how embarrassing this would be if this actually wasn't who I thought

  13. Gonzo's accuracy is fixed by the abundance of Lance users later on as well as the fact that he only ever needs an Iron Axe to kill things anyway... if not, well he can use Steel Axes and Hand Axes with no penalty (other than accuracy lol) whereas Geese suffers AS loss. His HM boosts are fine too, he doubles a lot with them. Just as long as you go Echidna's route.
  14. The only playable Brigand in FE history, period. Why do you need to add "good" there I don't know.
  15. Yeah, it definitely goes to Karla... Lucia at least had Earth support in both games (and the syndrome that all FE9 chars have where they don't really blow THAT much, as well as FE10 where only really Tormod is unusable).
  16. To be fair in FE3 Hammerne couldn't repair Staffs. So if they decide to revive FE3 mechanics of items then they probably might not let you..
  17. Oh, come on. There's no harm in a little fun, is there? It only heals 20 HP or something too, which is kinda useless considering you have +5 in both defenses now... Wasn't it Traces in Japanese :?Still, Traces of the Blue Flame was definitely cooler than Path of Radiance.
  18. Don't sound too proud of yourself. You really can't win a discussion that nobody cared about in the first place, especially since this seems to be a topic for you to show off your Japanese skills rather than something to win.
  19. Yeah, forgot about the ENM bit.
  20. Earlier promotion and huge crit too... Matthew support is really awesome. Lyn's supports are all impractical. HM boosts are too cool to pass up, too.
  21. I was referring to Killing Edge + Hand Axe + Map save. Besides, 79 turns into 91.39 true so it's reliable enough, although there's also the devil axe rate of backfire. But if you keep resetting via map save it shouldn't be too bad.
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