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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. I was the only one who actually liked the name Caeda? :( Also: thx VASM.
  2. Shiida is now Caeda, Medon is now Macedon, and Nabarl is now Navarre. Were there any other random name changes from the European version?
  3. If your luck is low. You always have a chance to be hit, and you always have a chance to miss if that's what you're trying to say.
  4. There's a bit of a significant difference here. Athos is here for the entirety of the final chapter; the Bishops are there just for the Dragon. If Athos was there just for the Fire Dragon then it'd be a valid comparison. But it's not. I recall trying that but I was never able to do that.
  5. Rana (hoo hee my last name >_>)'s parents would be Aideen + father.
  6. Chapter 18 should be weighed heavier than the battle with Medius, for self-explanatory reasons. You could also not use the Warp staff and still have her fight them off.Dragon Knights though? Really? They three round her.
  7. Rename "worse than est" to Bottom and just remove the bishop tier entirely if it's going to be superfluous..
  8. He's not the "saving grace" in Hard Mode. If anything, he's just a really heavy anvil that crashes down on your tactician during your journey. I only got him to L5 out of four chapters (not constantly abusing, using him whenever I needed) and his offense isn't that great to make up for it. Zihark also destroys him.
  9. I'd still group them together in Bottom, especially considering we've got the worst of the worst in there already. Above the Bishop's too; honestly, Est does have some room for improvement (Arena use during idle turns + Mercurius) and Sheema does do pretty well in C18. Granted, Roshea also sucks, so I'd suggest something like Sheema > Roshea > Est in Bottom tier. The Bishops are pretty fucking useless, I have to admit. Omit them or put them below everybody.
  10. I'm pretty sure Stefan is better than Edward... if not I'm going to put a case up for it. Anyways, good luck using Edward in HM past C3 or 4. Stefan comes ready to go with 27 Str/36 Spd/37 Skl at L8. They both have practically the same offense with some minor Strength lead on Edward's side, and basically the same Defense with some minor Defense lead (vs a major HP lead) on Edward's side. But Stefan requires no work, and hell Edward pretty much sucks while he's around.
  11. Why is Sheema still a tier below Est? I've shown before that she is actually doing better than Est in C18. They're both pretty royally screwed in C19 though.
  12. The phrase "beating a dead horse"? Yeah but I don't think it's particularly wise for Sheema to take them on. Granted, Est can't do it either, but that's why they're that low on the tier list.Dragon Knights come after the thieves.
  13. Yeah because being able to use Knight Killer and not die to every other thing in the next chapter is really stupid eh? Fun fact: the only things that can really hurt her? The generals to the right. You don't lose shit (other than Roshe) for killing the mounts to the north, they don't double her and frankly, the Paladins do 4 damage a hit against her. That means about 7 hits until she dies. Roshea and Vyland have 22 attack apiece (6 hits to die, so 6-7 hits total), though. The Horseman? Wolf and Sedgar have all of 17 attack against her, and the other Horseman have 16 attack. That's 0 damage. ^_^ Sucks, Est has a bow weakness and takes like 13 damage per enemy at base level. If she's not at base level... well, she still takes a bunch of damage. -_- Est can double them, but who gives a shit? I'm arguing that Sheema isn't meant to be an entire tier and a huge gap below Est, not that Sheema > Est. Frankly I don't care about the latter.
  14. If you're going to put Est in Bottom tier, at least don't be a hypocrite because Sheema doesn't die nearly as much as Est can.
  15. They would still probably be mid at best. Maybe Dart high. You get about 300-350K to spend anyway, which is plenty so it isn't too much a factor for Dart or Farina (both cost 50K when you hit promotion). Dart has some problems starting out though.
  16. 7 school periods 1st - World History Honors 2nd - Chemistry GT (GT is what most of you would call Honors; we've adopted Baltimore's label for it it seems) 3rd - AP Calculus AB 4A - Band 4B - AP Physics C: Mechanics 5th - English 11 Honors 6th - Spanish III Regular We alternate between 4A and B but they're our lunch periods and it's an hour and a half long per class, as opposed to 50 minutes.
  17. There's also 14 available chars in the chapter (15 with Marth) and exactly 9 Gra soldiers. I think we're fine.
  18. Samson isn't lackluster, and EXP doesn't matter when your units are already pretty powerful anyway. (Besides, you've got half the map to worry about and you can always wait near the Gra soldiers anyway... there's still only three units inside Sheema's door.) -_-
  19. Also, http://fireemblem.shinranet.com/femote/guia/cap17.htm Even if they did move (my memory is extremely foggy - but I know for a FACT that they don't attack), considering the entirety of the map, it wouldn't waste your turn count, if any, at all. And there's 14 characters, which backs up my point somewhat further.
  20. So all of a sudden it has become hard to position your chars near them (the rest of the enemies are pathetic and I do believe you can have around 12 chars in the chapter) and recruit Sheema? Especially considering how there's a "surplus of EXP" and also how buffed up your characters are at this point anyway it shouldn't matter much. Samson has pretty good offense/defense as well, he's definitely above bottom and even low tier. For the record, when I played, they didn't get in my way. In fact they barely move and they don't even attack. How is that "getting in your way"?
  21. I feel Funds should only be a minor point against someone at best. It's pretty much a point against everybody except the Bishops lol... so it's an almost mutual penalty. Of course, some have it more than others, but not to the point where it changes anyone's slot. Am I the only one that's for the elimination of the bishop tier? The chapter they come around for is weighted a lot less than every other chapter in the game. And Sheema is honestly an entire tier and a huge gap worse than Est? What makes her that much worse? She has a shitload more base defense and more HP and it takes at least two enemies much like Est. Sheema's recruitment isn't horrific either considering those enemies don't attack you and the only other enemies there are... are somewhat pathetic anyway. If you position people near that area then they can easily roast the kill and have Marth seize. If not... well, you have enough levels on your chars by now anyway. :/ EDIT: There is shit like Dragon Knights, but you've got enough bow users and Shaver mages to take care of them.
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