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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Oh sorry about Mia vs Oscar, I really haven't had the competence to reply. D: Date when I will reply is still pending.
  2. Oh, wait I was including them with movies. Yeah, the movies were pretty bad imo..
  3. And Soren also starts out suck, and Ilyana's bases are less suck. Compared at the same level their stats are very even (L6/0). What you said only matters for endgame, because they're close together until then. especially since Soren always loses AS for tomes -- Ilyana has the strength to use thunder and elthunder or something to compensate for less magic. So their AS remains more or less the same too.. In fact unless Soren decides to use Thunder (which reduces his AS to like two less than Ilyana) then he's doing worse than or equal to Ilyana until the endgame. :| (I'm not saying Ilyana > Soren I'm just saying that Soren's not crushing her).
  4. I'd make Barst a Pirate or Fighter then promote him into a Hero, because the D rank in Swords really doesn't matter when you can easily get through the game spamming axes.. in fact it's even better to spam axes since there's more WTA working for them.
  5. Jake comes exactly one chapter earlier and doesn't do shit in that chapter. Beck comes in a chapter full of Ballisticians with something that can OHKO them, and it can't be traded off without more than two characters going completely out of their way. I'm on Jake's side.
  6. To be fair, bows are accurate enough that her skill is kinda irrelevant.
  7. FE1: Cain and Abel FE3 Book 2: Rody and Luke FE4: Alec and Noish "Third Cav" FE1/DS: A bunch of people. Take your pick from Hardin, Vyland, Matthis, and Roshea FE3 Book 2: Cecil FE4: Ethlin's the only one I can think of, if not then you've got Finn/Lex/Sigurd to choose from FE5: Carrion/Finn FE6: Treck/Noah FE7: Lowen FE8: Franz FE9: Makalov/Astrid FE10: Makalov/Astrid/Titania/Geoffrey FE DS: Frey
  8. To be fair, C2 is roughly halfway in.
  9. Navarre can kill with a killing edge, guaranteed. Not really with an Iron Sword, but he's at least able to one round in some way with a killing edge early on.
  10. http://www.gamespot.com/ds/strategy/fireem...3695&page=0 Do the C1 Pirates have the same stats as C4? If so, then Navarre is definitely one rounding with something like a Killing Edge, if not then a Steel Sword.
  11. So the girls could see his Big Balls.
  12. When they lock a topic, you post so it's known what the topic was locked for. I don't see the big deal with warns and why you should bring them up, but it's somewhat easier to do it publicly (and it sets more of an example of what not to do for others) than sending a PM or something. Not like post count matters.
  13. If I did my calculations right, Wolf has 100% Str growth as a Hero. Yet I've seen him grow +2 on a level up a couple times. I have reason to believe his growths changed.
  14. They find English simple? Dear God, I can't imagine what the language they had to choose from otherwise.
  15. He has 6 base AS (probably 7 after a couple level ups), how is he doubling those?
  16. And what group of Fighters would that be?
  17. Speaking of specials, only that and Bardock's special were good. Everything else sucked. :|
  18. His offense as a Myrmidon beats his Cavalier offense until he can hit the speed to double as a cavalier.
  19. Navarre makes a good myrmidon but can also be a cav all the same. Castor is fine where he is.
  20. They don't suck completely. They get two rounded pretty easily, and many chars do end up having doubling problems near endgame.
  21. I personally don't think it matters because I'd rather just give him a hand axe..
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