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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. sup livingprose how is willfor these days
  2. I honestly don't remember any fire dragons in that chapter. The rest of your point is gibberish to me.
  3. Yeah, we do. Shop in that one desert chapter. We have Shaver tomes because of that chapter by dragons as well. No use in having one prior if you're not going to use it on Dragon Knights, at least the later ones. Finally, Yubello has 3 base defense and 18 base HP. He's taking 17 damage from a Steel Lance Dragon Knight unless you wish to prove the laws of arithmetic incorrect. I do believe you could go the west way around to recruit Matthis, also.
  4. The dragon has 20 attack. I think you're overestimating it, especially since Shaver Yubello basically one rounds this thing due to its AS and lack of Res.Besides, if anything is surviving more than three attacks in a row from a Dragon Knight, you've been abusing the arena or some shit.
  5. What's stopping you from killing them later anyway? It's not like they're a nuisance, nor are they that hard to kill afterwards. Besides, there are like 5 or 6 enemies otherwise. EDIT: My bad, way underestimation. 3 Archers, 6 Dragon Knights, 6 Soldiers, and like 3 archers/1 soldier behind the doors. Yet, the Gra soldiers don't even attack you. <_< They're pretty spread out though.
  6. I love how bottom tier and less than est tier has Sheema in it. Also, I think the lower tiers need a bit of rearranging. Astram should be in mid somewhere. Above Jeorge imo, because his combat is at least decent when he comes in and he isn't stuck to bows. ==Low Tier== Doga Ricardo Samuto Midia Samson Gordon Ryan Chiki =Bottom Tier= Alan Mattis Banetou Warren Roshe =Fail= Sheema Est Bishop tier discluded Feel free to argue. This is just from a glance though, so it may not entirely reflect my views when I'm not doing physics.
  7. Yeah I severely undestimated it, but there are a shitload of reinforcements throughout the chapters and Yubello has the chance to kill them.There are also at least 30 enemies in C4-5 each (WITHOUT reinforcements factored in, and there can be anywhere from 2-4 a turn in C4), a bunch of knights in C6 (+ reinforcements) as well as the boss being a General, at least 15 thieves ripe for the picking (with L1 Knight reinforcements). C8 has a bunch of promoted enemies, C9 has Dragon Knights and plenty of Thieves (Hero/Sniper reinforcements too, but don't fuck with those fuckers man). On second though, I can see him easily rising above Elren. Merric needs some more debate though imo. The only reason I'd argue Cain lower -- and I see him above Merric anyway -- is his relatively late joining time. His bases are pretty much fine.
  8. Bah. Abel is too good for her.
  9. I'm pretty sure if he kills most of the bosses (like 6 * 75 EXP = at least 4.5 level-ups, especially considering there are many armors) as well as armors and making some finishing blows, he'll be able to get to L18 by the time you fight your first dragon. Nobody knows what Ayanami is. And finally, FE3 Player is Chainey.
  10. And/or healing. You have to give healers some credit in a game where avoid only exists against dragons. Also, I vote FE3 Player to manage this tier list.
  11. 32-40 EXP per kill, so 3-4 kills is a level up. Pretty manageable considering you hit the lower defense and the fact that you have 8 chapters of this shit before you get there, 9 before dragons. brb cupcakes
  12. Chainey, you sound a bit new to thsi entire Ayanami deal. Well, get used to the contradictions, and get a couple laughs out of it too.
  13. Ayanami, you win a cookie. Conglaturation. ^_^ EDIT: More on Merric vs Yubello. Yubello has a guaranteed one rounding chance, Merric lacks it because Excalibur's Crit is the only thing that puts his offense up to Yubello's level, if anything.
  14. Oh, I definitely meant higher than Cain/Rody/whoever the hell else, at first I was wondering Cecil's advantages before I looked it up so it was poor planning. Yubello can take two or three attacks before dying. Merric is more or less the same until you build him up. Until then? They're pretty much at the complete mercy of the dragons for the next couple chapters, who block through defense anyway. And Yubello is more likely to have better evade against them too. <_< "Everyone else" doesn't matter, considering how they don't do as efficiently as Yubello there. Neither are realyl skipping through either; I will repeat that I posted stats earlier in this thread, page two or three, and read them if you really want to see the full argument because I am not typing it out again. EDIT: Screw this. EDIT 2: Let's take a call here. Who would you guys trust to manage the tiers best? Let's vote on it, and have someone on the first page edit their post accordingly.
  15. Fact, Elfire with Yubello does better (Yubello has a 6 Strength lead at this time, I posted some friggin stats on like page 2 or 3, check them out) than Excalibur with Merric. The next couple chapters are loaded with Flying dragons anyway. Even with Thunder they're even on attack. ~_~ EDIT: Yeah Cain is too high. Luke is fine where he is too, seeing as they're all doubling in that chapter either dismounted or with a Slim Lance. And his HP/Defense lead over Cecil is definitely worth it considering the result anyway and the fact that enemies don't have too much AS anyway that Cecil's lead there is negligible.
  16. Speaking of which, what is Rody doing above Luke? Luke's bases are plenty better than Rody's, and they end up about the same. This isn't my list. I don't hate you, I find you irritating at times [it's your tone]. I don't disagree with you because of that anyway. Finally, I just said I was working on averages/enemy stats, although I've quit that for now because I've forgotten about it. I'm halfway through book 2 btw :D Averages-wise, playing wise I'm at like Final Chapter-1.
  17. I have no qualms with Linde > Nabarl. Also, Merric's Excalibur basically nullifies any of Yubello's previous advantage? I've done calcs shown earlier in this thread, Yubello gets just as much out of a Shaver as Merric does from Excalibur.
  18. Yubello needs to be put above Elren and right below Merric, if not above him. Pronto.
  19. Above Elren, lol vs Merric is debatable, but we'll see where it goes when I bring it up.
  20. Orson is top because he's pretty much beating all your other units in offense. It really doesn't deal much with the long term, it just deals with his chapter performance.
  21. I had some arguments lined up, but let's go back to arguing Zihark v Stefan. C20 seems to be a good midpoint now that I know that it's a more solid midpoint, and zihark is 20/5 with A Muarim whereas Stefan has nothing at this point. Support boosts: +1 Def/+22 avoid (Zihark) vs +1 Atk/+5 avoid/+10 hit or some shit (Stefan) Weapons: Iron Blades, both; +9 Atk, +70 Hit Stefan is 20/11 (I disagree but shit I'll prove just how cool zihark is) and Zihark is 20/5. Zihark HP 37, Atk 26, Hit 120, AS 24, Def 14, Res 6, Evade 77, Dodge 12, Crit 26, Adept 22 Stefan HP 40, Atk 29, Hit 129, AS 27, Def 13, Res 10, Evade 60, Dodge 6, Crit 29, Astra 14 At any rate, look at their attack stats. Stefan does four more dmage. Stefan takes 1 more damage from physical attacks, 4 less from magical attacks. If magic attacks were greater in number, this would be relevant. But they're not. Zihark evades 12% more of the time. Most enemies have hits in the 100s which lead to Stefan getting hit more often and for more damage. Not enough damage to matter though. All enemies are getting doubled. Everything but the Wyvern Riders and Knights can get two rounded by both, whereas Stefan holds an advantage there. Zihark has a 22% adept vs Stefan's 14% astra, and negligible crit advantage. Finally, Swordmasters get hit rates in the 50s and 60s against Stefan, do at least 8-10 damage, and have 20% crit rates. Zihark has like 10% crit rates from them with hit rates in the 30s-40s. Massive difference here. There's also existing for four more chapters while not being too bad in any of them. Stefan has a slight advantage, but shit is Zihark winning in defense. With Brom support it backs up my statement that Zihark > Stefan, and also later on Zihark's avoid pretty much goes further above Stefan's whereas their offenses pretty much don't matter because they're the same.
  22. That's slightly creepy Nightmarre. I think I might murder you for that.

  23. Chapter 3 and Chapter 17 is what the main site says. lol
  24. 100 EXP to them -> 140ish BEXP -> massive improvment due to promotion.Same to others. Then getting people to L20 to maximize potential -> promote with Master seal, and etc. After C17 there's a bit of a surplus but Stefan is probably not getting more than 40 (anywhere from requiring 80 BEXP because that's around 10% and he's not even improving that much per level up). He won't need it at that point period, because his offense goes from decent to still decent and his defense goes from shaky to shaky. From a level from anything, really, considering his strength is the only thing that has a significant impact via level up or not.From 8 -> 16 or 17 his evade increases by +12. From 1 -> 13 Zihark's evade increases by something like +18 or 19 from an already +10 due to his luck and the fact that he has more Speedt o gain. Per chapter? It takes him like 40 BEXP to get 20 EXP. For everyone else 40 BEXP ends up being 30 EXP, or 20 EXP in Titania's case. Add to how you get roughly 300-400 per chapter without that surplus in C17 and he's basically taking away 10-15% of the amount of BEXP you've got for someone that's not improving much.It's not even "unfair" moreso than "impractical."
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