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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. It's free, though. It doesn't affect funds positively or negatively; if anything it's positive because you're making free kills.
  2. sup crystal you don't hate me right :?
  3. thunderstrife man it's been a long time since I've talked to you sup
  4. Zihark starts with better stats at a decent level; Mia handles very awkwardly when you receive her. It's more painful to build up Mia, while it's easier to build up Zihark; and you get equal if not better results from Zihark. Besides, Zihark's Defense growth is actually pretty good despite Mia having higher HP. On top of that, Zihark has an Earth affinity so he can get quite a bit of luck from supports... Mia's affinity ain't as hot.
  5. Well it stopped bothering me after a while. In fact, lower caps names for Pokemon bothers me a bit now... I dunno why. Having that said, I stopped doing this. Part of it was laziness, another part was apathy.
  6. I'm pretty tempted to say it's the order your units are in when you view the unit screen.
  7. I've seen that image too many times today also sup shirona
  8. also i fuckin love you quanta
  9. Pretty crappy reason not to use him.
  10. [06:14:06] * Raven is listening to Bloody Tears - Castlevania [Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles]
  11. I prefer Mia over Zihark in Radiant Dawn, but I like Zihark better than Stefan in PoR. Earth support is pretty sexy, and his stats are pretty good too.
  12. Set to be a moderator/leader/whatever. They don't pick lightly, in case you haven't noticed.And Musashi/Lord Glenn are damn good people too.
  13. YOU STOLE MY NAME >:o but thank you
  14. I'm not going to speak for him or anything, but if you're staff at a place like FESS, you're basically set.
  15. To be perfectly fair, the game jumps around a lot. It's hard to stay with a core of 10-12 units, unlike the previous games; you can easily see yourself using a good 30 characters per playthrough at least, and it's probably about 45 chapters worth of gameplay.
  16. dun let the bedbugs bite ^-^ love you iced <3
  17. Lord Raven


    I read through it once in Sophomore year and thoroughly enjoyed it. The mindraping near the end was enjoyable but... I must say, it definitely is the creepiest book I've ever read. I've heard cynical people say what YokaiKnight's acquaintances have been saying too - 1984 is parallel to the direction the US is heading.
  18. Yeah, it is easy. But Lyn's Hard Easy? Lyn's mode in general is probably one of the easiest things ever in a video game, and hard mode is more liberal about it. I found HNM to be as hard as EHM myself, though.
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