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Everything posted by Fëanen

  1. Like FESS before it, my main draw to Serenes Forest is the Fire Emblem information, much of which comes out on the forum before reaching the site (being an information junkie, I have to know things as soon as humanly possible). Funnily enough, I almost never post in FE discussions, because I don't have a lot to say and prefer to "listen" and observe.
  2. I think that most people with decent health and health care need not be more concerned than with regular flu. The word pandemic is such a scare word, but in developed countries (hell, even in undeveloped countries if you're lucky enough to be within the upper classes) this will be for most of us just another flu. Does it suck? Yes. Should you lose sleep over it? No, I wouldn't say so. Proceed as normal, keep clean, and if you're sick get treated. Note that I'm neither a doctor nor scientifically minded. I just think that panicking is silly, especially when the situation is overblown.
  3. I fully intend to do so one day. The only reason I haven't is because not even my own doctor can find my veins without a good half dozen pokes or more, and while one needle prick doesn't bother me a large number of them tends to be problematic.
  4. Lived my life as usual - browsing the rest of the internet, talking to friends, driving lessons, and judicious amounts of food. I can't say I was too affected. Although a part of me had a feeling that TheEnd would obtain the scans of Chapter 40 while we had no way of knowing because that's how life works. Didn't turn out that way, though.
  5. Hmmm...very general answers, for the most part. I'll go a bit more in-depth - I like blue in general, but have a specific fondness for the lighter blues. I also like green - forest green and bluish-greens, to be specific. This doesn't entirely reflect on my fashion sense - I put more emphasis on various grays, tans and darker blues, as I don't really like wearing vibrant colors. Attracts too much attention.
  6. Who here says they're going to put an adhesive bandage on their cut?* Or throws around a flying disc? Same principal, really, although I don't think that iPod is synonymous with MP3 player in the vernacular yet. It may be one day, that's just a quirk of language that isn't worth worrying over. Especially the same language that does everything with -ough that could possibly be done. * Americans only - I know in other countries different terms are used for this one.
  7. I used to be called Harry Potter, but since I got a bit broader at the shoulders and cut my hair shorter that's stopped.
  8. Fëanen


    I'm impressed that you're still alive, really. Anyway, seven cats here. Seven. Cats. Let that one sink in for a while.
  9. 1. Bowling. 2. Meal of steamed snow crab legs. 3. LotR marathon. 4. Turn on some Jethro Tull music and talk to my best friends online right 'til the end.
  10. The Mayan calendar will complete its cycle and reset. That's all. If you use the Mayan calendar, then it's a big deal; however, I have yet to meet anybody who does. People do love predicting the end, don't they? Think of how many times it's been called and never come. I'm not willing to believe anybody on the matter, because they've been crying wolf for centuries.
  11. Been wearing glasses since thirteen, have lousy vision on the right side and horrific vision on the left (20/300 at the last exam). I'm also one of those people who prefers how he looks with glasses than without, so no contacts for me. Of course, having lousy sight, I'm not entirely positive about how I look without them XD
  12. So it's a fake? My gut said so, but I'm not scientific enough to have said why. Regardless, I'm sure that some people have died other types of freakish, chair-related deaths, because weird shit happens. Still no reason to be worried when we sit.
  13. ...Death shouldn't exist? ...I'm no fan of people dying (although I don't feel terribly bothered by it unless it's somebody I know or a particularly heinous crime), but wouldn't it get awfully crowded without people dying?
  14. Anything can go wrong in a catastrophic way. However, I'd say off the top of my head that the odds of this exact event or similar repeating is so slim that there's no cause for any real concern. Most of us here will probably die deaths that are rather usual. Don't worry about chairs, worry about heart disease and cancer.
  15. My grandmother had that habit, but she had the excuse of growing up in the Great Depression. And, later on, Alzheimer's Disease.
  16. ...You'll be prying my GBA out of my cold, dead hands. And since I don't intend to have kids...well, that's a lot of time freed up for them right there.
  17. I can't give a definitive answer, not being privy to the management, but I can say with reasonable certainty that none of the games that come before FE6 generate nearly enough traffic to warrant individual sections. The FE board I went to before this one did give each game it's own section, and the NES sections were rather dead, with the SNES games only doing a bit better. It's much more reasonable to consolidate.
  18. I have a firm belief that you never assume a person's sexuality unless they specifically say it. Even if they're going out with somebody of the same/opposite sex, they could always be bisexual.
  19. Hmm, yes, I sometimes check the profiles of new/random people. And....clearly you left the same comment to everybody.

  20. As I've said elsewhere: I dislike the man's policies and beliefs, but I have to acknowledge his agility. Probably been practicing since the approval ratings dipped below 30%. XD And yes...what are the Secret Service doing? Quite worrying.
  21. I have seven cats (in a rather small home). They're really great companions.
  22. It started before FE6, but I think it ran for some time. FE7 must have been out by the time those chapters were written.
  23. Fëanen

    Voice of Reason

    Yeah, I do often find myself being the voice of reason. I think part of it is because I'm not very impulsive and tend to analyze everything from about ten different angles before advising a course of action.
  24. I need to start expanding my knowledge of Shakespeare (I've currently only read Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet). If the rest of the play is as awesome as that quote, I am thoroughly going to enjoy it.
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