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Everything posted by Randa

  1. personally i say its a mix. the o-line was horrible, but robert quinn still looked like he did last year when he terrorized qbs.
  2. ##vote: rapier sorry kinda PoE here. i wouldnt mind going after any of the other inactives though. idk reading through the thread hasnt brought about any stunning revelations.
  3. oh wow wrong type of no/know thats embarrassing.
  4. probably something to do with the fact that i started, and followed through with, the mancer lynch. mancer also came in and immediately went for the most opportunistic of the wagons in me, backed with poor logic. despite the fact that the wagon was starting to fall off. he then proceed to attempt to lynch me and to try to convince town to lynch me if he flipped town, which we all no he didn't, and there is no rational reason for that to be coming from scum buddies. in addition a numbers itp would be really dumb imo.
  5. honestly if i were a broncos fan id be a bit concerned when they head into st.louis week 11. what with manning struggling under pressure and the rams putting up 8 sacks, which watching the recording this morning had the best ending of the day.
  6. with regards to what. why i think scum doesnt have fakes or why we shouldnt lynch poly.
  7. yeah considering that prims also claimed vanilla i kinda question whether or not thats the only fake claim scum has, in which case we should probably lynch poly. if not for the fact that we was the hammer vote.
  8. Well fuck I don't think gorf is scum based on his content. His reactions to Prims just don't strike as SvS.
  9. So quick thoughts after glancing over Prims ISO. 1. I really doubt Eli is maf. It seems like he was Prims fall back lynch he just never found support for it. 2. The Prims side of the interactions with gorf seems scummy I wanna go back and reread gorf though, because it could be scum trying to setup a mislynch on flip. Not much else I can get of it. J is pretty obvtown right now.
  10. Also given mancer's role I don't think poly would've hammered him as scum.
  11. Well there goes my read.##Unvote Let me reread than I'll post again.
  12. Anyways I'll talk more tomorrow now is sleep.
  13. Also based on Prims flipping mafia I'm more inclined to believe scarlet flame is an ITP, probably survivor, then maf because I don't think Prims would've let that happen through an entire phase.
  14. That was a premature post. Anyways like I intended to say, I felt that based on interactions with mancer there was a chance of scum!prims I didn't think Prims would be dead so I guess that question got answered still kinda surprised I was rightish cause I was a bit wishy-washy. Anyways on to why I think BT is scum. It's like I said yesterday the re-iteration of the case against mancer seemed unprovoked to me. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of reason for it, unlike Refa who seems to have been doing it more so to convince himself mancer was scum, this seemed more to make the appearance of having a true scum read on mancer. Does that even make sense? Anyways the whole Prims interaction helps me to support this theory. It seems more like BT was nitpicking the finer points of Prims discussion and trying to construe all of prism actions into a scummy fashion. I just think that's more likely to come from scum bussing. Also I kinda feel like J is town because of Prims interactions. And I'm also pissed cause now I know there's no cult because there has to be an SK.
  15. Hey one of my associative reads was right. That means I'm gonna give the next one a shot. ##Vote:BT
  16. Why isn't Baldrick on the list of people who complained about the thread title?
  17. whats facepalm worthy is that peyton isnt playing a shitty team that shot at beating him. hes playing a team ranked third in defensive pass yardage coming in, probably fifth after this game but what you gonna do. not onnly that but he was up against a team that had scored an average of 39.8 points per game. and yet you still wonder why he got beat.
  18. wait a second you dont even play mafia bear
  19. i think its mostly related to how healthy gronk has been. and how much lafell and brady seem to be in sync. but mostly gronk. because really how the hell do you stop him, grahm or thomas. aside from manning not throwing the ball your way.
  20. I'm going to sleep so when I was up I hope to see a dead mancer or a claim good enough to convince people to go with a random turbo instead. And by good I mean it better be damn good.
  21. No offense but that is horrible policy. I mean my coach doesn't even give a shit if we have beards. And believe me he is very much about public image.
  22. Yeah I wouldn't really oppose a hammer anymore. I've said all i wanted too. But since I like assigning meaningless numbers to things lets give mancer 1 hour 31 minutes to claim. Sound fair.
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