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Everything posted by Randa

  1. ##Vote: Eli i feel like i havent played with you in forever, i blame refa for that. also pm if you want my skype, that or just pm conversations will probably be your best to actually get in touch with me.
  2. but sucker punch doesnt ohko, off any unboosted mons. and more importantly mega sceptile outspeeds and ohkos salamence. and we have other mons such as weavile still out speed and can ohko without even having a mega. not saying that salamence wont be banned to ubers, it almost certainly will, i just dont think it will be the only one to get the boot.
  3. but metagross has similar offensive capabilities as salamence, only it has more bulk with a better typing and a slightly worse ability imo.
  4. So of the new Megas a couple will probably be moved to ubers within a month or two. Salamence and Metagross jump out to me. Great stats with some kick ass abilities in aerialate and tough claw respectively kinda reminds me of mega lucario. Loppuny looks cool ATM, and audino might actually do better than I originally thought.
  5. DedWe do? Ded
  6. i might not say that.
  7. rofl that was awesome full props not gonna lie, didnt even think about that as a possibility.
  8. also i still think this wouldve worked if my scum team had actually done what i asked.
  9. also sb was wrong this was not a mental breakdown this time, more of a calculated gambit given my odds of survival to begin with.
  10. i already told you why i copped you prims. i doubted, and still doubt, vhaltz would add a day vig to a 13p setup. and as a general question to people who have played with me before, would i actually be dumb enough to 1v1 prims of all people. i have no chance of winning by making shit up. seems like i have no chance by telling the truth either.
  11. rapier do you not remember eclipse's "scum slip" on you in qprouge. people derp
  12. why is refa being janned what your concerned about, we would essentially know his role anyways. and suicide vig maf or itp would be horrible. makes a mental note
  13. yeah refa pretty much a 1v1. also sb i already had a mental breakdown in smt and in both of those i just flat out quit. i have not had a breakdown.
  14. SB he would still claim a quilty on me regardless of whether or not he had it.
  15. i fundamentally disagree with that thought, it can easily result in, assuming a 10/3 or 11/2 setup, a d2 endgame. if you correctly cop the first two days and town succesfully lynches on its own day 1 scum loses day 2. im not sure thats balanced. also since you're gonna stick with your claim im calling bs. ##Vote:Prims
  16. ok so dont vig anybody yet. we should all talk this through first.
  17. on motk or sf ?
  18. if we had a vig i highly doubt id be alive.
  19. also town prims didnt really have a lot of reason to lie about being cop in fayz and he was sadly, and kinda hysterically, vigged for that.
  20. because day cop seemed really op in a 13 person setup.even if it were limited, such as mine is, so it wouldnt get completely out of control, so basically i felt like it would be unbalanced unless vhaltz made a really op scum team, which i doubt because dewounds flip. also apparantely i mentioned dewound as an aside when i was addressing mancer.
  21. that could seem very wrong out of context. i say im town because tyne-wear mafia. or whatever the one with parahessia was. i dont really remember but i was about as motivated as i am now. also i did mention dewound in my giant quote post iirc. and if i didnt, which i swear i did and will be kinda surprised if i didnt, then i mentioned it when prims asked for clarification. also also, prims was your claim of day cop a gambit to convince town to vote with you to nab your scum read or was it you busing your partner, cause my role cop says that are not a cop, but rather a lover-maker, which seems kinda useless as scum but whatever. care to address why that would appear as such? also also also im not going to vote prims for this if only because FAYZ mafia. also also also also what does #HBC stand for
  22. Raven do honestly expect anyone to read that post?
  23. about half a year me thinks. Actually I think I had like a two month hiatus between April and June.
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