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Everything posted by Randa

  1. on my current team. on my old team we had a rb and a db who both ran sub 4.5 both went d2.
  2. nope. i am 5'10" and was 256 at the time, now 232 which is bull shit. and i ran a 5.2 40. so not a guard.
  3. [spoiler=football pics] also number 99 cause the the numbers are kinda of obscured.
  4. Randa

    RIP BiTF

    Damn can't believe its actually over. Also not gonna lie the song kinda made me wanna cry.
  5. Nah. Ubers isn't really that friendly to normal ray. Not to mention the ability won't protect him from the mons he actually struggles against. He's still a great wall breaker and nice physical setup sweeper. However even a boost might not help him all that much against geoxern. Unless xern comes in on him which he can already handle. I doubt he'd be banned. I'd be more concerned with the primals. The abilities, particularly Kyogres, shuts down too many popular mons attacks. Not to mention the extra fire type means old groudon checks like skarmory are done. Etc. So yeah mega ray should be good to remain in ubers.
  6. i was killed because scum didnt think they could get me lunchred. i did not need to make that worse.
  7. Your song is INSOMNIA. You have the goofiest overlay in SPADA and are no slouch musically either. You won't be aligning yourself with the town - who cares about the struggle against the mafia when you can just party in a canyon all day? Your factional abilities are as follows: Factional Kill (Night, Active): You have a factional ##Kill with 0 shots. This gains a shot every time a phase passes by without any kills, but you may not use up more than one shot in the same night. You scan as guilty attempting to kill another player. This ability does not need a shot for you to endgame another player. Extra Credit: The first time an attempt is made on your life, you will survive it and gain another shot of your factional kill. Upgrade Temple: Every time a town-aligned player dies, you will gain their role. You have two actions per night which may be distributed between your factional kill and inherited roles. Upgrade Fountain (Night, Active): If you are not using any other active abilities at night, you may ##Upgrade yourself up to three times, with increasing effects: Level 1: Your actions will be unseen by informative roles. Level 2: Your actions will bypass roleblocks, and you will be told if they would have failed without this ability. Additionally, your factional kill will ignore protection. Level 3: You will scan as town even while using your factional kill and instantly gain a shot of it. Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that it is safe to claim to be a Town Insomniac / Mayor. Your role's abilities are as follows: Jakartu Funk Brothers: You are two players in one slot! You may speak with each other at any time, and your vote/posts are interchangeable. Double Voice (Non-Elemental, Day, Passive): Your vote counts for two. This is publicly displayed on vote counts. This ability will affect class votes during LYLO, but not votes for a lynch. Seriously It's Right In The Song Name (Non-Elemental, Night, Passive): You may post in the thread during the night phase. You are the Traveler. You win if you are the only player remaining.
  8. according to serebii Effect: This ability will create a new weather called Strong Winds. This prevents other weathers being activated, and over-rides all weathers including Desolate Land and Primordial Sea. It also removes the effectiveness from moves that would be Super Effective on Flying-type Pokémon. It lasts until Mega Rayquaza exits battle.
  9. so mega ray's new ability seems cool. i wonder what it'll do to ice moves though. i think 2x remaining makes the most sense. also i really hope that dragon ascent isnt ray exclusive or drop attack.
  10. but officer i wasnt going to shoot anybody with that gun i swear.
  11. i wasnt even town though
  12. who was strong manned night 1. #salty
  13. dang it clipsey. now how am i gonna get town mvp?
  14. instead prims should clutter his thread with post game.
  15. Nate solder is a horrible pass blocker, good run blocker yes, but a shitty pass blocker. Also I'm more upset that I started the pats D over the texans then I am that the pats are losing. Is that a bad thing?
  16. Time for my "it's a quarter of the way through the year and I still haven't seen a minute of the pats during the regular season" thoughts. 1. I want donte scarnecchia back. 2. Why did we waste a first round draft pick on Nate Solder. 3. Our offensive line sucks. 4. Brady has an average of "no fucking time in the goddamn pocket"-my dad. 5. Did I mention we have o-line problems.
  17. that actually kinda surprises me, then again i dont play ru more than 3 times a week so i guess i wouldnt know it that well. still kinda shocked.
  18. wait so if its a bid war why does the main site say it will be a race? https://gamesdonequick.com/submission/all#accept Vykan12 Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn any% race w/ Gwimpage 03:10:00 FE10 has been optimized such that the cursor movement in the 91-segment SDA run can be replicated in SS, and with a time > 20 mins faster, albeit on a lower difficulty. Player phases demonstrate lightning fast cursor movement & menuing while enemy phase provides the perfect reprieve for detailed commentary. Races are highly competitive, with me & Gwimpage often finishing within 1 min of each other Nintendo Wii Accep
  19. this used to happen to me a lot back when i played ubers. it also happens whenever i mess around on ou recently. idk why. i found it doesnt happen a lot in nu, ru, or pu. and only occasionally in uu. so no its not just you.
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