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Everything posted by Randa

  1. still im kinda glad im not compulsive like weapons in tyne wear. i would probably just start posting random e-comic pages.
  2. wow, ya know i kinda just realized how utterly useless insomniac is. like i cant even get responses from people. why couldn't you have just made me a vig or SK those seem more fun.
  3. so we all know beli hasn't existed all game, so my hope at least was that he was following the game, and getting reads of significance. I kinda wanna cry inside. Problems. 1. Why is 3 hours away from deadline, when you decide to address the wagon(s). 2. Why marth? I believe marth is scummy, however at the time of your vote he had one vote on him, it seems like you just wanted to lynch not eli. but why then did you pick marth? 3. both of your reads are pretty surface level. i really dont see the effort to actually find intent in people's post. you and mancer should hydra then we'd have two confusing hydras.
  4. i wish i could say im surprised he flipped town. im not. also what the hell do you call that beli? will elaborate in a bit. also also, sorry i wasnt around at deadline kinda at a game. also also also, i feel as if this kinda makes BBM look a bit townier, as scum would realize that pushing a single case for that long only to have the case flip town is a horrible idea. also also also also, i have nothing else to say right now.
  5. hawk king, i know you hate the pats, but that statement was just flat out stupid. the pats have historically been bad against the dolphins. they have to them more often in the last ten years then they have to the jets and bills combined. if you honestly think that was how they're gonna play every week then i do not know what to tell you.
  6. One last wuestion, can you self target.
  7. And.this ability is non elemental correct?
  8. Okay, does anybody have anything new or useful to add. If not can we just hammer Eli already. I don't see anybody else being lynched today.
  9. Eclipse I'm not sure if I should be offended or amused by that Wikipedia article. It's a little bit of both right now.
  10. ehhh. still not really convinced hes scum, or town for that matter. then again i doubt ill be convinced either way until he flips. its just the whole way hes played screams,"why the hell would scum do this". i'll move for consoledation purposes, which now puts eli at L-2. ## unvote ## Vote:eli
  11. somebody convince me that we should condense on eli and not marth please.
  12. you can see me post like an idiot. is that not motivating enough.
  13. ahhh. i was hoping it could be indicative of scum not being able to vote for a second class each day. wouldv'e been nice.
  14. prims is that a mistake with the classes or is one of their votes not valid.
  15. ## REQUESTING VOTALS PLEASE. im a bit concerned that we're almost at 24 hours left and we can't seem to agree on scum. so i would rather know where each wagon stands before working to condense, which we should start considering.
  16. so eli that first post kinda looks like an AtE. im really not thrilled with those posts. thing is though i dont really see any scum intent in them. its part of the reason i thought he was town who couldn't keep up with the pace in the first place. none of his posts seem to me as having scum intent behind them. and as eclipse pointed earlier the WHY is important in considering reads. idk somebody explain the eli wagon to me again please.
  17. Randa

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    requesting thousand names mafia(14) be added to the small queue, checked by eclipse like a month ago.
  18. is it bad that i kinda just wanna lynch like anybody at this point. like even one flip would help so much at this point. whatever. uhh, im gonna check marth again because people seem to be against that pretty heavily, also we should actually remember we still have to chose the second element. with that said, rng.org declares ##Select: DARK
  19. i think hes talking about how i come around and deliver the justifications for nnr's votes after he actually votes.
  20. oh and i did post my thoughts on eli, though they kinda go against common opinion and are more of a null than any solid town/scum read.
  21. i recently posted my thoughts on marth and why he's scum. i had posted about mancer earlier, but my opinion on him has changed, to where im more inclined to believe he is town
  22. and again i forgot to actually summarize my thoughts. i'm still about as wary as i was when i made my last post about her, but i am, for the moment, more concerned about marth so im not changing it yet.
  23. programming class is boring, so i'm gonna respond to giant eclipse post. so i feel like this is just me, yes that was intentional fite me, but anyways i'm not getting any clear messages from this. i feel like you make some decent points against kirsche, but at the end you sort of waffle on whether or not he is actually scum. 1. Okay. I will admit that it was a bad idea in retrospect. 2. completely different scenarios. if we have an investigation result everybody will understand what happened. what happened was only half the game understood. in addition we probably wouldn't even be discussing the result. look back at the false guilty in Shining Force 3. we had a guilty and the actual discussion about the guilty itself never occurred. ie very different situations. 3. Okay fine with that then. 4. I still feel like you would have more solid opinions, but c'est la vi. I'm not thrilled with this but i'm just gonna wait and see how that changes. I will let nnr address this point for himself as i do not feel like i can accurately answer this for him. Then my mater plan of confusing the hell out of everyone is working. so again i feel like you waffle on kirsche here. though i'm glad you got solid reads on mancer and marth. regardles of the fact that i dont agree with you about marth.
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