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Everything posted by Randa

  1. I was the top poster there and I'm the top poster here. I have explained my vote on SB three times. I have illustrated the numbers based on who was active. If you want to ignore all of those posts then I don't know what to tell you. actually when I made the ISO's I linked mine to Refa in British so people would be confusedBut like real talk I'm legit thinking about voting myself cause it'll confirm my allignment and allow for associative reads. which is probably more than I can do by being alive
  2. I already stated why I vote SB and stopped voting paper, if we did not receive an extension and people who were completely inactive didn't suddenly appear, it would be the most likely to wagon to actually 11 votes, based on who was on what wagon at the time. I did/do not plan to no lynch day 1 so I voted with what I believed would actually get us a lynch. I thought I was playing the exact same way as in reclass. Also to people saying I, not trying to find scum, I suck at day 1. I'm not good at hunting without a flip and some associative reads to work with. I assumed that meant they had full fake claims not just fake names. I actually would do that just to mess with you. But I'm not scum so I can't. Also Beli did you soft mayor? When you voted it would've been 9 of 11 or L-2, but you said L-1 which would indicate 10 of 11.
  3. Also since I swear to god I'm actually gonna go to sleep this time please ignore the fact that I claimed vanilla in reclass. That was the only way to avoid a lynch to already claimed roles, this is not such a situation.
  4. I really don't know why but faking reads as scum is easier than giving like real reads as town. Which might be why I'm usually a day 1 wagon, that and I'm not a horribly agreeable person.
  5. I'm vanilla so I don't think that changes literally anything. Also update on votes for lazy people, Randa(6)- BBM, Cam, Shin, Rein/Juil, Poly, Marf SB (5) - Paperblade, FFM, Weapons, Randa, Strawman Shin (5) - SB, Kirsche, Rapier, Refa, Prims Also I get phase end at 4 in the morning.
  6. I was not serious about lynching paper. Like I literally said in the post turbos never hit scum. It was designed to actually get people posting.
  7. extension please And actually I'm gonna to do the numbers, if we move all the active votes from the either my wagon to shins wagon or the other way we would have 8 votes maybe 9, SB's wagon has no active voters because I think weapons is a GMT from post times. However if we bring the votes from both wagons onto SB we get 10 votes and it shouldn't be difficult to get one vote so we don't no lynch. At least the way I see it.
  8. So this was the major reason why I had a null on FFM early in the phase. I find it's easier to read him the further into the game you go and it's very easy to do at the end of day 1. In games that I've read or played on with him, I have noticed that he will drop off on activity from the middle-end portion of the phase as if to distance himself from any possible mislynch. This is exactly what he did in reclass and for some reason he got through the rest of the game doing the same thing.
  9. ##Unvote ##Vote:SB Numbers wise I think SB is the most likely of the wagons to actually get us a lynch. It's possible to lynch either shin or me but it's not as likely based on activity and what I understand of people's time zones. Also in case I do get lynched in my sleep I will say that this is exactly how FFM played in reclass.
  10. These are the votes of note right now. Nobody has even half what we need for a lynch (this is one of the reasons why i say it should be majority day 1 hammer the rest of the game). Randa (5) - BBM, Cam, Shin, Rein/Juil, Poly SB (3) - Paperblade, FFM, Weapons Shin (5) - SB, Kirsche, Rapier, Refa, Prims
  11. It hopefully accomplishes some form of discussion, because last I checked we need 11 to lynch and our closest wagon is 5 maybe six if I missed a vote and I'm not even sure enough people will be on to even get a lynch on that wagon.
  12. How bout that deadline in like 6 hours. Anyways of the three potential wagons I will not vote myself. Nope won't do it. I feel like shin has kinda tunneled rapier, only to be tunneled by rapier, which given the amount of like content we have and my own problems scum hunting I can't really hold it against him or say its inherently scummy. SB, why is he a wagon again? So basically who's up for a paper turbo? Reasons why we should: He gave scum reads on SB and cam, doesn't do a great job explaining the SB read and never talks about cam again. Oh wait he hasn't really posted since. Reasons why we shouldn't: Turbo lynches never get scum. Reasons why we should: It's day 1, and I don't think any of the other wagons are particularly scummy. So yeah. ##Vote Paperblade. You should all sheep me on this.
  13. i chanalled my inner manix for that game BBM Also because everybody seems fixated around this, I have gone back and checked over Prims, SB, Refa, Poly, and rapier. Both in context and in ISO. I haven't seen anything that is inherently scummy to me. I don't feel like stating 25 times "I still don't know why but I got a gut read on these people", when all that does in create more spam.
  14. clipsey forgot to title the votals! votals Blitz (1) - Marth Randa (4) - BBM, Cam, Shin, Rein/Juil Rapier (1) - Strawman SB (3) - Paperblade, FFM, Weapons Shin (5) - SB, Kirsche, Rapier, Refa, Prims Weapons (2) - Blitz, Poly No vote (4) -, Belisarius, Randa, scorri, Bearface 24 hours remain! Edited by eclipse, Today, 04:05 AM. I think its twelve hours now.
  15. https://docs.google.com/viewer?srcid=0B7Gg4puyMWSLZkNUd3dpSGUwRkE&pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&overridemobile=true&chrome=true# Son of god. Yeah right. I have no idea what he's even trying to say.
  16. Just because you asked you'll get both. Actually I was gonna post this once I finished what I was doing, but I got a minute. I agree with a good amount of what Refa said and he seems to be actively scum hunting, at least more than the rest of the game. So I got a town read on Refa. Because rapier completely ignored that Refa pointed this out earlier and in case he missed it. If he chose to still ignore that and town read me solely on that I intended to bring that up as being stated twice and would question it. So basically it was for later.
  17. This isn't really bad, but I will point out that not really pushing reads can applied to pretty much everyone at this point, cause I don't think anybody is very confident yet. Doesn't paper get demotivated as scum. Could that be the explanation. I don't really know cause I've never played with him for a full game. This actually made me figure out what was weird about Prims I always remember him being spammier. I don't think that's an actual scum tell or me just thinking,of Prims in a wierd way. I mostly agree with this. Watch weapons be scum. You'll all see! Never second guess your scum reads on me Shin has been sheepy not more than me though but the only thing I'm concerned about is that he seems to be going for the easiest case. Granted there're like only four wagons so the easiest one isn't that different from the hardest one. I feel like beli is doing the same thing as reclass. Just my thoughts on Refa's posts.
  18. I'm gonna be stupid and bring up self meta. As Refa pointed out I did the same exact thing in reclass and I was scum. I don't think somebody taking a passive approach to a wagon on them should be a reason to think they're town.
  19. Thank you guys for reminding me. Fantasy football league, can I just see a general indication of who would want to do it this year. Helios is gone so we also need a new commissioner if we even run it this year.
  20. This is literally the one time I wish I could edit post so I could fix Julliette ISO.
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