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Everything posted by Randa

  1. I'm not getting angry ana, i am merely stating that you are biased. its that simple. you will never hear me bad mouth brady and i will probably never hear you bad mouth ben simply because we are both biased towards them. i try to think objectively about 31 teams in the league sometimes i fail, so i do under or overrate players. and tell me how you saying your favorite teams have top three qbs isnt bias. especially when very few people would consider either of them as top three qbs.
  2. Anna, brady and brees held all the records that "Pey-Pey" broke this year. and guess what. brady did it with less in '07. he didn't have two number one recievers, the best number two reciever, a top five tight end, and a solid backfield. he did it with essentially moss and welker. not thomas, welker, decker, and thomas. and name any reciever on the saints. aside from brandin cooks. also you are biased. stop denying it. newtown is a top ten qb but not top five, ben is top seven, but i got an andrew luck boner right now so he doesnt make the top five. and before you complain everybody here is biased, thats why we, or at least i do, read analyst who neither hate nor love the team so i can get objective information instead subjective information.
  3. So since I'm being red shirted this year I'm bored. So what else could I possibly do then a stupid gimmicky play through of FE 6. I thought maybe axe users, then maybe sword users, but both of those sound really dull so instead I'm doing a mount less run of the game. at least I'm not doing this in FE 4. With that being said I'm open to unit suggestions because why not. Anyways here's chapter 1. [spoiler=chapter 1] Whee brand new rom to dick around with. Boring exposition stuff that I don't give a shit about. Chapter 1 REALLY! Eliwood is the greatest knight in lycia. What happened did oswin hector, sain, kent, lowen, and marcus all die or something. What sort of a response is that. So while they are prepping their defenses for a massive army lets attack with a small group God merlinus you let yourself go. That's a bit of underreaction to being told you're under attack. Wait. So we're being attacked by a bunch of units with 0 res and we're sending the one mage away. This sounds very inappropriate out of context. This is Damas. He's pretty suck. MARCUS. I wish I could use you. Apparantely really good but you will not be used so... Hey its shitty armor. He might get used. Probably not. Shitty archer. I will probably use you. I have no idea why. Another good unit I can't use. Worst lord ever. Maybe. He might do well up until people start getting promoted. Wait bors can actually hit things. This was the majority of my chapter plan. Roy hits on EP Wolt steals kills on PP. One hit on like 5 bandit attempts. Pretty sure Roy killed this dude with an unnecessary crit. I missed a screen, no that it matters cause the level up sucked. Master plan phase two. Roy chips on EP then again in PP for more wolt kills. Better but I'd like some speed. Feeding roy an archer kill. At you got defense. Maybe you'll go full thwomp on me. Actually the cavs did nothing and bors got one kill. So it was really just and archer and shitty swordman. He is the only enemy on the map that can be doubled by any of my usable units. Wolt super stronk. Dat 6 str. Okay now try proc'ing strength and speed at the same time. It will because I have an armor knight next map and it would make things easier. Fuck you too eliwood. "So we should have a 12 year old run the larget country in the leauge"-Eliwood 2014 Your sure this isn't FE1? Are we talking about the same merlinus?
  4. Well I cant speak for everyone but I think the browns defense will be one of the best this year and that's why I'm giving them 7 wins this year. Even then it still might be a stretch. But I just think the bengals are gonna be like the falcons. Theyre gonna have a year that makes no sense because the defense doesnt live up to the hype.
  5. Practice is settling down so /in. also thank god i can actually sleep past 530 in the morning again
  6. Raven I picked the bengals to be fourth in the north. I think the steelers are the most likely to win the north, if only because I think they have a better run game which will help open up there pass game significantly and make it so their defense isn't constantly running on and off the field. I just cannot see the ravens controlling the tempo of games very well. (Note: I have been wrong before, like a lot of times)
  7. Anna you forgot about the Pats, Colts, Chiefs, Cardinals, Saint, and Niners. Who the steelers would have to get through if they wanted to win it all this year. Also yeah I've pretty much made my picks for the entire post season except that 6 seed out of the afc. I'm leaning ravens or chargers, but I so much wanna say the texans.
  8. Moral of the story, lynch me day one. This is the second game in a row this has happened, third if you count the fact that I really should've been lynched day 1 in reclass. But yeah I got a bit pissed off at the end so rage quit, but whatever. Anyways nice game marf.
  9. I would in for this, but looks like I get about 2 hours down time a day until training camp ends, so /io pleas.
  10. Also how does the day 1 lynch have the fourth most posts in this game?
  11. The refs have just been super anal about penalties this week.
  12. ded These should be right unless I dun goofed. With 17 alive it takes 9 to hammer. Marth: Blitz, SB, Prims, Weapons, Poly, (L-4) Beli: Marth, Shin Cam: Kirsche ded
  13. Brady turned 37 today. I would be complaining if he went out and risked injury in the first preseason game. Probably 1 series in each of the next 2 then nothing in the 4th game. But our starters who were missing today, Ammendola, Edleman, Dobson, Gronk, Brady, Mayo, Revis, McCourty, Jones, Ninkovich, Wilfork(Played a series), and I think mankins.But watching Thea O-Line was enough to piss me off for a week, even with the majority of our starters it sucked.
  14. You realize half our starters never saw the field right? But damn garropolo looked good in the fourth. I don't put a lot of wait in preseason though. But it's wierd cause he's apparently being sucking in practice recently.
  15. Also, SB if you ever ask me for scum reads early day 1 I will assume you are scum, who knows that I will not answer in a satisfactory manner, and it will proceed to turbo you.
  16. Also I need to see a drawing of somebody lynching themselves IRL. How would that work. Would you just punch yourself a lot.
  17. Well I'm going to sleep. I'm gonna put us at L-2 and if I wake up and find out I'm not dead I will be pissed. ##Unvote ##Vote:Randa]
  18. The bolded is completely right. I didn't find any of the wagons particularly scummy and I didn't want to no lynch day 1. Still don't wanna no lynch day 1.
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