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Everything posted by Randa

  1. also: graveyard http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/tiAqfqb8y4Bq also also: i am almost a scum hunting god.
  2. Randa

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Yeah I think an OC queue is for the best. Also on a semi unrelated note if anybody is knowledgable about Gunnerkrigg court or can check over a multi faction game can you shoot me a PM.
  3. grats bro. not gonna lie i have no idea whether or no the score is good.
  4. the curse lax is too real to not post this one. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-166198800
  5. ded tries to surpass mancer in # of post, doesnt even have twice as many posts as the n1 kill. gg bbm ded
  6. wait a second. soul you weighed half as much as me and you were planing to diet and i was looking to gain weigh. wtf is this. this makes no sense.
  7. why does nobody let me finish sweeping them with camerupt? http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165571584 also on a semi-related note i might need some help testing a new stall team in a bit. if you can help or just feel like beating me shoot me a pm. replay of said stall team for that like 3 people who care. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165579406 i dont even have a comment for how stupid this team was. Focus Punch Delibird. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165585647
  8. i think an altaria sweep is a good way to start off the mornig. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165430638
  9. Mega camerupt: Projected 140/150 base special attack. Check Good move pool for coverage. Check Nice dual stab. Check Both stab get boosted by sheer force. Check Seems like a recipe for best non ubers special wall breaker. Of course ubers still has kyogre for anything special so I can't count ubers. #hailkingkyogre
  10. apparently i dont understand shell smash barbacle. also cm wars between mushrana's can take a while. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165243749 another example of awesome mushrana. but with misplays by me http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165274218 mushy needs to be tested at this point. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165388043
  11. Didnt even take a point of damage and killed half his team before he quite. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-165224810 also this matchup was totally intentional i didnt just hit ubers instead of PU by mistake. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165241431 best idea ive ever had http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-165252142 another one that ended in a stall war
  12. ZM's a chill dude. Though I haven't talked with him as much since I stopped posting in LtPW like a year ago. Overall he gets a touhou/10
  13. [spoiler=@phoniex] Nah only D3. I missed 3 games and played pretty badly for my last four games senior year. And it's not like my knee was the first time I'd had injury problems. High ankle sprain and dislocated wrist aren't exactly boons to a playing career. Got a couple d2 offers but the total cost of attendance wasn't worth it IMO.
  14. Soul I'm gonna give ya the best advice I can on this matter. Don't do it. It is extremely dangerous to do this type of thing Soul I can't imagine you're anywhere near fat. I don't see why you would wanna rush losing weight in your situation. And in general things concerning your body should not be rushed. Take it from the guy who shoulda just sat out the last 4 weeks of his senior year of high school football and instead messed up his knee coming back too soon and now needs surgery and has to redshirt his freshman year of college football. Rushing isn't worth it. Take it slowly and safely. I wanna get back to my original weight. 240 just doesn't feel right I would prefer a 260. That's the thing soul. It doesn't have to be worth and most of the time it isn't. One of my friends spent two and a half weeks in the hospital trying to cut 6 pounds in a week so he could wrestle. It doesn't have to be anything. It's not safe.I don't know if you'll actually take my advice or listen to what I said, but even if you go through with it just be careful.
  15. you start on monday? i've been on campus for a month+ already. damn you guys start late.
  16. Though I do agree that Seahawks fans need to find a better excuse. I honestly belive playing in the heat is significantly worse than playing in the cold. Even if you are used to it. The reason teams struggle going to northern cities at the end of the year is the wind and potential for snow. Both of which limit their options on offense. It's not inherently the cold that is the problem. You have a shit ton of gear on and, unless you play o-line, under armor. In addition you are constantly moving keeping your body warm. In the heat though you still have most of that gear on, and there's no way to cool down. It has a relatively large effect on stamina, particularly around the late third early fourth quarters. #themoreyouknow
  17. Laguz good with you? Something like Mordecia vs. Lethe or Ranulf vs. Janaff.
  18. gotta go with the colts. also am i the only one who has been really underwhelmed with the bronco's new d.
  19. what game do you wanna debate soul?
  20. Prims can i sub/hydra into the slot. just so this game can be even more #rekt.
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