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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Also somebody Unvote. No way in hell are hammering right now.
  2. Okay. Sorry I wasn't on at all in like the last 36 hours. I had to leave at 8:00 am and didn't get back till 10:00pm. I was not following the game at that point, but I should be able to actually contribute now. After breakfast though.
  3. welcome to sf. where if your meta is spam and you want to change that you must be scum
  4. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-172006754 for the people who think trash talking isnt a thing. i still say the dude was salty.
  5. rapier you do realize southern comfort is a brand of whiskey right. and as ive already said ive put back a half a handle. i will not be asking intellegent questions
  6. ive done things the half empty bottle of southern comfort on my desk should answer that question. okay so actually trying to be useful, i dont see any scum intent in poly's self vote. It seems to be a joke, which is gine imo. HRC's response is also fine imo, it questions poly's claim at the same time as questioning why he selfvoted. the problems with this curflufel are mancer and rapier imo. they have posted, and unlike me, have done so about the relevant topic. however i cant really draw any conclusions from there posts. also i think psych should have at least left a joke if he was gonna self vote.
  7. actually im doing this on purpose to amuse myself, mancer is doing it accidentally
  8. you state that i am an active townie and then vote me anyways, thats pretty scummy mancer. : ] also yes i will be more serious, but not right now.
  9. poly lets be real here. i treat rvs the same way as scum, town, and itp. predominately because i am the bestest at mafia and clearly dont have a defining meta that will appear near the end of day 1 involving my analysis on players. nope no such thing exists.
  10. and so balance was restored to the world
  11. yes bbm of all these arguments, psych's was just the most convinving imo
  12. well looks like scum will kill me n1 so this doesnt get too outrageous. looking at you marth #stillsalty
  13. Randa

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    this is not true, prims still hasnt added thousand names mafia to the small queue.
  14. is prims joining in the spam parade too. 13p game with 1000 posts lets go.
  15. clearly the most well thought out, and logically backed vote. would sheep/10 ##Vote Psych
  16. Ten minutes and I've alreadybfucked up
  17. ##refa Thatsvfor carrying the smugnoxious douche bag to a win.
  18. Confirming!
  19. or we boot you to avoid the flake. also you thought i was town last game. granted i was an awesome sk but you sitll thought i was town
  20. actually my coach is thinking about switching me to Mike/Backer when i come back. he says it'll depend on my mobility.
  21. But if we rng alllignments we automatically have 1 scum.
  22. Just rng the players imo.
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