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Everything posted by Randa

  1. so looking through eli's iso, i'm more inclined to believe that eli is town who is struggling to keep pace with a game, that quite frankly is overactive. the posts he's made lack a lot of content and he hasnt really touched up on the more recent happenings, in particular not posting anything about eclipse after he mentions her as minor scum read is pretty bad/scummy. idk i just dont get the feeling he's scum instead of confused town.
  2. No. It's only half mancer+randa votes. Also damn mancer 100+ posts in d1.
  3. can someone like actually say why im a scum read, with like quotes. i fell left out
  4. im gonna apologize in advance, i just got some news i really didnt wanna hear irl so if i flip out over something trivial im sorry.
  5. okay so now that ive had my say about the mancer stuff im going to touch on the rest of his game. quite frankly i think its been pretty bad. his reads seem really surface level. "oh i think kirsche is scum for OMGUS" "oh because randa had a gut read on me i went and read the slot, now i think its scum because neko it has about as much content as i do"(this is what i meant when i said hypocritical, seriously his post came about an hour after i asked for opinions on him and surprise, surprise he suddenly thinks my player is scum despite not indicating any suspicion in any earlier posts) then despite mentioning eli, bbm, rapier, shin, beli i feel like i dont know whether he thinks theyre scum or not. like he's trying to keep as many possible lynches available as he can. i just think marth's play makeks more sense as scum than as town. ##unvote ##vote: marth
  6. shit i wasnt done with that... more to come in a bit
  7. okay so i got some time so im gonna talk about what i meant when i said that i believe that the interactions with mancer make marth look bad. so marth has been pushing mancer as town since kirsche talked about it. his automatic defense was maybe meta? i really dont know what to call it, but saying "mancer wouldn't come back from a 1 year hiatus and claim neighbour as scum". well the problem is nobody had a problem with that aspect, we had a problem with the basis of his cases, which we found were graspy. in addition why are we using non-existant meta to clear people? like i feel thats a really bad idea. now the second part is his insistence that mancer is obvi town when even mancer himself says thats not the case. i cant see a rational reason as to why town would be trying to push so hard in clearing somebody this early on into the game. scum on the other hand makes sense. it makes sense if we consider it as scum trying to buddy with town to try and clear themselves. i also have a couple of very convoluted conspiracy theories that could be going on with marth right now, but they are all really stupid and would just clutter the thread more.
  8. Honestly based on the last couple of post I'm more inclined to believe manger is town. I feel like very few scum argue against being consider obvi town. yes I know ive done it as scum before And I feel like Marty looks worse. Which I'll get into when I'm not in calc.
  9. Let the records show that that post was about mancers comment not Marths.
  10. Wait so nobody bothered pointing that out when I was discussing the classes most likely to have scum. Why?
  11. im gonna say this now. if i have to say it twice i will shoot someone. 1 post is not spending all my time on role spec. stop misrepping me and making it seem like ive been spending pages doing just rolespec. kthnkby also stop being stupid about the claims. mine was a logical one. what reason do i have in keeping mayor hidden. town gains nothing, and if i reveal it scum gains nothing. mancer's claim on the other hand, was unnecessary. not scummy, though neko did imply that, but it also wasnt logical. town gains nothing from knowing he is neighbour and now scum has time to think of how they can construe his words in the neighbour thread to coincide with his actions in thread to make him appear more scummy than he is. i think it was illogical, but the problems that i had/kinda still have, come from the graspy nature of his cases. also you havent exactly been branching out before your last two post. before that you pretty much focused on just eli and kirsche, so you're also kinda a hypocrite.
  12. how does one go about explaining exactly how they messed up? in a mental mess up/mistake i dont really see any point in this post really i feel like ive spent more time spamming or discussing rapiers slip, or doing set up spec, or any number of things other than actually posting thoughts about anybody mancer included. there is an actual reason for this, im trying very hard not to have horribly conflicting reads with neko because wow that could end poorly. i have multiple problems with this post. 1. the first one is that i actually think there is value in set up spec in this game. we are deciding which roles to enable so figuring out which elements are most likely to contain scum can help us keep the scum team weak. 2. trying to defend being so obtuse about the scum slip isn't going to work. honestly attempting to keep it a srecret caused more harm than good. you should've noticed that people wasted hours of time that could've been spent scum hunting, trying to figure out the scum slip.am i saying you did this on purpose no. am i saying it happened yeah. 3.i already brought that point about kirsche's phrasing up and he already gave an answer to it. it was satisfactory at best and weak at worst. but bringing he did explain that he meant we shouldn't waste our time exclusively talking about rapier in case it turns out he is town. you ignored that post and make it seem as if he never touched on the subject. 4.you havent given any solid/convincing town or scum reads despite touching on several people. this reads to me as if you would rather keep your options open for later. now there are also a couple of valid points in the post though. 1. neko's original vote on you did suck. i will not deny that. 2. beli's vote also sucked.
  13. wow i didnt even need to phone post. gj guys hi beli! yes, yes i do have some more thoughts. "for the first time in forever" what you want a real post. fine. ill make one.
  14. You remember when 2 1/2 hour fire drills where a good idea? Neither do I. Anyways I got meetings in a bit so phone posting for like an hour. Then I can actually post my thoughts write, slightly adjusted of course, and maybe change the vote.
  15. what do people think about marth right now? i kinda got a gut reading on a reread so im gonna look more in depth, but any opinions.
  16. so far its been eli, bbm, and myself/neko
  17. didnt bbm claim non elemental though.
  18. im 90% sure i know what the other part of your role is. and i seriously question how that could be unaffected by the class decision but neighbors is. i dont like what you just softed at all. prims has some splaining to do. though i duobt hell answer the questions.
  19. okay can i just mention that id rather we not hammer in the class for today in case we actually need those 24 hours later.
  20. That should say them yet obligatory phone posting sux
  21. Refs pls. When do I ever have reads. I actually do but I haven't posted in hembyet.
  22. Gonna make a quick post because I won't have computer access for a couple of hours. So things of note. Manger: Just because it's not overreacting by your standards doesn't mean it isn't overreacting. Also I technically never voted you before I posted my thoughts. I just didn't bother changing the vote. Eclipse: Doesnt exist atm so we really can't discuss this with her. Kinrsche: don't know why but the okgus doesn't really bother me.
  23. if you, me and mancer were all in this game together we'd already have 15 pages.
  24. good luck zm and may you get many money. also quick bit of advice taking the act/sat tests on 2 hours of sleep sucks so make sure your'e not going overboard/
  25. question. when you say elements have different colors do you mean the role in the wincon or the elemental portion in the role description?
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