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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Sleeping>Mafia. Also lol at the people who are saying somebody who isn't active and literally said I wouldn't be for the rest of the day is active lurking. I'm going to reread now.
  2. I've just been trying to get people to consider who the remaining scum members are out of the remaining players. Since the questions after we decide who is scum between GP and Kirsche the question will be who of the remaining three are the two scum members. Basically what I'm trying to say by reiterating it is don't bother asking my opinion when we get there. I'd rather you and SB are able to focus on just rereading each of us and deciding, without bothering to ask who we think is scum. Also it should be obvious that the actual doc will be dead by then. I don't know. I don't think its that weird.
  3. Anybody else getting déjà vu from this argument?
  4. I thought that was lynch priority for a second. But that would make no sense.
  5. I didn't say it wasn't suspicious, I also didn't say it was. I said it was grasping. I read the whole thing as a null.
  6. BBM I never said it wasn't suspicious. I don't really have time to reread the thread to see who is scum at the moment hence why I have no idea. Also formatting a vote on my phone is a pain in the arse so if that is what you find scummy then, you're still wrong.
  7. This would be valid if anybody said rapier was town. This just seems like grasping a lot. Even by ed1 standard.
  8. I just feel like tossing my two cents in here about the Kinumi thing. It reads more as null to me. It could easily have been GP putting pressure on Kinumi to distance herself, but Kinumi never posted to defend herself and as such it backfired. But it also would've been easy for GP to switch her vote to somebody else if she truly felt that she would put herself at a disadvantage but getting Kinumi lynched. It wouldn't have even been taken as a scum move it would've just been moving on while waiting for Kinumi to get on/sub.
  9. A doc claim should always be at the bottom of towns lynch priorities. I don't see how he would be trying to lower that by claiming his role could be brought back. If anything that raises it slightly.
  10. It's significantly more likely it was joke. And why would you need to WIFOM over being the Doc. More importantly why would you be concerned whether or not rapier is the doc?
  11. Okay I'm gonna just let you and Kirsche duke it out at this point cause I'm not sure who is scum right now, but I would still like clarification from SB on his thoughts about you. Also I would like to hear Eli, and Ace's opinions on this matter.
  12. *facepalm SB do you mean a lynch on a claimed doc. Otherwise that would mean we lose. The real doc is probably town. And do you mean leaning toward thinking GP is scum, or siding with GP.
  13. Okay does anybody here, aside from Kirsche, actually think FFM is town. And if the answer is no can we just lynch him. It at least gives us a flip and complete associative reads to work with. Good idea? Bad idea?
  14. I know I'm surprised the whole country wasn't a pats or cowboys logo.
  15. I'm not gonna rule out the possibility that GP and Kirsche are both scum, but I will point out that despite stating that scum!GP wouldn't do that to Kinumi, it is exactly what Prims did in conspiracy and used it to coast to the win. So more number time then I'm gonna an check GP and Kirsche throughout the game. So we have 3 scum left. I think we can all agree SB and Eli are rolecleared at this point. So that leaves us with 3 scum in five people. Ace, FFM, GP, Kirsche, and myself. I think we need to stop solely focusing on the doc claim. And look at the VTs as well. Note: I know I'm town so the way I see it we have 3 scum in 4 a group of 4 people, but that is only obvious to me.
  16. Whichever one was scum knew for a fact they would be in a 1v1. If it is GP she would know two people she could not be facing in this situation and doesn't know if she can win. If it is Kirsche he knows who he is facing, and knows he can probably win. Is that the train of thought?
  17. So if it was initiated by GP you would have the same problems. Can you just phrase it in stupid people terms cause I just can't get this part. I know I'm running all the numbers on possibilities and what not and I can't figure this out[/strke] They might have randomized the kills, they might've been trying to set me up night 1 and night 2, Kirsche might've been completely wrong on his reads and hav led us to mislynches. I really don't know. It is a valid point though. Why Kirsche survived could have multiple explanations. I'm inclined to believe they tried to set me up as a late game lynch, but that might just be me.
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