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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Kirsche Candeloro SB Cam Prims Weapons FFM Belisarius Shin Randa Paperblade Blitz BBM Rapier Strawman scorri Reinfleche uliette Refa Bear Bluedoom ISO for whoever wants them.
  2. Besides I only did that with blitz, you I just pointed out the logic problems with it, and stated that one of your points was pretty scummy.
  3. That's not what I'm doing. I'm looking at three people who have not voiced any suspicion of me, to my knowledge, and trying to figure out what it is that doesn't feel right. If I actually were to push shin you would be right. Not the case though.
  4. Shin if I was focusing on discrediting reads on me don't you think I would've posted something to discredit them by now. I said I might. Maybe address one. As it is I'm still trying to figure what it is about the three of them that sits with me wrong, I can't find anything rational though at least not yet.
  5. Only three right now. Weird. Shows how much I've paid attention to votes on me. Seven or eight people on total have voiced the same opinion as you did though. I wonder a bit hypocritical calling me out for using other people's cases to get an answer from weapons while you can use other people case to avoid making a realistic case. I might actually address one of the cases against me in a bit. Maybe.
  6. You just did though. Last I checked I have six votes on me now, maybe five. Idk. Neither did I.
  7. Not really. I feel like I'm overlooking something important wrt Prims, Refa, and SB but I can't figure out what. Also I think people misunderstood, I voted weapons because I wanted an explanation more so than thinking he was/is flat out scum, obviously he's still an area of concern but like pretty much the entire game he's null, just closer to a scum read than most. Also I don't see all this content we're supposed to work with I see a lot of spam, some of which is mine.
  8. Uhhhhh. I feel like there really isn't that much actual content despite being on page 10 already. So basically reading the game three times has produced literally zero solid scum reads, me getting called out for doings what the majority of the game is doing and being called scum for it, and me being unmotivated again. So before somebody asks no I don't have any strong scum reads. Sorry.
  9. I don't really see how rapiers vote on weapons was literally any different from my vote on weapons. Also I feel like rapier is town. God I can't get any reads this game. I would lynch me at this point. Anyways let's check SB.
  10. Well apparently reading Refa accomplished nothing so that's one useless gut read. Blitz since you wanted to see how reclass ended for meta, what do you think of myself and FFM now? Also I think I'll check rapier. After I shower though.
  11. Yes. Also David Wilson's done. He's retiring if you can call it that. That is... That's scary. Looked good his rookie year, but I guess that's the sport for you.
  12. It's not so much the idea itself that bothers me, it's the sudden change in opinion of the mass claim that was the problem, not to mention he never explained the change in opinion. Now that I know it was a reaction test, I think, it's not really that bad anymore. I'm not thrilled with the hopping between votes, but the same thing can be applied to poly. ##Unvote I'm gonna go read Refa. And I have no idea why.
  13. Also love the fact that I had 40 more post than anybody else in this game.
  14. It's the hof game. The rest start this Thursday.
  15. Okay.##Unvote ##Vote: Randa ##Unvote ##Vote: Weapons But seriously can you answer why the 180 on a mass claim.
  16. Dammit BBM I wanted town MVP. Ah general thoughts thought this was fun, especially reading the graveyard qt I laughed so hard over that. Generally speaking towards night kills, Kirsche just wanted to kill whoever, would be hard to mislynch or wouldn't lead us to a mislynch. Day 3 was something. And to answer GP's question as to why I emphasized that I was just sheeping SB it was so it wouldn't look like I was just bussing FFM and if SB switched his vote I could prevent a lynch without really having to give reasons because SB would've dropped his case. I do think that was a scum slip on my part though.
  17. A lot of the other things that are cases right now are relatively pointless from my standpoint. I don't findbproblwms with prima or poly(I'm kinda surprised by this part) the bbm being defensive thing is something I don't see, discussed ffm. I think those are the only not spam /complaining about spam things of note right now.
  18. Eli I probably just didn't have the highest priority or whatever it was for reclassing.
  19. Yeah small post. So I have a couple problems particularly with the second post. Especially the bolded portion in the first quote you give us reasons we should mass claim today, ignoring the fact that the mechanics state scum has fake claims, but in the bolded part you say you don't wan them at all. Why would you bring it up and argue for doing it, if you don't want it? It actually was serious given the fact that weapons brought it up twice and argued why we should do it. Also he never gave an explanation on the sudden change so how would he have explained anything. I kinda feel like you're vote hoping. Wow. That was blunt. And a bit rude.who am I voting? ##Unvote ##Vote: Weapons I find the, to quote marf, 180 on his opinions wrt the whole mass claim thing suspicious. I also don't like how he essentialy avoided actually answering Blitz's questions. Also misspelled my name obviscum.
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