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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Also sorry if I seem unhelpful I've kinda reached a point where I have nothing to comment on they he new content posts.
  2. It is clinically proven that facial hair makes a man look 72.8349% sexier. No mater how apish they may seem.
  3. That's the problem with being an adultish person. I bet they don't even let you have mullets.
  4. I don't even care what the setup is. I just want a cult we could even have no mafia faction just five individual cult leaders and I'd be happy.
  5. Also Prims that seems like its really hard for mafia to win.
  6. Yes folks it's that time of year. Where college students have an excuse to be lazy and not shave for a month then decide they like their new facial hair and just keep it for the rest of the semester only to have their girlfriend tell them to shave it off. So to commemorate this great month I will post a weekly update of my beards progress, already at like 2 weeks, and I encourage you all to do the same.
  7. Yeah I should probably read things in context shouldn't I. Not gonna lie, sorta grasping cause I know there are 5 anti-town people yet I can't seem to get 5 scum reads. Even after associative reads.
  8. I fully support a manix lynch. Let's go get the illuminati. ##Unvote ##Vote: Manix
  9. Eh you're still better than I was in guitar. Speaking of which I never did apologize. I'm sorry for being a dick Larsa.
  10. Anyway I had something else I wanted to say. @J: Town Refa is kinda like a puppy. He can be a but excitable from my experience with him.
  11. Also apparently I don't have any other post I really felt like, or feel like, quoting so I'm just doing informal bullshit instead. BT is the only one left who really jumps out at me. And I can kinda see scum at the slot, though I might be trying to hard to fill put my scumreads I am fairly confident that I might be right. The way he goes after mancer, though well written and intelligently done just strikes me wrong for some reason. Maybe it's the reiteration of points already discussed when nothing new has been produced by mancer. But it also seems like his post indicates more of a null read than a scum read and yet he still votes him. The Prims thing doesn't seem to be coming from a townie perspective. He seems more like he's trying to find reasons that Prims is scum rather than find scummy things Prims has done. Does that even make sense. I swear to god that sounds better in my head. Slight scumread ATM. I really want a flip for associative reads.
  12. This post kinda makes me conflicted tbh. I don't like how BBM seems to be hand waving the cases by SB or any arguments against Larsa, least that's how I see it I do want other opinions on whether or I'm reading deeply enough. I do agree with the sentiments about Mancer and some of the sentiments about J though. I really don't know how I feel about BBM ATM. It's wierd I've been kinda wishy-washy this game. A better plot twist would be neither me nor you being scum, but that's not the case now is it Mr. Mafia Overlord. I don't think I've ever Prims actually be on the defensive before. Not gonna lie its kinda concerning. The tactics for scum hunting remind me of Tyne-wear. He's seems to just be going with the flow. When mancer flips I will probably have a more definitive read on Prims. I do agree with you on the fact there is almost certainly scum on your wagon right now. The question is though, are you scum? Maybe an ITP? Or maybe you're telling the truth and are actually town. I'm inclined to believe you're scum based off interactions with certain members of your wagon. I will need to see a flip before I bring these up though. You literally did the same exact thing with BBM. *Facepalm* Yeah I don't think this is scum!refa. It's too gun hoe. Also I do disagree with your scum read on me, but since I don't really like trying to repute cases made against as I feel scum hunting is a more valuable use of my time I will not be addressing your scum read. What I will be addressing though is the read on SB, which is the other part I disagreed with. I think SB is more likely to struggle producing reads as town then scum. Looking at reclass I remember him being overwhelmed with other people's opinions very easily. And looking at hard Nocs 1 he was more solid wrt his reads IMO. obligatory not even 20 response.Apparently the rest of my quotes got eaten so its gonna take a bit more time before my next post. Tata for now.
  13. Also sorry I didn't clarify I was talking about mancer self hammering.
  14. I think this one has something to do with elidon.
  15. Can we just wait until I make my post then. Also please nobody vote mancer until I post because there's a good chance he would just quick hammer.
  16. Randa

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Bear shouldn't you be hibernating.
  17. I vote no to hammer as we only need 1/3 to lynch(which we've already achieved), and I'd rather post about recent content before phase end as its kinda likely I'll be the night kill.
  18. Okay I have access to my ipad now so I can bang out a couple post but I won't be iso'ng people till I can get on my laptop. But before I actually start reading through what's happened I have a couple quick questions for scarlet flame. 1. Why mancer instead literally anybody else?2. What are you thoughts on literally anybody in this game? 3. Why did you not exist until, what I guess was a mod warning? 4. Not really a question but please do not edit posts it can result in a Modkill in NOC games. Okay time to get to work on the rest of the thread.
  19. Sorry I sorta disappeared. I was going to post more then I realized it was Halloween and got drunk instead. Anyways I would usually say I'm gonna catch up, but I kinda have a game today so it'll be another like 8/9 hours before I can post, possibly later dependening on other RL things.
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