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Everything posted by Randa

  1. I'm not sure how I want to do the format right now I am kinda tired so I'm not sure. But for the units if you see variations it's easier to just do 6-7 or whatever the range may be. It saves a lot of effort. And trust me it will get tedious and anything that can save time will help.
  2. That's what I'm saying, they fucked both teams ,they were way to flag happy. And the guys mic was broken so it was really annoying.
  3. What the fuck is wrong with these refs. Not just as a pats fan but as a football fan I never want to see 12 flags in a half. Or whatever number it is. The refs need to shut up and go away.
  4. Sully must be the waifu. Because its awesome. But between the two I'd have to go with oloivia.
  5. Thank you. Can you do something like this:Soliderx3 Lv 3 Hp 33 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 12 Lck 10 Def 5 Res 2 Steel lance Class number of units on the map, stats, and weapon. Just PM whenever you finish one. And can also just tell me the difficulty it's on the chapter number. And aside from that just do which ever ones you want. The following are the lunatic stats which I've been reformatting. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AhpIpUc0mrHgdDBKSWYtWkp6RGVLbDdoZUpKZl9oQ1E&f=true&noheader=true&gid=5 And these are the other stats which are in Japanese or Chinese or Korean(I have no idea) if you can understand it feel free to do those if not i can do them. Also can you just tell me when your doing one so I don't do the same one. http://kamikouryaku.com/fe/kakusei/?%BD%F8%BE%CF%20%BF%B7%A4%BF%A4%CA%A4%EB%CE%F2%BB%CB%20%A5%CF%A1%BC%A5%C9 Thank you Edit: Can somebody confirm for me the dark mages stats on chapter 5 lunatic mode. They seem really low comparatively. Edit 2: Ignor that they just suck.
  6. So who wants to make Super Bowl predictions? I got Chiefs V. Seahawks. What's everyone else's?
  7. No I can understand the stats and will just translate the class and weapons I just didn't know which was which. I'm gonna put off the skills for later. Right now I'm just focusing on making the format of all the stats uniform. I should finish everything except for skills by New Years at the latest. Though help in the formatting department will probably make things quicker.
  8. Thank you paper. I'll begin putting those in. Thank you Horace Ill begin putting it in English when I finish that. As a side note the is the last column skills or weapons?
  9. So I was planning to a comprehensive rating of every character of this game, under multiple criteria, and I realized we don't have any stats for the enemie. There's a handful on the wiki and we have the boss stats but we don't have any others. So I decided 8 months after the game went worldwide was long enough and that we need to collect the following things for each difficulty of the game: Enemy level and number of enemies Enemy stats/stat ranges. Enemy possible skills. Enemy equipment. And class. So if you can help to contribute some information or data on any level please do so in spoilers or PM it to me so I can put it into the OP. [spoiler=normal mode] [spoiler=Prologue] Myrmidon x2 Lv 1 Hp 15 Str 04 Mag 00 Skill 05 Spd 06 Lck 04 Def 01 Res 00 Bronze Sword Mage Lv 1 Hp 14 Str 00 Mag 04 Skill 03 Spd 04 Lck 03 Def 00 Res 01 Wind Barbarian Lv 1 Hp 16 Str 05 Mag 00 Skill 02 Spd 04 Lck 02 Def 01 Res 00 Bronze Axe [spoiler=hard mode] [spoiler=Prologue] Fighters x2 Hp 21 Str 7-8 Mag 0 Skill 3-4 Spd 6 Lck 3 Def 1 Res 0 Bronze axe. Myrmidons x3 Hp 19 Str 6 Mag 0 Skill 7-8 Spd 7-8 Lck 6-7 Def 1 Res 1 Bronze sword Mage Str 0 Mag 6 Skill 5 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 0 Res 1-2 Wind Mage Str 0 Mag 6 Skill 5 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 0 Res 1-2 Thunder [spoiler=Chapter 1] Fighter x4 Lv 1 Hp 21 Str 9-10 Mag 0 Skill 6-7 Spd 6-7 Lck 5-6 Def 1-2 Res 0 Bronze axe Mercenary x2 Lv 1 Hp 19-20 Str 8-9 Mag 0 Skill 10-11 Spd 9 Lck 4-5 Def 2-3 Res 0-1 Bronze sword Archer Lv 1 Hp 20 Str 6 Mag 0 Skill 10- 11 Spd 7- 8 Lck 4 Def 1-2 Res 0-1 Bronze bow [spoiler=Chapter 2] Chapter 2 Mercenary x3 Lv 2 Hp 23 Str 8 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 9 Lck 5 Def 3 Res 0 Iron sword Barbarian x3 Lv 2 Hp 24 Str 9 Mag 0 Skill 5 Spd 7 Lck 4 Def 2 Res 0 Iron Axe Solider x6 Lv 2 Hp 28 Str 8 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 8 Lck 6 Def 3 Res 1 Iron Lance [spoiler=Chapter 3] Chapter 3 Solider x4 Lv 3 Hp 24 Str 8 Mag 0 Skill 9 Spd 8 Lck 6 Def 3 Res 0 Iron Lance Archer x5 Lv 3 Hp 23 Str 8 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 8 Lck 4 Def 3 Res 1 Iron Bow Mercenary x3 Lv 3 Hp 23 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 10 Lck 6 Def 4 Res 0 Iron Sword Knight x2 Lv 3 Hp 26 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 7 Spd 2 Lck 6 Def 9 Res 0 Iron Lance Fighter Lv 3 Hp 25 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 1 Iron Axe Fighter Lv 3 Hp 25 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 1 Hammer [spoiler=Chapter 4] Chapter 4 Fighter x2 Lv 5 Hp 27 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 4 Res 0 Iron Axe Mage x2 Lv 5 Hp 22 Str 0 Mag 9 Skill 7 Spd 7 Lck 6 Def 1 Res 4 Thunder Fighter x2 Lv 5 Hp 28 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 8 Lck 8 Def 3 Res 1 Hand Axe Knight x2 Lv 5 Hp 28 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 2 Lck 6 Def 9 Res 1 Iron Lance [spoiler=Chapter 5] Chapter 6 Barbarian x6 Lv 5 Hp 29 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 6 Spd 8 Lck 4 Def 4 Res 0 Iron Axe Dark Mage x3 Lv 5 Hp 26 Str 1 Mag 7 Skill 4 Spd 5 Lck 4 Def 5 Res 4 Flux Myrmidon x4 Lv 5 Hp 24 Str 9 Mag 1 Skill 12 Spd 13 Lck 8 Def 3 Res 3 Iron Sword Mage Lv 5 Hp 22 Str 0 Mag 8 Skill 7 Spd 7 Lck 6 Def 2 Res 4 Fire Wyvern rider x4 Lv 7 Hp 26 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 9 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 9 Res 1 Iron Axe Reinforcements Turn 3 Barbarian Lv 5 Hp 29 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 6 Spd 8 Lck 4 Def 4 Res 0 Iron axe Barbarian Lv 5 Hp 29 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 6 Spd 8 Lck 4 Def 4 Res0 Hand axe Myrmidon Lv 5 Hp 24 Str 9 Mag 1 Skill 12 Spd 13 Lck 8 Def 3 Res 3 Iron Sword Turn 4 Wyvern rider x2 Lv 7 Hp 26 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 9 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 9 Res 1 Iron Axe Turn 5 Dark Mage Lv 5 Hp 26 Str 1 Mag 7 Skill 4 Spd 5 Lck 4 Def 5 Res 4 Flux Myrmidon Lv 5 Hp 24 Str 9 Mag 1 Skill 12 Spd 13 Lck 8 Def 3 Res 3 Iron Sword Barbarian Lv 5 Hp 29 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 6 Spd 8 Lck 4 Def 4 Res 0 Iron Axe [spoiler=Chapter 6] Chapter 6 Fighter x8 Lv 6 Hp 29 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 7 Lck 7 Def 5 Res 5 Iron Axe Dark Mage x4 Lv 6 Hp 27 Str 1 Mag 6 Skill 5 Spd 5 Lck 4 Def 4 Res 4 Flux Dark Mage Lv 6 Hp 27 Str 1 Mag 6 Skill 5 Spd 5 Lck 4 Def 4 Res 4 Thunder Dark Mage Lv 6 Hp 27 Str 1 Mag 6 Skill 5 Spd 5 Lck 4 Def 4 Res 4 Wind Thief x4 Lv 6 Hp 24 Str 8 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 16 Lck 5 Def 3 Res 0 Iron Sword Cavalier x4 Lv 6 Hp 26 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 1 Iron Lance [spoiler=Chapter 7] Chapter 7 Barbarian x3 Lv 7 Hp 31 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 6 Spd 9 Lck 5 Def 4 Res 1 Iron Axe Archer x3 Lv 7 Hp 27 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 9 Lck 5 Def 4 Res 1 Iron Bow Thief x2 Lv 7 Hp 25 Str 8 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 16 Lck 5 Def 3 Res 0 Iron Sword Barbarian Lv 7 Hp 31 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 6 Spd 9 Lck 5 Def 4 Res 1 Hammer Barbarian x3 Lv 7 Hp 31 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 6 Spd 9 Lck 5 Def 4 Res 1 Hand Axe Wyvern Rider x8 Lv 9 Hp 29 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 9 Res 1 Iron Axe Reinforcements Turn 5 Wyvern Rider x3 Lv 9 Hp 29 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 9 Res 1 Iron Axe [spoiler=Chapter 8] Chapter 8 Fighter x4 Lv 8 Hp 31 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 9 Lck 9 Def 5 Res 0 Steel Axe Myrmidon x2 Lv 8 Hp 26 Str 10 Mag 1 Skill 14 Spd 15 Lck 9 Def 4 Iron sword Dark Mage x4 Lv 8 Hp 28 Str 1 Mag 8 Skill 6 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 5 Res 5 Flux Dark Mage Lv 8 Hp 28 Str 1 Mag 8 Skill 6 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 5 Res 5 Elfire Fighter Lv 8 Hp 31 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 9 Lck 9 Def 5 Res 0 Iron Axe Cavalier x2 Lv 8 Hp 29 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 10 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 1 Steel Lance Cavalier x2 Lv 8 Hp 29 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 10 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 1 Iron Lance Dark Mage x2 Lv 8 Hp 28 Str 1 Mag 8 Skill 6 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 5 Res 5 Elwind Dark Mage Lv 8 Hp 28 Str 1 Mag 8 Skill 6 Spd 6 Lck 5 Def 5 Res 5 Elthunder Myrmidon Lv 8 Hp 26 Str 10 Mag 1 Skill 14 Spd 15 Lck 9 Def 4 Res 3 Killing edge Myrmidon x2 Lv 8 Hp 26 Str 10 Mag 1 Skill 14 Spd 15 Lck 9 Def 4 Steel Sword [spoiler=Chapter 9] Chapter 9 Soldier Lv 11 Hp 30 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 11 Lck 9 Def 6 Res 1 Javelin Mage x2 Lv 9 Hp 25 Str 0 Mag 11 Skill 10 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 6 Elfire Tome Solider x4 Lv 11 Hp 30 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 11 Lck 9 Def 6 Res 1 Steel Lance Wyvern Rider x5 Lv 11 Hp 31 Str 14 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 11 Res 1 Steel Axe Archer x3 Lv 9 Hp 28 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 9 Lck 5 Def 5 Res 1 Steel bow Dark Mage Lv 9 Hp 29 Str 1 Mag 9 Skill 7 Spd 7 Lck 4 Def 5 Res 5 Flux Archer Lv 9 Hp 28 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 9 Lck 5 Def 5 Res 1 Killer Bow Reinforcements Turn5 Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 11 Hp 31 Str 14 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 11 Res 1 Steel Lance Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 11 Hp 30 Str 14 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 11 Res 1 Hand Axe Solider Lv 11 Hp 30 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 11 Lck 9 Def 6 Res 1 Steel Lance Mage Lv 9 Hp 25 Str 0 Mag 11 Skill 10 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 5 Elwind [spoiler=lunatic mode] [spoiler=Prolouge] http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Prologue [spoiler= Chapter 1] http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Chapter_1 [spoiler=Chapter 2] http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Chapter_2 [spoiler=Chapter 3] Soliderx3 Lv 3 Hp 33 Str 12 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 12 Lck 10 Def 5 Res 2 Steel lance Knight x4 Lv 3 Hp 35 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 4 Lck 9 Def 11 Res 1 Steel lance Mercenary x3 Lv 3 Hp 31 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 15 Spd 13 Lck 9 Def 5 Res 2 Steel sword Archerx5 Lv 3 Hp 31 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 15 Spd 11 Lck 7 Def 4 Res 2 Steel bow Fighter Lv3 Hp 34 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 4 Res 1 Steel Axe Fighter Lv3 Hp 34 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 10 Lck 10 Def 4 Res 1 Hammer [spoiler=Chapter 4] Fighter x2 Lv 5 Hp 36 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 10 Lck 11 Def 4 Res 1 Steel Axe Mage x2 lv 5 Hp 28 Str 0 Mag 12 Skill 10 Spd 10 Lck 9 Def 2 Res 6 Elthunder Knight x2 Lv 5 Hp 37 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 10 Spd 4 Lck 9 Def 11 Res 1 Steel Lance Fighter x2 Lv 5 Hp 36 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 10 Lck 11 Def 4 Res 1 Short Axe [spoiler=Chapter 5] Wyvern Rider x6 Lv 7 Hp 34 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def 10 Res 1 Steel Axe Barbarian x6 Lv 5 Hp 38 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 11 Lck 6 Def 4 Res 1 Steel Axe Myrmidon x5 Lv5 Hp 31 Str 12 Mag 1 Skill 16 Spd 17 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 4 Steel Sword Dark Mage x3 Lv 5 Hp 34 Str 1 Mag 9 Skill 6 Spd 7 Lck 6 Def 5 Res 6 Nosferatu Mage Lv 5 Hp 28 Str 0 Mag 12 Skill 10 Spd 10 Lck 9 Def 2 Res 6 Elfire Reinforcements. Turn 3: Barbarian x2 Lv 5 Hp 38 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 11 Lck 6 Def 4 Res 1 Steel Axe Myrmidon Lv5 Hp 31 Str 12 Mag 1 Skill 16 Spd 17 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 4 Steel Sword 30 Turn 5: Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 7 Hp 34 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def 10 Res 1 Steel Axe Turn 6: Myrmidon Lv5 Hp 31 Str 12 Mag 1 Skill 16 Spd 17 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 4 Barbarian Hp 38 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 8 Spd 11 Lck 6 Def 4 Res 1 Steel Axe Myrmidon Lv5 Hp 31 Str 12 Mag 1 Skill 16 Spd 17 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 4 Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 7 Hp 34 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def 10 Res 1 Steel Axe [spoiler=Chapter 6] Dark Mage x6 Lv 6 Hp 34 Str 1 Mag 9 Skill 7 Spd 7 Lck 6 Def 5 Res 6 Nosferatu Thief x4 Lv 6 Hp 29 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 15 Spd 19 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 1 Steel Sword Fighter x5 Lv 6 Hp 37 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 9 Lck 11 Def 5 Res 1 Steel Axe Cavalier x4 Lv6 Hp 34 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 11 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def7 Res 2 Steel Lance Fighter x2 Lv 6 Hp 37 Str 16 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 9 Lck 11 Def 5 Res 1 Silver Axe [spoiler=Chapter 7] Wyvern Rider x8 Lv 9 Hp 36 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def 10 Res 1 Steel Axe Barbarian x5 Lv 7 Hp 39 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 9 Spd 13 Lck 7 Def 5 Res 1 Steel Axe Archer x3 Lv 7 Hp 34 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spd 12 Lck 8 Def 5 Res 2 Steel Bow Thief x2 Lv 7 Hp 31 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 16 Spd 20 Lck 8 Def 4 Res 1 Silver Sword Reinforcements. Turn 5: Wyvern Rider x3 Lv 9 Hp 36 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 12 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def 10 Res 1 Steel Axe [spoiler= Chapter 8] Fighter x4 Lv 8 Hp 39 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 11 Lck 12 Def 6 Res 1 Silver Axe Myrmidon Lv 8 Hp 33 Str 13 Mag1 Skill 18 Spd 19 Lck 13 Def 5 Res 4 Killing Edge Dark Mage x4 Lv 8 Hp 36 Str 1 Mag 11 Skill 9 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 6 Nosferatu Myrmidon x2 Lv 8 Hp 33 Str 13 Mag 1 Skill 18 Spd 19 Lck 13 Def 5 Res 4 Silver Sword Dark Mage x2 Lv 8 Hp 36 Str 1 Mag 11 Skill 9 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 6 Arcwind Dark Mage Lv 8 Hp 36 Str 1 Mag 11 Skill 9 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 6 Arcfire Dark Mage Lv 8 Hp 36 Str 1 Mag 11 Skill 9 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 6 Arcthunder Fighter Lv 8 Hp 39 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 11 Lck 12 Def 6 Res 1 Steel Axe Myrmidon x2 Lv 8 Hp 33 Str 13 Mag 1 Skill 18 Spd 19 Lck 13 Def 5 Res 4 Steel Sword Cavalier x2 Lv 8 Hp 36 Str 15 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 13 Lck 11 Def 8 Res 2 Silver Lance Cavalier x2 Lv 8 Hp 36 Str 15 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 13 Lck 11 Def 8 Res 2 Steel Lance [spoiler=Chapter 9] Soldier x6 Lv 11 Hp 39 Str 14 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 8 Res 3 Silver Lance Mage x2 Lv 9 Hp 31 Str 0 Mag 15 Skill 12 Spd 12 Lck 10 Def 4 Res 8 Arcfire Archer Lv 9 Hp 36 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 18 Spd 12 Lck 8 Def 6 Res 2 Silver Bow Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 11 Hp 38 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 11 Def 12 Res 1 Steel Axe Soldier Lv 11 Hp 39 Str 14 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 8 Res 3 Steel Lance Archer Lv 9 Hp 36 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 18 Spd 12 Lck 8 Def 6 Res 2 Steel Bow Dark Mage Lv 9 Hp 37 Str 1 Mag 11 Skill 9 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 6 Res 7 Nosferatu Wyvern Rider x3 Lv 11 Hp 38 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 11 Def 12 Res 1 Silver Axe Archer x2 Lv 9 Hp 36 Str 13 Mag 0 Skill 18 Spd 12 Lck 8 Def 6 Res 2 Killer Bow Reinforcements Turn 5 Wyvern Rider x3 Lv 11 Hp 38 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 11 Def 12 Res 1 Silver Axe Wyvern Rider x3 Lv 11 Hp 38 Str 17 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 11 Def 12 Res 1 Short Axe Soldier Lv 11 Hp 39 Str 14 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 8 Res 3 Silver Lance Mage Lv 9 Hp 31 Str 0 Mag 15 Skill 12 Spd 12 Lck 10 Def 4 Res 8 Arcwind [spoiler=Chapter 10] Thief x3 Lv 5 Hp 29 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 15 Spd 17 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 1 Silver Sword Thief Lv 5 Hp 29 Str 10 Mag 0 Skill 15 Spd 17 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 1 Wyrmslayer Barbarian x8 Lv 11 Hp 42 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 9 Spd 14 Lck 7 Def 5 Res 1 Silver Axe Soldier x7 Lv 13 Hp 41 Str 15 Mag 0 Skill 15 Spd 15 Lck 13 Def 9 Res 3 Silver Lance Wyvern Rider x4 Lv 13 Hp 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 12 Def 14 Res 1 Silver Axe Barbarian x3 Lv 11 Hp 42 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 9 Spd 14 Lck 7 Def 5 Res 1 Short Axe Wyvern Rider x3 Lv 13 Hp 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 12 Def 14 Res 1 Short Axe Soldier Lv 13 Hp 41 Str 15 Mag 0 Skill 15 Spd 15 Lck 13 Def 9 Res 3 Short Spear Reinforcements. Turn 5 Wyvern Rider Lv 13 Hp 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 12 Def 14 Res 1 Silver Axe Wyvern Rider Lv 13 Hp 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 12 Def 14 Res 1 Short Axe Turn 6 Wyvern Rider 13 40 19 0 13 12 12 14 1 Short axe Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 13 Hp 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 12 Def 14 Res 1 Silver Axe Turn 7 Barbarian Lv 11 Hp 42 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 9 Spd 14 Lck 7 Def 5 Res 1 Silver Axe Wyvern Rider x3 Lv 13 Hp 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 12 Def 14 Res 1 Silver Axe Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 13 Hp 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 13 Spd 12 Lck 12 Def 14 Res 1 Short Axe [spoiler=Chapter 11] Thief Lv 7 Hp 32 Str 11 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spd 19 Lck 8 Def 4 Res 1 Silver Sword Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 14 Hp 43 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 13 Lck 13 Def 14 Res 1 Silver Axe Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 14 Hp 43 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 13 Lck 13 Def 14 Res 1 Short Axe Mercenary x4 Lv 14 Hp 42 Str 18 Mag 0 Skill 21 Spd 18 Lck 13 Def 8 Res 3 Silver Sword Fighter x4 Lv 14 Hp 46 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spd 13 Lck 15 Def 7 Res 2 Silver Axe Hero Lv 1 Hp 54 Str 24 Mag 1 Skill 27 Spd 25 Lck 21 Def 13 Res 9 Silver Sword Mage x2 Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcthunder Mage x2 Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcwind Mage x2 Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcfire Sage Lv 1 Hp 46 Str 1 Mag 23 Skill 22 Spd 21 Lck 20 Def 9 Res 17 Arcfire Reinforcements Turn 3: Fighter x2 Lv 14 Hp 46 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spd 13 Lck 15 Def 7 Res 2 Silver Axe Mercenary Lv 14 Hp 42 Str 18 Mag 0 Skill 21 Spd 18 Lck 13 Def 8 Res 3 Silver Sword Mage Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcfire Mage Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcthunder Turn 4: Fighter Lv 14 Hp 46 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spd 13 Lck 15 Def 7 Res 2 Short Axe Mercenary Lv 14 Hp 42 Str 18 Mag 0 Skill 21 Spd 18 Lck 13 Def 8 Res3 Armourslayer Hero Lv 1 Hp 54 Str 24 Mag 1 Skill 27 Spd 25 Lck 21 Def 13 Res 9 Silver Axe Turn 5: Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 14 Hp 43 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 13 Lck 13 Def 14 Res 1 Silver Axe, Turn 6: Fighter x2 Lv 14 Hp 46 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spe 13 Lck 15 Def 7 Res 2 Silver Axe Mercenary Lv 14 Hp 42 Str 18 Mag 0 Skill 21 Spd 18 Lck 13 Def 8 Res 3 Silver Sword Mage Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcfire Mage Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcthunder Turn 7: Mercenary Lv 14 Hp 42 Str 18 Mag 0 Skill 21 Spd 18 Lck 13 Def 8 Res 3 Silver Sword Fighter Lv 14 Hp 46 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spd 13 Lck 15 Def 7 Res 2 Silver Axe Mage Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcfire Wyvern Rider x2 Lv 14 Hp 43 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 14 Spd 13 Lck 13 Def 14 Res 1 Silver Axe Turn 8: Fighter x2 Lv 14 Hp 46 Str 21 Mag 0 Skill 17 Spd 13 Lck 15 Def 7 Res 2 Silver Axe Mercenary Lv 14 Hp 42 Str 18 Mag 0 Skill 21 Spd 18 Lck 13 Def 8 Res 3 Silver Sword Mage Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcfire Mage Lv 12 Hp 35 Str 0 Mag 17 Skill 14 Spd 14 Lck 12 Def 4 Res 9 Arcthunder [spoiler=Cht.18] HP|St|Mg|Sk|Sp|Lk|Df|Rs Name@Class Lv (Skills) (Weapon, Forge+, Drop!)66|32|03|39|41|34|21|19 Yen'fay@Swordmaster Lv.15 (Hit+10, Avo+10, Swdfaire, Astra, Vantage) (Amatsu!, N.Rapier!)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Aegis) (Silver Lance+)56|25|02|33|35|28|16|17 Swordmaster Lv.7 (Hit+10) (Silver Sword+)56|25|02|33|35|28|16|17 Swordmaster Lv.7 (Hit+10, Vantage) (Silver Sword+)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (HP+5, Hit+10, Gamble) (Silver Axe+)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (Hit+10, Gamble, Counter) (Silver Axe+)51|01|25|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.5 (Hit+10) (Rexcalibur+)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (Hit+10) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+, Concoction!)51|01|25|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.5 (Hit+10, Focus) (Bolganone+)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter) (Silver Lance+)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter, Aegis) (Silver Sword+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10) (Silver Axe+, Silver Axe!)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)56|25|02|33|35|28|16|17 Swordmaster Lv.7 (Hit+10, Avo+10, Swdfaire) (Silver Sword+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Str+2, Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Aegis) (Silver Sword+)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (HP+5, Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Aegis) (Silver Lance+, Silver Lance!)51|01|25|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.5 (Hit+10, Tomefaire) (Thoron+)56|25|02|33|35|28|16|17 Swordmaster Lv.7 (Hit+10, Swdfaire) (Silver Sword+)51|01|25|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.5 (Hit+10) (Bolganone+, Arcfire!)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (Hit+10, Gamble) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10, LncBreaker) (Silver Axe+)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Aegis) (Killer Lance++, Killer Lance!)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Str+2, Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Str+2, Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)56|25|02|33|35|28|16|17 Swordmaster Lv.7 (Hit+10, Avo+10) (Silver Sword+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Str+2, Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10, LncBreaker) (Silver Axe+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10, LncBreaker) (Silver Axe+)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (Hit+10, Zeal) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10, LncBreaker) (Silver Axe+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10) (Silver Axe+)56|25|02|33|35|28|16|17 Swordmaster Lv.7 (Hit+10, Avo+10) (Armorslayer++, Armorslayer!)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (Hit+10, Counter) (Tomahawk+)51|01|25|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.5 (Hit+10, Tomefaire) (Rexcalibur+)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (Hit+10, Gamble) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10, Tantivity) (Silver Axe+)56|25|02|33|35|28|16|17 Swordmaster Lv.7 (Hit+10, Swdfaire) (Silver Sword+)51|01|25|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.5 (Mag+2, Hit+10) (Thoron+)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter) (Silver Sword+)63|29|01|25|26|24|23|17 Paladin Lv.5 (Hit+10, Aegis) (Spear+)51|01|25|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.5 (Mag+2, Hit+10) (Rexcalibur+)67|34|00|26|20|25|17|10 Warrior Lv.5 (Hit+10, Gamble, Counter) (Silver Axe+)63|27|00|28|27|23|20|09 Griffon Lv.7 (Hit+10) (Silver Axe+) [spoiler=Cht.19] HP|St|Mg|Sk|Sp|Lk|Df|Rs Name@Class Lv (Skills, Random skill*) (Weapon, Forge+, Drop!)80|43|20|38|37|33|38|29 Walhart@Conqueror Lv.25 (RK, Prescience, Pavise, Aegis, Conquest) (Sol!)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Spear+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Thoron+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Rexcalibur+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Axe+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Axe+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Lance+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Axe+)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+, Silver Bow!)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Axe+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Sword+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Bolganone+, Elixir!)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Lance+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Axe+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Lance+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Lance+, Silver Lance!)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Axe+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Axe+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Axe+, Silver Axe!)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Thoron+)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Lance+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Rexcalibur+, Arcwind)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Axe+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+, Silver Sword!)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Bolganone+)Reinforcements: End of turn 4 (top and upper middle forts)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Bolganone+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Axe+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Lance+)End of turn 5 (upper and lower middle) (note: one is missing because a fort was blocked when I collected this)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Axe+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)End of turn 6 (lower middle and bottom)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Tomahawk+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Lance+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Spear+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Axe+)End of turn 7 (bottom and top)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Tomahawk+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Lance+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Spear+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Axe+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Bolganone+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+)End of turn 8 (all) (note: Bottom RHS left fort Wvern Lord died on EP, had either a Silver Lance+ or a Silver Axe+)67|21|24|23|20|17|22|18 DKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Focus*, Hex*, Anathema*, Lifetaker*) (Bolganone+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)64|24|00|28|27|19|15|08 BKnight Lv.6 (Hit+10, Prescience*, Patience*, Rally Skl*, Bowbreaker*) (Silver Bow+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Axe+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)70|32|00|21|19|23|29|07 GKnight Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Indoor Fighter*, Luna*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Sword+)66|30|01|26|27|25|24|18 Paladin Lv.8 (Hit+10, Outdoor Fighter*, Aegis*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Tomahawk+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Lance+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Lance/Axe+)66|34|00|25|24|23|27|10 WyvLord Lv.8 (Str+2*, Hit+10, Tantivity*, Quick Burn*, Swordbreaker*) (Silver Axe+) [spoiler=Cht.20] HP|St|Mg|Sk|Sp|Lk|Df|Rs Name@Class Lv (Skills, Random skill*) (Weapon, Forge+, Drop!)80|43|20|38|37|33|38|29 Walhart@Conqueror Lv.25 (RK, Prescience, Pavise, Aegis, Conquest) (Wolf Berg, Bullion (L)!)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Axe+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Axe+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)75|38|00|32|20|28|33|15 Cervantes@General Lv.10 (Def+2, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter, Pavise) (Tomahawk++, Dracoshield!)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)62|24|01|35|27|20|21|13 Sniper Lv.8 (Skl+2*, Hit+10, Hit+20*, Prescience*) (Silver Bow+)62|24|01|35|27|20|21|13 Sniper Lv.8 (Skl+2*, Hit+10, Hit+20*, Prescience*) (Silver Bow+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Rexcalibur+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Thoron+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Bolganone+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Rexcalibur+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+, Elixir!)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Bolganone+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Thoron+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Rexcalibur+)39|16|00|22|24|13|08|02 Thief Lv.20 (Locktouch, Underdog*) (Silver Sword+)60|05|33|29|30|26|17|26 Excellus@Sage (Mag+2, Hit+10, Focus, Tomefaire) (Bolganone++, Bolganone!)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Axe+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Axe+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+)62|24|01|35|27|20|21|13 Sniper Lv.8 (Skl+2*, Hit+10, Hit+20*, Prescience*) (Longbow++)62|24|01|35|27|20|21|13 Sniper Lv.8 (Skl+2*, Hit+10, Hit+20*, Prescience*) (Longbow++, Longbow!)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Thoron+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Rexcalibur+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)64|25|21|18|26|24|27|22 War Monk Lv.6 (Res+2*, Hit+10, Healtouch*, Rally Lck*, Renewal*) (Silver Axe+, Physic!)64|25|21|18|26|24|27|22 War Monk Lv.6 (Res+2*, Hit+10, Healtouch*, Rally Lck*, Renewal*) (Silver Axe+, Physic)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Rexcalibur+, Physic)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Thoron+, Physic)Reinforcements: End of turn 4 (bottom middle, left and right)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Axe+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Bolganone+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Thoron+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Silver Sword+)64|29|01|34|30|24|20|13 Hero Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Zeal*, Patience*, Axebreaker*, Sol*) (Tomahawk+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Spear+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Tomahawk+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)70|35|00|27|21|26|18|11 Warrior Lv.8 (HP+5*, Hit+10, Gamble*, Zeal*, Counter*) (Silver Axe+, Silver Bow+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Rexcalibur+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Silver Lance+)51|01|26|23|25|22|11|20 Sage Lv.6 (Mag+2*, Hit+10, Focus*, Rally Mag*, Tomefaire*, Miracle*) (Bolganone+)74|35|00|25|16|23|30|13 General Lv.8 (Def+2*, Hit+10, Indoor Fighter*, Rally Def*, Pavise*) (Tomahawk+) [spoiler=Cht.21] HP|St|Mg|Sk|Sp|Lk|Df|Rs Name@Class Lv (Skills, Random skill* (0-3, usually 2)) (Weapon, Forge+, Drop!)80|45|30|25|34|24|21|14 Algol@Berserker Lv.15 (Hit+10, Gamble, Wrath, Axefaire) (Bolt Axe++, Bolt Axe!)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire, Nosferatu++, Concoction!)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire, Nosferatu++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire!)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Master Key!)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Tomahawk++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Nosferatu++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Ruin++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Thoron++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Tomahawk++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++, Master Key!)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Ruin++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Killer Bow++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Tomahawk++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Rexcalibur++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Killer Bow++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++)Reinforcements: End of turn 2 (outer)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)End of turn 3 (outer)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)End of turn 4 (outer)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)End of turn 5 (outer, upper stairs)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Rexcalibur++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Ruin++, Ruin!)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)End of turn 6 (outer, lower stairs)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Armorslayer++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++)End of turn 7 (outer, bottom stairs)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Ruin++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Thoron++)End of turn 8 (outer, upper stairs)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Rexcalibur++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Ruin++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)End of turn 9 (outer, bottom stairs, lower stairs) (note: Lower left lower stair was blocked and missed)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Rexcalibur++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Tomahawk++)60|29|02|36|39|30|20|19 Swdmastr Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Swordfaire*, Astra*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++)80|43|00|20|31|18|18|09 Berserky Lv.10 (Hit+10, Gamble*, Wrath*, Axefaire*) (Silver Axe++)61|30|00|39|37|19|18|09 Assassin Lv.10 (Hit+10, Avo+10*, Mov+1*, Pass*, Vantage*) (Silver Sword++, Silver Bow++)?????68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Bolganone++)End of turn 10 (outer)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)End of turn 11 (outer)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)End of turn 12 (outer)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)End of turn 13 (outer)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire)68|02|27|19|19|18|23|25 Sorcerer Lv.10 (Hit+10, Hex*, Anathema*, Tomebreaker*, Vengeance*) (Mire) [spoiler=Paralogue 9] Name |Class |LV|HP|STR |MAG |SKL |SPD |LCK |DEF |RES |MOV|Equipment |SkillsRuger [B] |Trickster |12|59| 27| 24| 34| 35| 21| 14| 19|6+1|Levin Sword++; Bullion(L)* |Movement+1, Acrobat, [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Cynthia [R] |Pegasus Knight |10|**| **| **| **|**+2| **| **| **| 7 |Steel Lance |Speed+2, Relief, [Inherited Skill], [Inherited Skill]Ruffian |Warrior | 5|67| 34| 0| 26| 20| 25| 17| 10| 6 |Silver Axe+; Silver Bow+; Elixir*|[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian |Great Knight | 5|67| 31| 0| 20| 18| 22| 28| 7| 7 |Spear+; Second Seal* |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian |War Cleric | 5|63| 25| 21| 17| 26| 24| 16| 22| 6 |Tomahawk+; Physic* |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian |Sage | 5|51| 1| 26| 23| 25| 22| 11| 20| 6 |Bolganone+; Arms Scroll* |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian [x9] |Sniper | 3|57| 22| 1| 33| 25| 18| 20| 12| 6 |Silver Bow+ |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian [x8] |Hero | 3|59| 27| 1| 32| 28| 22| 19| 12| 6 |Silver Sword+ |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian [x2] |Hero | 3|59| 27| 1| 32| 28| 22| 19| 12| 6 |Silver Axe+ |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian [x6] |Berserker | 3|69| 38| 0| 17| 27| 16| 14| 6| 6 |Silver Axe+ |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Ruffian [x1] |Berserker | 3|69| 38| 0| 17| 27| 16| 14| 6| 6 |Tomahawk+ |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary[x2]|Paladin | 8|66| 30| 1| 26| 27| 25| 24| 18| 8 |Silver Sword |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary |Paladin | 8|66| 30| 1| 26| 27| 25| 24| 18| 8 |Silver Lance |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary |Paladin | 8|66| 30| 1| 26| 27| 25| 24| 18| 8 |Beast Killer |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary |Dark Knight | 8|69| 22| 25| 24| 20| 17| 23| 18| 8 |Arcthunder |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary |Dark Knight | 8|69| 22| 25| 24| 20| 17| 23| 18| 8 |Arcwind |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary |Great Knight | 8|70| 32| 0| 21| 19| 23| 29| 7| 7 |Silver Sword |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary |Great Knight | 8|70| 32| 0| 21| 19| 23| 29| 7| 7 |Silver Axe |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Mercenary[x2]|Bow Knight | 8|66| 25| 0| 29| 28| 20| 16| 8| 8 |Silver Bow |[Possible Class Skill], [Possible Class Skill], [L+ Skill], [L+ Skill]Total Enemy Count: 42 [Counting "Reinforcements"](Formatting note: *--Drops)
  10. Actually a fair sized portion of the fan base agrees with him. The game doesn't real hold a lot of actual difficulty, because Lunatic+ is the worst idea ever. And that cast is horribly underdeveloped. So actually a decent portion of the populace does agree with him.
  11. Well in some instances the units aren't so disposable, but the developers hoped that you would care enough about the characters to want them to live or you're a perfectionist who hates letting characters die. But on the higher difficulties I find it is a slightly better game. But I would advise that you don't judge the series on this game alone. If you want more of a challenge from the game I would advise trying 11 or 12. Both can be run on emulators.(so don't spend $100 bucks for a copy in Japanese). If you want plot or characters who aren't generic anime characters try 4/5,7,8, or 9/10 each one has a better plot and 7 and 8 in particular have deeper characters if you can be bother to grind for supports.
  12. Becaus your bad at FE 12? Or more likely because you haven't found/reached the point where that MU can break the game.
  13. Yeah but at least the characters where more than anime cliches.Also if you are very used to advanced wars and the way they are played it can be difficult to transition to FE. In advanced wars every unit is disposable(something I would like to see changed a little bit with the COs if they ever make another game) and the emphasis is more on the strategy of the player, with no true game breaking aspect(that I can remember). On the other hand FE is dependent on the players growing well and can very easily lose the tactical aspect that is present in advanced wars. It also has the matter of every unit being "important" and won't return if they die. Which can be a huge difference. I can see why it has given you mixed feelings.
  14. Training Sophia on hard mode. God bless you, I would never try it.
  15. And doofina spends up the last of her draft funds.
  16. Thank god vacation starts tommorow.

    1. N7隊長ジョン


      Vacation for me started on Monday :D

  17. Lyn and I'm going to finish drafting.
  18. Thank you. I was to lazy to look them up.
  19. Do you want to make a second pick or are you done drafting?
  20. soul it's been here for 3 years. Where have you been? I believe the trick was to have chrom have maxed stats when he is promoted, and I mean great lord max stats, and then prioritize the enemy Aversa, because the chrom clones are a joke.
  21. Ced and Minerva. 22,600 and 22,000
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