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Posts posted by Agro

  1. I think he needs to have broader shoulders anyway. He's like, what, 14 or 15 or something? That's how old Roy is and Roy's shoulders are a good 10px wider. I'm looking at it from my desktop computer now and the shoulders are definitely disproportionately narrow. I also think the neck needs to be about 1 px longer. I am comparing him to Sain, whose body is on a similar angle, and I do think the armour is at odds with the angle of his head. Also yes, his shoulders are tiny. Otherwise the armour is quite nicely detailed and the facial features are well realised. The hair is very pretty.

  2. No worries. Maybe don't worry about midfix4agb for now. Just focus on getting a working MIDI into the ROM. You need to start by downloading sappy. Then you can drag and drop the MIDI onto mid2agb.exe to create a .s file which can then be inserted into the game using Sappy. Try doing that and see how far along you can go without things going pear shaped

  3. Earlier versions of EA had some of the IF commands reversed by accident which was fixed in later editions. So we had a lot of dodgy events in those days. By the way, this is only the user-made event language, not assembly.

  4. if you can figure out what the chapter number of 7x is (shouldn't be too hard as it's probably the same as vanilla FE7) then you can use the event assembler to disassemble the events of chapter 7, then find the MNCH command that would take you to chapter 8 and change it to it takes you to 7x

  5. You need to change to voicetable to the native instrument map or something similar.

    Paste this at any given address in a ROM (ending in a 0) and instead of using 0x11cwhatever when inserting a song, use that address instead. The FE7 native instrument map was user-assembled and is not a natural occurrence ROM itself; therefore, some instruments will sound a bit odd. Feel free to customise it using Sappy as you need to.

  6. 14 hours ago, JSND said:

    Dwyer is actually ridiculous, probably the most ridiculous children because of the same reason as Jakob - he's an x/15 when everyone else is a 15/x. Granted accesing Dwyer in itself breaks the game so a huge part of it comes from that

    Huh? Dwyer comes unpromoted until past Chapter 18, I believe. What are you talking about?

  7. From memory it's quite easily possible as he's at a low level and gets 40-50 EXP per kill, not to mention dual strikes etc. But you have to be feeding him a kill almost every turn. Sometimes there are a few stragglers in the northern area of the map which you can send Odin after as well.

  8. It really isn't a doozy at all, but you aren't making full use of the tools at your disposal to try and solve the problem. Just because it isn't in a tutorial doesn't mean you can't find out yourself how to do it. I already said that you didn't need to disassemble and I really meant that.

    From Event assembler language.txt (the latest version):

       GOTO_IFCA *Conditional ID* Character 
       Branch if character is active.
        Conditional ID
        Character = Character to check.

    You know from reading Arch's tutorial that each conditional must end with an ENIF. I believe in Arch's tutorial GOTO_IFCA is simply IFCA. So you would need to write:

    org 0xXXYYZZ
    GOTO_IFCA 0x01 TheCharacterID
    TEX1 BattleTextWithNewCharacterID
    REMA//I can't remember if battle convos needed REMA tbh
     GOTO 0x02 //This is "ELSE" in arch's tutorials
    ENIF 0x01
     TEX1 NormalText
     ENIF 0x02

    Then in the Nightmare module, where there is a field for event pointer, write 0x8XXYYZZ.

    That should be everything you need to do. All of this I got from looking at the text documentation included with EA (I haven't even disassembled the damn thing) and through foreknowledge of eventing, all of which was gained through Arch's tutorial.

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