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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. The only English voice I dislike is Effie's. I literally thought that a man was speaking the first time I heard her talk, and I was looking at my screen in confusion to make sure that was really her speaking. I dislike a handful of the Japanese female character voices (as usual) because I tend to think a lot of female seiyu make their voices sound way too squeaky in a desperate attempt to sound cute in anime and video games. Overall, I prefer the English voices.
  2. Avatar, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Jakob, Silas, Azure, and Effie are my main guys. Charlotte, Niles, and Keaton are my pair up fodder that I don't properly use. I use Laslow and Selena a tiny bit, but I usually have them sit back while everyone else does all of the hard work.
  3. Elise and Xander. Now I didn't expect for me to dislike them, I just didn't expect for me to be able to sit here and say "I really love these two." Elise is so adorable and special. I might actually like her slightly more than Camilla (but I love all of the Nohr siblings a lot, so it's a really close call). I ended up liking Xander over Leo too, when I was certain Leo would be my favorite character in the game. Nohr siblings are the best! I also really love Jakob, which I didn't think would happen. I don't usually like the butler character very much.
  4. I don't really get it myself. He's just your generic nice guy who is also your generic childhood friend. I view him as the type of character you smile at momentarily and then move on to focus on the more interesting characters.
  5. I don't think I could ever buy the towel anyways. All I ever get is cabbage and onyx! I wonder how people manage to get a bunch of milk and crystals. >_>
  6. The fact that seeing boobs jiggle for a second while a woman walks could be considered "over the edge" and distasteful seems a bit concerning to me since it is a natural thing that happens regularly in everyday life. I see breasts jiggle almost everyday, and for longer than for a split second at that. There isn't anything wrong with a woman having bigger breasts and wearing a V-neck/low cut shirt. I also don't think there is anything wrong with the method of doing camera zooms on every different angle of the body to show off the full design.
  7. I don't really care what their intention was. I care about the fact that people act like boobs jiggling when a woman walks is the lewdest and most unspeakable thing in the world, when it's actually pretty natural. I'm merely pointing out how ridiculous some people come off as when they complain about a character having big boobs. Edit: I'll also add that I'm not the type of person to complain about fanservice. I don't think that fanservice is a terrible thing as long as it is brief or done tastefully. It has to reach Neptunia levels, where boobs jiggle for five minutes while they are standing in place and defy the laws of gravity, before I will complain about fanservice being terrible.
  8. They weren't jiggling in your face, they just zoomed in one them for a split second as they did with other parts of the body (feet, butt, hips, chest, hands, mouth, face). They were trying to show off every angle of her character. I'm sure if they did the same type of introduction (one where they zoom in on as many different parts of the body as possible to show off the characters full design) on a character with smaller boobs people would complain about it less. Which is sad. God forbid we have a curvy woman. If we see big cleavage we'll all get cooties and die.
  9. I'm glad that they didn't get rid of the cutscene. I think it's fun. I also don't find boob jiggling offensive. My boobs jiggle while I walk and you can see it if I'm wearing a V-neck shirt or dress. It's normal unless you're really flat. I wouldn't have minded if they cut the zooming in on the butt, but removing her boobs jiggling while she walks would seem ridiculous to me.
  10. Designed to look like me. I'm playing as a self insert for Nohr, but I don't intend to do that for Hoshido since I don't like the Hoshido siblings. Name: Caitlin Path: Nohr Class: Nohr Noble LV 5 Stats: HP: 35 Str: 25 Mag: 11 Skill: 21 Spd: 21 Lck: 19 Def: 18 Res: 17 I can't remember what I made my boon and bane.
  11. Xander is my husband of choice as well as my favorite character. I also like marrying Leo (but not quite as much as Xander. His support with the avatar was touching). For Hoshido I'll probably marry Jakob. In Awakening, Inigo was my husband of choice. I'll probably marry Laslow sometime just so that I can compare the supports.
  12. I'm personally pairing the avatar with Xander and Leo in Nohr (I'm doing two playthroughs just so that I can marry both of them) and I am consider marrying Jakob once I play Hoshido since none of the Hoshido guys appeal to me (especially not the Hoshido brothers). Kaze is also an option I am considering.
  13. I didn't like Takumi during the avatar's brief time in Hoshido (I'm playing Nohr first). He was such a little dick! My partner told me he's really obnoxious acting in the Hoshido game too, so I expect to end up really disliking him. I haven't encountered all of the Nohr characters yet (I'm on chapter 12), but so far I really dislike Nyx. She's really bratty and rude. I can't say that I'm much of a fan of Niles either so far.
  14. Not at all. I don't see anything wrong with choosing to go home with the siblings that have always been by your side and have always been kind to you. Especially since you don't mean any ill intention towards Hoshido when you decide to leave. You want to support the siblings you have always known and get to the bottom of what is going on in Nohr so that you can bring peace to your siblings in Hoshido as well.
  15. I think Felicia's voice fits her really well personally. It sounds appropriate for a clumsy and cheerful character. Effie's voice on the other hand, my god... I thought that one of my male units was talking at first.
  16. I'll be waiting for my games to get delivered by UPS after waking up. I probably have a good 12-14 hours to go until then. :(
  17. Nohr's characters and story interest me more, so I'm playing Nohr first. I honestly find Hoshido kind of bland. I'll probably do numerous playthroughs of Nohr and only one of Hoshido.
  18. I'm not sure yet. Xander and Leo are my interests, but I have to see which one I like more before I decide which one to marry. I would also like to do a playthrough where I marry Lazward since Inigo was my Awakening husband choice. As for Hoshido, I haven't the slightest idea. None of the male characters interest me enough to have one picked out in advance.
  19. It was tough to pick between the Nohr brothers and Inigo/Lazward, but I ended up voting for Xander. He interests me the most out of the three. I think that my female vote should be obvious.
  20. I DID try to collaborate with him by telling him that Chiki came up with the 1-4 2 turn, and he even said thank you. Afterwards, I was displeased by an onslaught of very unpleasant comments: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=58808&p=4163613 http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=58808&p=4170961 He also accused Chiki of lying about transferring Paragon to the GMs, as if that's a big deal. Do you think battle saving abusing for 3-4 hours a day is that bad? It's not at all. I'm pretty sure doing the suspend trick on the Wii with an SD card is unbearable though.
  21. Why do you have to change the subject to Chiki because of a grudge? You're smart enough to know that Ilyana can double the tigers so your math is off, and it's really petty to purposely lie like this to make the math seem worse than it is. Second, even assuming your calculations are right, .005% is nothing compared to 18 million! Micaiah's non-Wrath crit actually isn't needed for the 2-turn. It was a mistake in his notes (there are plenty of those, as you yourself have noticed). They're written very hastily since he doesn't much have time. He writes them partially completed when he has a strategy figured out, and then he finishes writing them when he finds a more reliable strategy while forgetting to update the previous version, causing the notes to be outdated at times, like the Paragon error you nitpicked. You already know this as well, since you really like to nitpick, both what people say and the strategies people come up with. Here is the difference between you and Chiki: Chiki's recorded runs have all been verified to be genuine. There is much more reason to trust him than there is to trust you. You will unfortunately never be that respected due to your habit of improving existing runs by 1 or 2 turns via hacking/RNG abuse. How can you find the right result while the graphical and audio output is disabled overnight? Ex: How can you tell that Ilyana survived an EP while the graphical output is disabled, and you're asleep? Oh really? I thought you were going to do this over the weekend:
  22. Would you mind checking Youtube? Chiki sent you a message.

  23. Yes, I enjoy his LTC playthroughs too. I don't see the problem with that? He is acting that way though, especially with this 1-3 3-turn clear he claims to have. I've already said I copy paste his notes for him. That explains the change in perspective. And I may be a good typist for him. What's wrong with doing something for the person you love? It only takes 15 minutes a day at most to copy paste his notes and type some extra stuff. It's barely any effort. And it also annoys me when people's LTC strategies are stolen. How is copy pasting his notes (which are written from his first person perspective) and typing myself deceiving someone? Sorry, I don't know anything about that, so I can't comment. But dondon seems to think he deserved it.
  24. It's not normal, in fact it's incredibly unhealthy, to take a video game this seriously. If you find it offensive to use your thread titled "FE10 HM LTC" (and not "FE10 HM LTC playthrough") for someone else's playthrough, and if you honestly think that is "bullying," I wonder if you have experienced what real bullying is. A lot of people thought FE10 HM LTC in under 180 turns was impossible just a few years ago, until Chiki did it in 155 turns. I guess they must have been super stupid according to you? Coming up with new amazing creative and original strategies which greatly cut turncounts is why people like LTCing: because of originality and creativity. What seems impossible one day is possible the next: people enjoy LTCing because some clears seem impossible and then they are possible with new and original and interesting strategies. And that is what you have zero respect for: you shamelessly steal other people's strategies and use minor very low% improvements that are mostly really easy to figure out (like Chapter 2 FE9, 1-P 1-1 1-2 FE10, ones people already pointed out in FE8 and FE7). Ripping off people's time and effort coming up with new strategies is insulting since you're taking the easy way out by not figuring things out yourself. In real life, if you plagiarized people's time and effort like this, you'd be in a lot more trouble, but fortunately this just a video game. Plagiarism even in a video game makes people not want to post their strategies at all, and maybe LTC players should start removing their Youtube videos and written strategies. You hack the game to RNG abuse and lie about it by saying that your Sothe's luck transfer was glitched, meaning that no one can ever trust that your clears are genuine (for example, how can we know your Laura's stats aren't hacked in your 1-2 video? You're not someone who should be trusted.); you purposefully steal other people's strategies while admitting it (like in the Awakening LTC thread where you said you didn't even know what Galeforce was and that you would use Chiki's playthrough as a guide); you pay people to RNG abuse for you when you don't have the patience to do so; you call people stupid over strategies in a video game (when even you have called certain strategies "probably impossible" in the past), you accuse people of lying about minor trivial things like transferring Paragon to the GMs (why would anyone lie about something like that? It's trivial) ; as others have pointed out, you act ridiculously when you figure out a strategy (when Chiki figured out a 1-4 2 turn and you didn't, the first thing we did was tell you.). You even made a well known LTC player quit the game with your unoriginality. The only reason people play FE and come up with original strategies is for fun, but you've ruined the game for every LTC player. Stealing almost all of other people's strategies and then doing a trivial low% improvement by resetting endlessly is not fun. You have no respect for the time and effort that other LTC players go through to come up with some really complicated strategies. If you were being a decent person, instead of ruining every LTC player's fun, you'd take their advice and do original LTC playthroughs like an Awakening 0% playthrough or something like that. In case you aren't aware, I live with Chiki. He just doesn't like this forum very much so he doesn't want to go on it. Unlike him, I want to post when Fates comes out. Why is it wrong for me to post what his strategies are when he wants me to? I like to play Radiant Dawn as well. I share many people's opinions on ruadath's stealing strategies from people and doing minor improvements. I could even post picture proof that we live together if you wish. If that were all he were doing, it would be ok. He's not being criticized for that though; he's also taking all of other people's strategies which is really disrespectful. If this weren't a video game it would have much more serious consequences.
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