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Everything posted by Steampunk

  1. Considering the world is currently being run by people from their generation, I'm not so sure. You actually know this, or do you just believe him when he tells you he knows his stuff? Because people will tell you anything you'll listen to. Really? I see. Since your parents don't use the internet, that means no parents use it. You're willing to take advice if it comes from some random blogger because he "knows his stuff" and "knows his stuff more than 80% people;" but parents (which includes Mr. Money Mustache because he does have children, from what I read) don't really know what their talking about.
  2. Can't speak for anyone else, but I was taught to not piss all over my own hands in the first place. Just sayin'
  3. Fair enough. Yeah I don't think there's a reason why they couldn't. I will say though, speaking as a man who's ridden horses IRL for a long time (and has taken jumps), landing a Pegasus could be a little hard on the boys if you get my drift.
  4. I think that's actually a little insulting to the development team. Fire Emblem is really good about gender equality. FE women aren't just sex appeal or damsels in distress like in many other games. They're capable, competent, and make up a good number outstanding units in the series. If anything, I'd say the devs imposing arbitrary class limitations says more about how they think men and women are equally capable. If they have to make a few classes gender-specific for no other reason than to create jobs that only men or women can do, I'd say they consider men and women pretty damn equal. If we're talking diversity for stylistic reasons, I think that would be great. If we're looking at what "real" soldiers in Fire Emblem would look like, we're comparing apples to oranges. Athletes specialize in one physical activity, and can dedicate themselves to peak physical performance in that one thing: Sprinters can focus on sprinting, lifters can focus on raw strength and lifting. Soldiers need both strength and mobility and are conditioned for that regardless of their roles (pilots, infantry, artillery, armor units). Looking at women in RL militaries, they seem to have rather similar musculature that offers the best of both. I'm sure the devs use that physique for its visual appeal, but perhaps that body shape is so appealing because it reflects good health and physical ability; both of which are important in military service.
  5. I personally enjoyed RD a great deal, and it seemed to be universally well received. Not sure why you'd say it embarrassed the franchise. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean no one else did. The story isn't anything to write home about, but Nintendo isn't know for its Kubrickian plots. If anything, they tried to add some depth to the story by having different protagonists and swapping perspectives throughout the game. It may not have worked (that's up to each person), but at least they had a neat idea.
  6. If Falco has any advantage over Krystal, it's that he was one of the original characters, has been in every SF game released and was also in SF2, which wasn't officially unleashed (which sucks because the unofficial version I played kicked some serious ass). I don't hate Krystal, but she's a "Deanna Troi" psychic. She's got ESP, but never uses it to tell the player anything they haven't already figured out themselves. Still, it would be fun if she made it in the game. I'll never say no to a sexy English accent.
  7. So far, I like the flying goat idea best of all. I'm with NinjaMonkey. If we're only making superficial changes in the character's appearance and not really changing anything with how they work as a unit, I don't get the point of it unless we get ridiculous with it. Make a male Pegasus Rider named Chuck Steele or Big McLargehuge, give him 20" biceps and have him use an axe the size of a minivan. I'm talking Duke Nukem levels of macho here.
  8. I hope one or both of the Battletoads make it in even though I think they belong to Rare. They haven't been on a non-Ninty console, so that would make them Nintendo characters, right?
  9. Aghanim could make for a nice blast from the past. Impa would also be interesting.
  10. That looks pretty amazing. I'm still hoping Kojima breaks down and makes that game about The Boss/The Joy he threatened to do. I'm not going to hold my breath, but a man can dream.
  11. Their more iconic images show them riding horses through the sky. I wouldn't consider it too much of a stretch for Fire Emblem devs to use that as inspiration for the Peg. Knights, whether actual Nordic traditions say they rode flying horses or not. So long as we're splitting hairs, they probably wouldn't have ridden "pegasi" since there was only one Pegasus.
  12. Honestly, the Peg. Knights remind me more of the Valkyrie (they just used "Pegasus" as a name for their mounts even though that was the thing's name, not its species #thatsarantforanotherday). Could someone remind me how many male Valkyrie/Shieldmaidens there were? I don't recall any offhand. If they used Valkyrie as the basis for Peg/Seraph Knights, having them completely female is just part of the class' identity (not necessarily some kind of social commentary).
  13. Give him red hair, a trench coat and name him Rick. His dance would never give you up.
  14. The way I see it, it's one of those tradition things. Link always wears green. The Swiss Guard are always Swiss. Pegasus riders are female. It's just one of those things they do every game. I don't think it hurts anything, nor would it ruin the franchise if they changed it. Don't see any reason to though. This sort of thing probably originated from older tabletop RPGs where race/gender had an impact on stats, so certain classes were better off with female characters and others benefited more from males.
  15. Sure, it would have bee nice. Not realistic though. Melee was developed in about a year. It introduced a ton of new content that had to be made from scratch and doubled the SSB roster. That's a lot of new characters to create custom animations for and would have taken time they didn't have. The devs sacrificed unique move sets for other features they felt were more important. I don't think they are though. The simple fact is, Melee's focal point was multiplayer/Vs. Mode. Whether you like competitive play or just dicking around, it's pretty obvious that was their top priority: the action, the multiplayer, the beating the shit out of people for lulz. That also happens to be why people play Smash Bros. With Brawl, it feels like all that took a backseat to SSE. They spent way too much time and effort on a story mode no one really cares about and the game didn't need. I think that's why so many Melee fans dislike Brawl: it feels like the devs forgot why people love these games. It's not a bad game; fans were just disappointed with the direction it took. Hopefully SSB4 will bring the focus back to fighting and not worry so much about the "SSB Universe."
  16. Thought this might be interested to discuss here. For those who don't know, "interventionism" is when Country A interferes (usually via military or economics) with how Country B manages its domestic affairs because Country A doesn't like Country B's policy decisions. Yeah it's a really stripped down definition, but I prefer to keep things simple when I can. Anyway, most people would probably think there was nothing wrong with that when we're talking about genocide or martial law; but not all cases are so clear cut. So, I submit for your consideration, when is it okay for one country to tell another country how to keep shop? When is it okay for Country A to wield military, economic, or political force to coerce Country B into making policy decisions that Country A likes? Do you think countries should be left to handle themselves, or should countries should "police" each other? P.S.: this isn't criticism of or in reference to any particular historic event or example. This is just a general question on the matter.
  17. In my case, it's called ADHD, and it's the reason God invented amphetamines and coffee.
  18. Tripping annoyed me for 2 reasons. First, it was just annoying. Second, it didn't make sense for some characters to slip and fall on their asses a lot. Seriously, you'd think chars like Samus, Marth, Link, Sheik, and Fox wouldn't fall on their faces just from turning around quickly on a normal floor. Ice floor, I'll give you that, but not a regular floor.
  19. Same reason why movie heroes can fire 50 shots out of gun that only holds 6 cartridges without having to reload.
  20. I think people need to stop hating on Bella from Twilight, Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars, and any given Chris Tucker character. They're not really bad, just misunderstood. *snicker* Seriously though, I'd have to say Navi from Ocarina of Time. While she is annoying during your 20th run of the game (where you already know what to do and where to go), I imagine you appreciated her help now and then on your first play-through. I also don't get why Tails from the Sonic games gets as much flak as he does. I haven't played a Sonic game since Sonic Heroes, so they may have changed him up since then. I don't remember him being that annoying though. He was actually pretty useful in Sonic & Tails because he was unkillable and could be used to "cheat" your way through some boss fights if you wanted. Plus killing him over and over again was hilarious.
  21. If FE warfare played by real world rules, Myrmidons would be nonexistent, knights wouldn't wear armor the size of a house, Archers wouldn't fight solo and could attack from much longer distances, there would be a lot more burning pitch and diseased bodies hurled from trebuchets and mangonels, people wouldn't wait their turn to attack each other, walls could be taken down with petards, units wouldn't be able to shrug off being lit on fire or hit with axes and lances repeatedly without long-term damage, and just about everyone here would be screwed if zapped in to FE and put straight into battle in the next five minutes. Even if you have trained in martial arts, I don't know of any that teach countermeasures for mages dropping meteors on your head or dragons belching energy at you. I think a *little* fantasizing and imagination is okay given the circumstances.
  22. Not sure I agree with this. Big Blue, Brinstar Depths, Hyrule Temple (forgot the exact name), Mute City, Green Greens, Icicle Mountain, Rainbow Cruise, Flatzone, Pokemon Stadium, and Poke Floats all had pretty unique gimmicks compared to the N64 stages. They're going to be similar in the sense that they're inspired by the respective games, but I really wouldn't call those "recycled" as the features of the stages changed a good deal and some were completely original. Brawl has a lot of stages that don't differ significantly from the Melee ones, but you might say that's offset a little by adding a stage editor feature.
  23. I'm sure they know more than you think. My parents were far more politically and economically savvy than I was when I was in high school. They knew a lot more about how the world works than I did. Hypocritical? Maybe. Perhaps they are telling you something because they don't want you making the same mistakes. Hypocrisy does not invalidate what they say: only a complete moron thinks like that. If a smoker tells me that smoking is bad for my health, I'd have to be some kind of idiot to say "You smoke, so you're clearly wrong!" A perfect example of teen logic if I ever saw it: "Mommy and Daddy are from a simpler time and don't know their asses from a hole in the ground, but I'm more than happy to listen to advice from other people from their generation." Mr. Money Mustache retired when he was thirty years old. This isn't a teenager giving financial advice to a teenager. This is a grown man using his life experience (or wisdom if you want) to counsel other people in how to get where he is (and possibly beyond). How is that any different from what your parents do when they tell you what degree to study or what friends to hang out with? Oh, right: teens don't like being told what to do. Doesn't matter if its good advice, the fact that you're told to do it means you don't want to. You justify not doing it by brushing it off as old-fashioned, outdated nonsense from people who don't know what it's like in today's world. You're quite happy to listen to the internet diary of a complete stranger on how to manage money, but ignore two people who have an invested interest in you being happy and succeeding in life with the same amount of life experience (if not more)? Makes perfect sense, right? It's no guarantee, that's for sure. It is a good metric though. Experience is what builds wisdom. Age is usually a factor in how much experience a person has. I don't see any 19 year old Senior Trade Analysts working for the World Bank. Haven't found any records of the US Secretary of State being fifteen years of age. I'm noticing a pattern here. Then again, I'm sure a 17 year old could do a better job of running Microsoft than a crotchety old man who smells like peppermint with 50 years experience in running corporations. #sarcasm It's only bullshit common wisdom if that's the way you see it. I look back on many things my parents told me that I thought was stupid. I see now there was a good reason them telling me. Your father tells you he majored in something, god a job working in that field, and is able to pay the bills and support a family. How is that not a good thing? Absolutely. Parent's aren't omniscient or psychic and are wrong about many things too. I think they understand the nature of their children's problems better than kids think they do though.
  24. Sorry to hear that. A run in with nutters is never fun. Except when it is. A friend of mine from SC told me once that they hoped the lived to see South Carolina secede a second time. Because it worked so well the first time, right?
  25. Sounds like "share" (or Cher) with "sh" added to the end. Other than her terrible reclass options, I like her as a unit. She's useful straight away, can fly, and can take a few hits on the chin without too much worry. It is kinda strange to make her a Griffon rider, yet everyone still acts like she's riding Minerva (unless there's something about wyverns changing in to griffons I dn't know about). I also like her personality. She's a tough girl without being a stereotype or caricature of a tough girl. 7/10 unbiased, 10/10 because red hair and I like wyvern units.
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