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Everything posted by Steampunk

  1. It might be tricky. 700K isn't that bad if that's a global figure. On the other hand, hitting that mark will depend a lot on how many people already own a Wii U, how many people plan to buy it, and how many of the latter want a Fire Emblem game. Hard to say one way or another, really. I don't know anyone who'd buy a Wii U for the game and honestly don't know anyone looking to buy a Wii U in the near future, period. If a lot of people already have the console, 700K might be do-able.
  2. Honestly, I think Movie Maker will work just fine (plus its free). Make sure you publish the movie though. If you just save it, it will save as a Movie Maker project and not an actual video (hence why you can only open it in Movie Maker). Audacity is great for recording your commentary. You can run your recording through noise reduction to get rid of the "air sound" that your mic might pick up. Fraps doesn't compress recorded footage, so I'd publish the movie as a .wmv just to save space. It's a good idea to keep the raw footage until you're certain everything comes out right and it uploads & plays on YT properly and Fraps recordings can be several GB if you leave them as they are.
  3. Probably not a good idea, you're right. Your co-workers might have single friends you'd be interested in though. That's how most people meet: mutual friends/acquaintances.
  4. Short hair requires less maintenance and is much cooler in the summer. Long hair on men only looks good if it's properly groomed or kept a certain way. I think short hair's better since it's less fuss and you can still style it nicely.
  5. This is the lord I want to see in the next FE game. Make it happen Nintendo.
  6. People either enjoy doing it or recognize the consequences of doing something. I know many people who enjoy thrashing themselves at the gym. Likewise, I know people who put up with shitty jobs because they know they need the income to pay bills. People work for good grades so they can be more competitive when looking for post-grad employment or grad school. Basically, people see the benefits of doing certain things.
  7. Sure, love is real. It just doesn't happen overnight. Many people confuse liking a person for actually loving them, then feel betrayed when the infatuation doesn't go anywhere. That doesn't mean love doesn't exist. It means you need to learn how to tell if you get along with someone or if you genuinely care about them.
  8. Why are these people upset over this? They are making money off of a game they contributed jack shit to help develop and release. Do they honestly feel they should be allowed to profit off of someone else's hard work? Their movies consist entirely of games they contributed nothing towards and they have the balls to get mad because Nintendo isn't letting them profit off of that? Imagine how pissed off a game developer must be to find they busted their ass to make a game, and someone is making money off of their work by just playing the game with a Dazzle recorder. Seriously,what the hell is wrong with these people?
  9. Basically, you're asking "Why do people spend time and money on things they enjoy instead of spending it on things that I think they should be spending it on?" I would hazard a guess and say because they derive some amount of pleasure from it. Why do people spend hundreds of dollars on telescopes so they can look at uninhabited chunks of rock and balls of gas planets billions of miles away that aren't doing anything to end world hunger or cure AIDS when they could care more about "things that really matter?" Why do the people on this site invest so much time and effort (and money, because 3DS's and FE games aren't free) compiling all the character stats, dialog, item stats, and merchant inventories instead of caring about "things that really matter?" I imagine it's because they enjoy it and they're interested in finding these things out. Bingo. Have a cigar.
  10. 1. Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard (Blue) My first Pokemon in my first Pokemon game. 2. Espeon (Silver) Leveled Eevee up until it learned Bite, then evolved it into Espeon. This thing murdered the E4 almost single-handedly. 3. Ampharos (Silver) It was always a reliable attacker for me, and chunky enough to take hits well. 4. Haxorus (White) A one-man wrecking crew with a battle axe for a head. 5. Braviary (White) Like his look, and he's also my best flyer in White. 6. Suicune (Crystal) Hard to choose between Suicune and Entei, but I like the "mythology" of this one better. 7. Umbreon (SoulSilver) Like the design, and it was a great meat shield for my SS team. 8. Garchomp (Platinum) It's a land shark, and that's awesome. Also, I could always rely on it to clear a room. 9. Volcarona (White) Nothing to say here than hasn't already been said. This thing can kill with just a menacing glare. 10. Audino (White) I don't like using Audino much. I love kicking their asses. Kinda feel guilty though. It's like killing buffalo just for their hides: I only like Audino because it gives great Xp.
  11. Called an AT&T store just now. ATT: Thank you for calling AT&T. How may I help you? Me: Hi, is <name> available right now? ATT: Yes he is. Me: Can I speak with him? ATT: No, he's currently with a customer. Guess I don't know what "available" means anymore.
  12. I highly recommend Terry Pratchett's Discworld Books. My personal favorites are The Fifth Elephant, Feet of Clay, Jingo, Going Postal, and Equal Rites.
  13. Honestly, usage is more important than dictionary definitions and colloquialisms are always going to be more useful for communication than elocution. "Necessary" is one of those words that everyone knows what it means, even if they can't define it. If someone uses it, you know what they're trying to tell you. That doesn't mean the universe will implode if you don't do something that's "necessary."
  14. I don't know of any adverse effects of coffee unless you're on ADHD/ADD meds. You certainly don't want to mix those with caffeine. Seriously though, caffeine is one of those drugs that doesn't really have a downside unless you try to come off it. Since there aren't any health risks with it (in most cases, but there are always exceptions) as far as I know, there's really no reason to stop consuming it unless you just want to.
  15. If you want a few blasts from the past, Record of Lodoss Wars and Outlaw Star are always good. Voltron and Gundam Wing was pretty good. Vandread is also entertaining, though I think Outlaw Star is my favorite out of all of them. Don't know how much luck you'll have in finding episodes online though. I got the box set after it went off the air.
  16. I remember a girl who said she was a homosexual attracted to trangendered males (girls who became guys). Confused the hell out of me at the time.
  17. I think they were supposed to be the supportive promotion while the Wyvern Lord was the offensive one, kinda like how Falcon Knights are more support based (with their healing/staves) than Dark Fliers (with offensive magic). Just a guess. I don't know that they warrant their own class, but maybe having them as an alternate mount for Peg. Knights or Wyvern Riders just for aesthetic reasons might be cool. Too bad husbands and Manakete wives can't form a unique dragon rider unit in Awakening. I mean, Morgan is living proof that Tiki mounted my Avatar. It's only fair my Avatar gets to mount Tiki.
  18. Statistically speaking, I believe most people who attempt suicide do not follow through with it if someone intervenes. The idea is, suicide is typically an impulsive decisions. People who intervene usually try to get suicidal individuals to think about what they're doing. So, I'd say realizing the permanent nature of suicide and fully appreciating that there's no going back, no changing your mind is what stops people from doing it. I don't know for certain though. As for what suicide is, I can't say. It is the exact opposite of what people are biologically programmed to do (survive). I think it's an impulse carried out by someone who honestly doesn't know how to fix things in their life but desperately needs some kind of relief or solution. Some people say that those they knew that committed suicide seemed relieved beforehand. It could be that they think they've found an answer to their problems.
  19. I understand your frustration, but we all need to appreciate what the media is (and more importantly, what it isn't). MSNBC, CNN, HLN...all of these are businesses. They're interested in viewership first, and facts second. Thing is, the (real) news is boring. When I was in school, I had to use academic journals on IAFF to write reports. They contain a lot of information, and some of it isn't the most exciting thing to look through. If you want facts though, there is no better place to look. Problem is, you can't make interesting television out of facts alone (the Discovery Channel is living proof). By sensationalizing it, dramatizing it, and making it more like a TV show, people are more likely to tune in, thus more money for tv networks. Same deal with newspapers and blogs: you have to make it appealing or people won't want to bother reading after a long day at work. Part of making the content appealing is understanding the audience you are trying to reach and knowing what they like. This is why MSNBC and Fox News have very different attitudes on the same issues. Each knows who watches their networks, and tweaks their programming to appeal to them. What this all boils down to is a business trying to keep their regular customers happy. The news doesn't educate viewers so much as entertain them. It's that way by design, and likely isn't going to change no matter what kind of limitations are put on the topics they can address. I can handle that, personally. What pisses me off more than anything with the media is the so called "analysis" where news companies try to give the masses arguments that justify their attitudes towards policies or events. I think this nonsense is tantamount to brainwashing, as the media essentially presents shallow arguments that tow the party line to the masses in an effort to cement their viewership. Problem is, people start believing some of this rationalization and we end up with intellectual revolutionaries like the Birthers. Ugh.
  20. I wouldn't mind them leaving the 3rd party characters in. I mean, at least they're actual video game characters unlike Rob. I wouldn't mind them adding 3rd party characters that are identified as Nintendo characters. Banjo/Kazooie would be a good example. Even though they are owned by Rare and have appeared on other consoles, I consider them Nintendo characters would love to see them in an SSB game. Megaman is another example. Sure, he's appeared in Playstation games, but I think we all really identify him with Nintendo. Battletoads is another that isn't technically a Nintendo franchise, but I don't think they've ever appeared on another console. So, it depends. I think 3rd party characters have have a history with Nintendo are fine. Smash Bros is all about reminding us of Nintendo's history, and some characters are a part of that history, even if they aren't Nintendo exclusive.
  21. I think guns would be a little out of place in FE games, but they might be fun to experiment with. They'd have horrible accuracy but high damage. Martial Artist/Monk might be fun. A summoner-type class could also be fun to play with. Maybe have mages with elemental summons, druids with nature summons, and a necromancers with undead summons to make a "summon" triangle.
  22. Damn, I missed out on some serious nerd rage. I'm sad now. Looks pretty well made. Not sure why they chose Tharja out of all the characters (unless they plan on making one for each). Sex appeal, sure, but she's hardly a mascot for Awakening. I can see a lot of collectors looking through figurines, coming across Tharja, and going "Who the fuck is Tharja?" As much as I love Tharja, I'll have to pass. Not a video game swag person myself, though I'd love a real life STARS Samurai Edge Beretta from the RE games.
  23. There are tons of things that factor in to your sleeping patterns, so it could be insomnia or it could simply be your routine. Hope you don't think I'm interrogating you when I ask a few questions: First of all, are you pretty active every day, or do you spend most of your time sitting around? If so, you may not be tired when its time for bed. How late do you drink caffeine? It's a stimulant, so drinking a soda or coffee sooner than 3 hours before bedtime may be keeping you awake. Do you do any work, gaming, studying in your bedroom? Your brain may not be sure if you're in there to sleep or work and doesn't wind down for bed. It's a good idea to use your bedroom only for sleeping and sexual activity so your mind knows what you're in there to do. Do you give yourself time to wind down before trying to sleep? Unfortunately, your brain can't switch off like a light and needs time to slow down; so gaming, exercise, etc may also be keeping your mind too active to sleep. If you spend an hour trying to sleep, you may be going to bed too soon after doing something else that kept your mind active. Do you stay up late/get up late a lot? Your body's clock may be "out of sync." Getting outside and exposing your eyes to sunlight at around noon for a few days can help your clock correct itself. Do you read before bed? Make sure it's not a book you're actually interested in. Reading something that engages you can keep your mind pretty active. Read something really dull and boring instead. Do you have a bedtime routine? Your mind needs cues to let it know you are planning to go to sleep. A routine can help your mind realize it's time for bed instead of simply going to bed and trying to sleep. Stress also factors in to sleeping trouble. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that one. You'll have to find a way to de-stress before trying to sleep. If none of that is a factor, then you may have some medical reasons for sleeping problems. You can talk to your doctor about sleeping meds, or you can try Melatonin tablets. Melatonin is a chemical that helps your brain maintain a sleeping schedule (in simple terms), and might help your mind switch off when you want to sleep. Start with lower dosages (like 3mg) because large doses of Melatonin can act as a stimulant. If you want to try something "natural" you can also try Valerian root supplements, but it didn't do shit for me. It's also a good idea to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even if you don't have to. That will tell your brain it can expect you to sleep at certain times. Also, if you're tossing and turning, you might want to get up and do something until you feel sleepy. I don't know why, but I've read spending hours trying to sleep is actually harmful to your sleeping habits or something like that. Didn't mean to bombard you with questions, but I hope that helps. I've had sleeping trouble related to Asperger's Syndrome my entire life. It's definitely no fun.
  24. Ah, I gotcha now. Sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. I don't find him just finding out the extent his law was being used to be unreasonable. He's talking specifically about the secret NSA stuff that was revealed, not the Patriot Act as a whole.I still have a hard time believing no one in Congress knew crap like this was going on. They pass these laws and allocate a lot of money to these agencies, but have no idea what they're doing? I think that's a little odd, but w/e.
  25. The way I understood it, he did release classified information to the media. That's why the government is pursuing criminal charges instead of just waging a publicity war. It's true that he did, but the timing raises some flags for me though. It's one thing for him to protest abuse these laws before they became incredibly unpopular and received heavy criticism. He didn't though. When executive agencies took advantage of it, he didn't seem bothered. After several institutions raised valid complaints of how much the act stepped on people's rights, then this Congressman became vocal about it. Call me a cynic, but that's rather convenient in my opinion. If you don't like the way agencies are exploiting your law, you don't wait twelve years to speak up; especially since it was controversial well before 2013. They definitely seem to be in full damage control mode right now. Should be interesting where this goes. Hopefully Congress reconsiders some of these laws. I don't know what long-term change it will have though. From what I've read about the Patriot Act, the majority of Congressmen that passed the bill didn't even read it. That honestly scares the hell out of me, because they don't even know what they're voting for anymore. They just know they owe a senator or representative a vote, and that person chose one particular bill to call in the favor. I suspect, even if these laws do get revised, we'll see more of this in the future so long as people don't actually pay attention to what they're signing in to law.
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