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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. I was under the impressions parents had their own individual mods. Regardless of the other parent, and they were just added up for the kid. +str -luck
  2. blah only 3 and emmeryn is apparently 9. Oh well. Shadowgift is shadowgift
  3. Seeing how broken avatar carrying can be (and this is with str not def) is making another crack at Lunatic+ tempting (but actually going def carry) But, whatever I'll probably keep on this berserker MU thing. Lunatic+ i'll just restart what was supposed to be my throwaway lunatic+ unlocking run once my "new main run" gets off the ground. And just like that nothing else matters and I'm sucked back into fire emblem. Why is this not game of the year. Oh right, WTB online
  4. How do you change the rng in awakening? I remember reading in previous games it was moving x amount of squares with the arrow turning a certain way or something edit: Got a Kris' Confect in ch1. Only the boss and axers can hurt Avatar+Freddy on a fort (for 1, Literally invincible on a mountain and forts because healing)
  5. Whats the water trick? Afaik none of the starting 4 can water walk either Been working up MU, on 2 atm with 14 str and 9 spd @ level 7, Not as much as i could but not totally awful I guess. Chrom is 2, hes just pairing with freddy
  6. augh. I REALLY want to have my fun with this lunatic run using a str MU, but holy shit having to slog the first 4 levels of either frederick chess or "rng abuse chrom and MU for hours" is so annoying. Makes me wish I knew 3DS players irl so i could just get someone to do it for me lol On a semi related note since I do casual lunatic because RNG resetting the entire level isn't fun for me, it does actually add a sort of interesting mini game to cheating. It turns it into a slower paced "There has to be a move that gets me through this turn, I just have to find it"
  7. I got downloaded it while I went to pickup my EO preorder.(On top of WWHD a week ago nd x/y in a week, stagger your games nintendo ;_;) Holy shit, its great. Its final fantasy!harvest moon. Im never going to get to etrian at this rate sinking so much into it. Cooked food doesnt stack. Thats literally its only flaw. Farming you can do quick to get to other things,or just get your monster pets to do it for you. Managing your mons isnt as tedious as animals in ANB (brush, talk, treat, milk was annoying). The combat is really fun, and is a great addition(from the perspective of comparing to HM) and something to kill time(among story related things). also the waifus have fully done TV quality anime introduction clips Not really sure what else to say.
  8. Augh,fuck. Ch 3 isnt possible. So close to dlc... I really dont want to have to give up and do normal lunatic or start over and reset for perfect growths to use a str mu.
  9. Seriously, how do you do ch3 lol, counter on everything :|
  10. I group it in with pokemon. (Which, similar to awakening, also is going a bit more ambitious with stories in black/2, we'll see in X/Y) Not every game needs to be the last of us. For most games, as stated above (Yay nintendo fanboying) the plot only needs to be a serviceable vehicle for the gameplay, which isn't to say all the plots are bad, most of them are above average(Read: It has a coherent story), and thats fine.
  11. I actually enjoyed 3 seperate but kinda sorta related in a Star Wars Original trilogy-new3 kind of way stories. First was Gangrel generally being an asshole. (Renewal is the best total experience a game has given me in a while) Then stop BatouWalhart[Was it ever actually told if he was on the warpath in the kids future?] from doing his Lelouch on PCP thing. (My personal favorite Arc, Ch10 is an exception, I actually like Walhart as a character and I thought Excellus would end up being a recruit to save himself) And Grima was a good way to wrap it up. My actual main criticism of FE:A is a lack of Enemy recruits (IE what was heavily teased with cervantes/yenfay/excellus) and lack of recruits talked to by someone thats not Chrom .Also, not having necromancers because of my huge personal hard on for the class
  12. Target was just an example. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/retail/retail_retailers.jsp I know for a fact you can buy them in canada
  13. Assuming that this is to be taken literally and the only thing stopping you is not having access to a credit/debit card(But you have money/arent a DLCIsEvil Crusader) just go to target and buy a 3ds eshop card or go to the grocery store and buy a visa giftcard (Not 100% if Visa giftcards work, I know I've paid for other things online with em though)
  14. You can grind. Use Lost bloodlines 3 when you outgrow exp farming thing Edit: Holy shit Ch3 is countercity Can i reset it away or will some things always have (ie reset for least bad)
  15. Im not against using a legacy character as a rally bot. Is it just your turn or also the enemy phase?
  16. So, after my first two playthroughs (Only 2 getting it release day, sad I know) I never bothered to use Rallys much at all besides once in a while when I was just going to move and wait anyway with a unit that happened to have one so i just hit it. But I do know that you can stack multiple rallies on one char to use as a rally bot, who are the best people to use as rally bots?
  17. Also, Besides Miledy and WHYISNTNECROMANCERADLCLASSSCROLL Ewan... Dart. Dart was probably the 3rd best to them. Valter deserves a villian spot for being delightfully completely off the deep end Honorable mention to Sonia
  18. wtb skip button for ch2 Edit: K done. I swear the first few levels on lunatic/+ feel more like a bastardization of the yugioh game duel puzzles and jenga. Theres one variation of this turn I make it,now i just have to reset till I find it. It has a place but I dont miss it.
  19. Is there a way other than the proc rate stat and RFK to increase proc rates on skills? I saw something about hit? The sin city cutscene for lethality never gets old
  20. Way too many daddy issues. Would not bang/10. Also Ive never liked a lord class besides lyn/hector. But Aether and Rightful king(both for lucy) inheritance is nice, so ill give him an 8/10
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