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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. Playing with the calc, I think I'll go +Speed -Skill. Lets Aversa!Morgan hit 60 mage(SpeedLuck is 59, which is ugly to look at, and MageLuck Or MageStr would gimp req more early game resets/Gimp avatar going phys) , and doesn't completely gimp Avatar if I need to go Str
  2. I will be grinding. But having to slog through 1-3/4 (4 isn't that bad since you can get renown stuff/are basically OP by then anyway) But 2 and 3 are a bitch. Speed makes the early slog that made me put the game down for months last time easier. Mage gives me my best kid.
  3. Anyway, Now I'm torn +Mage is my first choice (For ShadowSage Morgan), but I feel like if I'm not going +def I have to go speed
  4. Oh right, I forgot about that, will the Grinding DLCs change on +? (CoY/LB3 etc)
  5. Basically done (just grima now) with zerging down lunatic with 4 units (FeMU/Chrom/Kids) just to unlock classic+. Dunno what to do then. +Mage would be ideal. but I think +Spe would make it easier to get through the early bleh. I know I asked this before, but how doable is post game on Lunatic+? I know apothesis is one difficulty, but what about paralogues etc, will "wasting" Aversa!Morgan be viable?
  6. That was a great read and I hope he actually tries it. But I completely forgot it was about morgan halfway in and though it was just theorycrafting if no promoting lunatic was possible
  7. Obvious answer hear is Aversa!Morgan. Shadow Sage win game. But I digress, I actually came here to ship GaiusxMiriel and RickenxNowi (You need to stop bringing the dragonstone to bed) and ABOVE ALL. GregoXCord surprise assault on fortress of love!
  8. Honestly just try LB2 or ...smash brethren? idk, whatever the low lvl one is... Just trial and error things with full aggro until you find a sweet spot
  9. the lower level 3 or even LB2 or whatever you can reliably solo can work. Im honestly not sure if its "faster", but being able to just end turn and mash start is nice
  10. Once again, fire emblem IS ABOUT GAMEPLAY. Also, again way too much stock in a character not being "one dimensional"
  11. there we go. I was looking through the pages on inheritance but that calc is much better than hunt and add
  12. Okay new thing. What would (+Str, -Luck) MU!Noire's mods be?
  13. I agree and I love fire emblem. But since its really my only gripe with the game i went into a bit more detail. Personally I think it has a strong case for outright game of the year, but the untelegraphed reinforcements seem odd since it almost forces you to reset(or look it up online) to learn them or lose units. I loved the laurent level, exploring the desert with the hint trail to the staff. But it took a few resets to learn reinforcements from waves of 3 zerkers/3 pegas or whatever it is randomly jumping out and massacring muriel. They should be difficult, and put you on your heels, switch the momentum a bit, maybe make you have to reset (or lose a unit), but they shouldn't be able to move turn 1 from offscreen and not even give you a chance to try and run/prepare/fight back/etc
  14. Honestly my only complaint besides NO NECROMANCERS :| ANGRY RAGE COME BACK EWAN is that so many reinforcements punish defensive play and make it so you need to be overleveled for it because of so many/frequentreinforcements. In a way its nice because generally being on the defensive IS harder, but its a little extreme sometimes focusing on making 1 god pair to boss rush before your other units die to reinforcements on turn 3... (ie walharts campaign levels), or this dwindling thing where I have to leave behind 10 units just to block reinforcement stairs (or be way OP to handle them). Reinforcements to stall break is good. Sub turn 10 or so, ESPECIALLY turn 3-5, is just blatantly rushing you as opposed to keeping you on your toes I guess the root of it is some levels feel like its completely intended you'll have to reset a bunch while you learn reinforcement patterns. Reinforcements being able to jump you before you can respond on turn 3 is kind of retarded. In a way I get it a little bit, its assumed by now you should be wary of a fort or stairs. But reinforcements randomly popping out of the side and killing you seems counterintuitive. IE Laurents level, which encourages exploring for the secrets, but then with no telegraph or hint you just get jumped by 5 berserkers, the hell is that lol
  15. If you still don't like it after Ch 10 its probably not going to happen. also you probably arent on a high enough difficulty Okay, I'll bite. Basically you're being a pretentious prick whos actively looking for things to not like with the mind set going into this you wont like it. You seem to accept nothing less than the next to kill a mockingbird or something. Its not 999, its Fire Emblem. The story is an excuse for the game, not the other way around.(FWIW I consider awakening's above average for what it is and even outside of games character depth is way too overhyped). If you don't like the gameplay, its probably not for you, its just like anything else really. This isn't some indie steam game full of QTEs just to remind you its a game not a movie (cough heavy rain), you aren't playing it for the story you're playing it for the fire emblem game play. As for your thing about expendabilty, I don't really know what to say.Outside of recruits and your new units the chapter you them [basically Ch 1-3] if your units are dying in one hit you probably aren't as good as you think. Stop sending mages and pegasus classes into axe bandits with luna idk. TLDR; Congratulations you didn't want to like the game and you don't.
  16. Also is there a list of SMT 4 demon voice actors? I recognized a female one from somewhere but could never find it (and now I dont recall what demon)
  17. No one is saying to rely on it. My point is a unit or two can sac 1 skill slot just for the cool factor when it procs.
  18. Berserker in awakening. Necromancer is my favorite but they arent in :( Hero and War monk are close secownds (war monk loses points because Libra is an "oh...its a guy..." And lissa looks absolutely stupid , WTB better representations of a cool class.) Least favorite is dark knight because of the massive troll that they cant use dark magic. Also Gryphon classes
  19. For a unit or two its worth losing a slot just for the sin city scene. And also fwiw since, as you said, its only going to be 10-15%, theres no reason to stay assassin for the extra 1% or w/e
  20. Even still. Its not like limit breaker + PavGis/Vantage + Aether on everything is called for. The tuning is enough you have some room to not 100% min max
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