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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. AT Limit Breaker Agressor Are the 3 staples. Then either VV, or Luna/astra+swordfaire
  2. English because I'd rather have worse dialogue that I can understand than gibberish that sounds cooler (is there a subtitle option for cut ins?)
  3. Is there a list of enemies with special dialogue when fought with a certain unit (Not talks, but like Cervantes/Chrom)
  4. In before ana Male Lissa, if I have to pick. Freds a pretty bad mage parent
  5. I did the same thing when I only had 2 files. Many saves doesnt fix not paying attention trust me. Do a speed run itll make you feel better. Its not as daunting to fix when you abuse DlC and when you just look back on all the bad inheriting choices you made before. What I did this time around was basically DLC up parents as soon as I could for whatever skills they had to pass, and then bench them in favor of the kid, who I would use einhars to recruit. My avatar ended up underleveled for a while because severa and inigo did my carry
  6. Finally got my streetpass team up and running
  7. Plus regalia is a pain to farm even with dlc Sure you can burn through all the name weapons and braves/silvers if you want, but also convoy logistics etc make that an annoyance.
  8. Basically make sure MU kills everything on the first level minus the myrimidons on the bottom. Use +Def -Luck your first run or two. On ch1, literally solo it with MU paired with freddy. By ch2 the only hard part will be getting the faggot patrol out of the line of fire, because MU with fred can easily tank everything, this will take a few tries.
  9. Well the second to last choice does do SOMETHING different.
  10. You going mage or melee? Also you cant conpare the two directly given they come from different genders
  11. Miciah for grinding Limit breakers. Jamke/Seliph/Camus/Jaffar for gold farming early game before I have galeforce kids (Or if I dont feel like grinding them atm) Camus, Ursula, Petrine, Black Knight, King Mart, Ephram and a whole bunch of others for recruiting kids before my main team can. Basically just flipping through spotpass seeing whos level 20 and I feel like playing. Next playthrough I think I'm gonna use Moulder as a main unit
  12. Honestly everyone looks dumb in armor in awakening, and I love generals. But not having a helmet is just silly
  13. As in Donnel should be the only one exempt from ending as the starting class. Dancer./Manakete/Taguel are all perfectly viable. But keeping him as a villager makes him non usable
  14. Just to nitpick, donnel should really be the only exempt one. Manaketes are far from bad and Taguel is at least usable. I pick Maribelle though because of Brady + I don't really like sumia at all
  15. and also it says in the epilogues during the credits scholars speculate s/he is from a different timeline This can totally be fuel that it was put in so in lucinas stand alone game avatar wont have to have a canon pairing /tinfoilhat
  16. On lunatic/+? not possible you kinda have to to get through the early stuff
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