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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. Its not really a deus ex machina. More of a ScrewTheRulesIHaveMoney
  2. Well, wrt to that build since it was mostly a tank I would have taken off luna over sol. But even conflicting procs I.got.enough sol for tanking and enough lunas to kill most if not all enemies in lunatic endgame. But for + who would you reccomend in Kjelles place? I really liked how she turned out (ill admit I wasnt going for what happened initially, I just had sully/vaike paired and went from there) but if another kid does it better i might try that. Cant involve MU (m) or tharja
  3. Vaike!Kjelle Gives her access to sol, but pass counter in case you want it since she can go hero herself. As well as a chunk of str and skill. Aegis/Luna/Sol/Pavise/vary
  4. All I needed to hear. Back to playing Frederick emblem trying to not die to that stupid hammer in ch 2
  5. FWIW, On Hard I could actually come out on top on boxes. But seriously, people are way to quick to cry and bitch about DLC. DLC is fine. Just because EA abuses it people wont stop bitching when it comes up. Fire Emblem is a perfect example of the right way to do DLC
  6. Just finished Lunatic. My original plan was too use casual for save states but still not finish a chapter with anyone dead. But after accidentally saving over my main hard/classic file on like 14 lost interest and just casual corpse dragged to unlock +. Before I go too far into + right now, Is + viable for A post game/DLC file(Abusing DLC to grind if need be)? Or is it just something to do to show you can and I should just go back and redo lunatic(For Lunatic, I used a fem avatar[side note, thanks nintendo for leaving in Tharjas creepy obsession and beach conversations as a fem] just for the sake of it since it WAS just a throwaway run but I want my main file to have me)
  7. ....Maybe in theory if you let chrom do it...but still thats only one generation....so maybe morgan the 10th
  8. Don't speak her name. All of Ch10 really, right in the feels.
  9. No, its a whole new file. You can recruit your old avatar but it cant support
  10. Why is Frederick in this? Gregor is the answer to all of Lissas daddy issues
  11. Eh, why not both. Its between the two of them anyway for the former, but since theyre both up there, may as well look at gameplay wise. Also, thats the thing about shadowgift, I really like dark magic(WTB NECROMANCER SCROLL DLC THANKS - It could totally be canon with risen), and besides nosferatu tanking, Waste/Ruin are pretty cool, but I wonder if/what I would go in place of sorc (Sage or GM)
  12. On my upcoming file thats going to be my main file, Im torn on Aversa vs Tharja Tharja: -Get to feed the crazy -Noire is the best character in the game. Period. So being able to soup her up would be nice Aversa: -Comparable to tharja from as a waifu -Shadowgift is REALLY tempting. REEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAALYYYYYY. Shadowgrandmaster morgan sounds pretty cool It really comes to SuperNoire vs Shadowgift Morgan (Which I might be overestimating but it just seems so cool)
  13. Only one other vote for the GregorXLissa master race =(
  14. I'm going to be going for postgame, I fucked up and saved over my original clear that I was using for postgame
  15. Hate to be that guy bringing back my own post, but I want to know this before i start my file
  16. About to start Lunatic+ Probably going to end my unit as a berserker ( at least for a bit, until I find out the hard way why its an awful idea), whats my best bet for Asset/Flaw, looking at the table it looks like asset/flaws actually leak over and effect more than just those 2 stats? For my lunatic I made a Fem MU just for the sake of having one but especially since I accidentally saved over my main file I was going to go back to my original +Luck/-Def, but it looks like that takes off 5 str too? Unless im reading it wrong
  17. Oh I see now, the randomly pulled ones don't have a difficulty.
  18. Is there a way to tell for sure if a streetpass team is actually real and not just pull from the random pool?
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