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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. Or they could just add a random button. Or an option that would piss alot of people off, give an option between picking your own, or an auto story mode type pairing (which would turn into canon pairing whining)
  2. A sort of prequel would be kind of cool. (Events from war/grimas revival in Lucinas timeline up to her coming back) Well he IS Vegetas kid.
  3. The reason the class still functions is because of streetpasding to not render your unit unusable I imagine (ie if an axe DF got changed to GM) Skills dont though afaik
  4. Well, you could always use the stat boosting logbook trick
  5. If Male MU could get galeforce I would definitely do a Green Arrow run. Can you make MaMU black? Don't recall, but if you can I might do a John Stewart. (Green Lantern, not the daily show)
  6. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=840
  7. Got one now. Ill probably arms scroll up her lances (logbook trick obviously) for brave lanching when I need. And yeah I though forsetti was res for some reason.
  8. Yeah luring I got down. Got my. Celicas now because I died being a retard and not noticing my GF for the turn went off. Wide open to heroes with Waste on. Forsettis a no go since I cant naturally double fliers
  9. Elincia was my main issue because my celicas was on someone else. First run so im paranoid aboit dying if im not in the spot come ep Also marisa
  10. and done. Hooray paragon+GF edit; god damn this is still a pain having to mire down everyone
  11. Guess I need to grind miciah up. Merc > Peg > DF til 15 > Sorc to 10 > DF I guess.
  12. No direct facing? Is that a spot you need to fly to?
  13. First gen...with capped stats, limit breaker, full tonics, barracks boost, S support, and a forged killing edge Its really no less absurd than nitpicking over a couple stats
  14. Many dead einhar later Fred!Gerome Kellam!Nah Gregor!Severa Chrom!Inigo are all operational. Having second thoughts with noire, I sorta want to do gauis, but then again I'll probably end Noire as a bow class so AT would be nice
  15. Well, if you get DLC or want to reeking box grind, you can always just grind 2 people up for a kid, and just use the kid but keep mom and dad on the bench
  16. As far as reclassing http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/skills.html http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/children.html Figure out what skills, if any, you want/can get, and what class you want to end as, and go from there for reclassing.
  17. Will tharjaxgauis give Noire access to GF or only donnel? because Noire is the best kid, and I wanto throttle donnel
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