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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. Always forget that.. I got distracted arguing the doubling point.
  2. uh yeah thats exactly why you can. Unless you're doing Apo...I guess. But you wont be running despoil on Apo obviously. You should basically always be doubling in game. Plus dual strikes. so tanking EP = raining kills
  3. Theyre like 1.8k w/ silver card and 3600 with? I imagine at minimum you can break even
  4. If you're ending as manakete probably despoil just for the sake of free money while grinding, like yoshi said. And if shes going to be a manakete thats actually going to be better than armsthrift, since all you do is buy them up at a shop, no forging or RNG regalia farming or even spotpass team summoning, she doesn't need multiple weapons (Basically she can run 4x D-stone and an elixir) so inventory space/breaking mid level isnt a concern
  5. because filming dancing for 300 turns/spamming start in lb 3/running golden gaffe/ EXP growth is pretty tedious and nobody wants to watch it.
  6. Grinding some renown prepping for another crack at L+. I want to do FeMU for it because broken as fuck etc, but part of me wants to use MaMUxTiki because I've come to love manaketes as a class and you cant get manakete morgan with Femu
  7. Either way I would assume he would grind offscreen. Anyway GregorxLissa
  8. Okay. Yeah mine is digital. I was under the impression it needed a computer involved.
  9. how do you manipulate a DS if you arent on casual
  10. Ch1 isnt too bad if you get the right levels in prologue. Ch2 is the impossible one
  11. Nahxgerome #1 one turn grima pair. Also seeing grima hit 0s is cool. Also finally got all of my main units besides owain, (whos strictly morgan support, I wish I went with ds+ as moms inherit, but galeforce for move is nice) and cynthia/Laurent who are benched stat capped. Do stat caps even matter for streetpass? Anyway, future pasts, anna stuff, apo, and then its time to try l+ again. Tank wyvern lord kjelle with yarne zerker and gerome backed by manakete nah have plesantly surprised me. Double faire hero sever just wrecks everything. Inigo is basically just there to back severa and provide streetpass trolling with lethality, RK and missletain.
  12. So I take that to mean Manakete ignis was a correct guess as to the highest full hp damage?
  13. Well, it depends how you define the level 30 classes. I see it as a base class with a special second seal. Essentially Tier 1B. Aether and RK are a loophole (and I consider them not) because, while Chroms kids automatically get them as lordbabies, it would normally require a t2 class.
  14. Well, by no gimmicks I mean nothing that relies on something you don't control to work (ie enemies class, getting yourself to 1/80 HP) Forges are fine because they don't rely on manipulating anything else. Rallys could be included too I guess. Essentially whats the largest hit you could just walk up to any enemy on your phase and pull off. Manaketes abnormally high mage for a str class (At least, I assumethey go off str..) leads me to believe it would be manakete morgan, but not being able to get a male manakete (aggressor) might give the edge to something else.
  15. Hi more stuff to post Whats the highest non-gimmick hiit in the game (Or might/attack anyway, so target is really irrelevant). So no 1 hp veng bow on a pegasus or whatever. Ignis/Luna are fine they can proc on anything. My initial thought right now is it might be an ignis manakete?
  16. Tier 1 skill can be interpreted as any skill a Tier 1 has access to without promoting.
  17. how does the bookmark/backup save work? So its basically casual save states but on classic?
  18. This is kind of off topic, but I've never bothered looking. Say you edit a logbook spotpass character, ie your maxed out marth. And then summon him to the map and recruit him. Do you get basic marth for whatever he is, or your marth for 75700
  19. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=38883&page=5 Is this correct? That the weapons that say other people might not see it (You know, because "10% Luck" is offensive ermagerd) will show up if they don't have parental controls on?
  20. DLC Spotpass Using your other save files for Female MU/Challenge runs/higher difficulty Make a streetpass team etc
  21. If you aren't doing VV its easy Limit Breaker Armsthrift Agressor Swordfaire DPS Proc of choice (not lethality)
  22. I'm actually running a VV, SF, LB, AT Swordmaster as my current MU. Its not min max-y, but destroying levels with a spear chucked Amatsu is pretty damn satisfying. (seriously the way they throw amatsu wat) I might try a different class once I get a ragnell
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