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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. Honestly I like it. The new forging is honestly better and sorta makes more sense than just straight gold. Also having 5 MT/Crit spears on everyone wasn't exactly the pinnacle of fun. Its actually kinda nice having to make the decision of do I NEED the extra up front damage enough to deal with the stat drop tanking EP. Unless you're hana, then just steel katana yolo kill everything. ITS ALL ME
  2. Well, you said it yourself, hyperbolic time chamber. Any time you had literally like 5 minutes you could duck in and play catch and build trucks and deliver barbies and shit
  3. Ok, that explains it thanks. I didn't know that there were only exactly enough so that you lose a kid if you marry a first gen. How dare you decide on discount L as the kid who doesn't get to be born
  4. Do you not get both kids if you marry two units with kids?
  5. Wait let me get this straight People complained because of what they would take as a gay conversion support. So NOA changed it, and now people are complaining about censoring drugs? OR is nobody actually complaining and polygon just had a shitty clickbait title
  6. does the puppeteer class actually get a summon or is it just a lore thing?
  7. All i can find are a list of new classes, not what they actually do/are
  8. So what are the actual new classes, and not just split hoshido/nohr versions of old classes?
  9. So what are the new classes vs things where the translation and localized names are just different? ie are rod knights a new class and not just troubadours
  10. Man, I need to hang out around places during the japanese only period more often. mistranslations sure make for good drama
  11. So its basically Lonqu 2.0, except a bisexual girl so everyone is up in arms made it through about half of gaijinhunters translation video and it seems like its basically bonding over fixing her problems (only this time its being a nympho rather than being afraid)
  12. I mean, would an M-rating even hurt fire emblem? (from the standpoint of NoA considering sales) AFAIK its still mostly a fanbase driven game than going for mass appeal to random moms buying their kids a game at target
  13. slut shaming holy war aside, In what world do "potential" S supports constitute being a slut AFAIK she isn't hanging out in your castle letting the whole whole cast run train on her. It seems perfectly normal that someone like her would get her pick of the litter for marraige options
  14. Seriously? Are we really to the point of complaining about how they explain getting your kids somehow old enough to fight along side you as soon as you have sex? Because honestly ANY way of explaining it is going to be really wierd....so either you don't get kids or just roll with it
  15. Personally I think thats fucking hilarious, not something to be up in arms over :l
  16. I'm fan, so why would I be mad about them servicing me
  17. As far as I can tell most of the bitching is about things that are pluses for me. I mean, I would have been upset if I couldn't incest or Camilla
  18. I hope they bring S-Rank waifus back but ditch the eugenics. Also in before something dumb like not being able to S-rank camilla (i can legitimately see this happening)
  19. From what I was seeing the unit has to be involved for their rng to change. ie chrom and freddy doing something wont affect your levels, but switching with lissa and letting her take a hit, or if you're on the boss where you can stop to heal, unequipping and soaking a hit yourself.
  20. Does having panne/yarne as a parent actuly give you a beast weakness in every class?
  21. The only good thing to come out of this is imagining Lucina with an exalt mark in one eye and a grima mark in the other like a demented husky
  22. Shadowgift, ThriftBreaker, Tomefaire, Ignis. Most fun morgan (also Aversa<3)
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