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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. Whoever Mikamo is we just made a bond unit named Naruto with wind disciple.... Not sure if this is amazing or if i should hang myself
  2. How is your conquest lunatic your least important of 9 files
  3. Orochi A+ with Oboro so she can go spear master
  4. Her speed is a giant bag of dicks. Either buy her wary fighter or use her as a pair up bot for hayato
  5. marry her into a reclass to general
  6. Well I have both on Nyx now, thanks. Now I need Vantage or Wary on hayato for passing for rhajat Do you still need Astra hana? im not sure why but I have her
  7. Currently looking for Wary Fighter/Vantage on either hayato or Nyx
  8. It depends. Live battles are 5v5, My castle stuff is 10v10 So optimal pairings really entirely depends on what you're doing and if you just want specific units for teams or the overall optimal setup As far as just in-game, they don't matter
  9. Since the jankpromote classes are 1-40 rather than 1-20 twice if you reclass a level 4 promoted unit it translates to 24 in jankpromote classes. Regardless of level, every time you level up you learn any relevant earlier level skills you missed starting lowest->highest. So if you reclass to a witch at 30 you get the lvl 1 skill at 31 the 15 at 32 etc with warp at 34
  10. Kana(m) vs Kana(f) (avatar child) Can't stand either of them. Felicia vs Jakob vs Flora (maid/butler) WE"VE GOT TROUBLE Silas vs Sophie vs Xander vs Gunter vs Seigbert vs Peri (cavalier/great knight) Scene hair axe murder wins because <-- Hinoka vs Shigure vs Caeldori vs Subaki vs Reina (pegasus/kinshii) I have problems making flyers good, and gen 2 is basically automatically a step better by default, so Takumi vs Kiragi vs Setsuna (archer) Wins by default for not being related to Takumi. Also 10/10 Private Quarters lines Forrest vs Elise vs Dwyer (trabadour) Amusing character, and also is basically L. Sakura vs Mitama vs Azama (cleric) Only one I've used so far and shes can tear holes through people with a shining bow. Fuga vs Ryoma vs Hinata vs Hana vs Hisame (swordmasters) ITS ALL ME. I GOT THIS. Also has amazing stats for usability ontop of being awesome. Arthur vs Charlotte vs Rinkah (axe users) Besides being an unstoppable death machine glass cannon, her supports are either actually really well done or just hilarious Honorable mention to Rinkah for letting me scumbag arena with charlotte backing her Percy vs Beruka vs Camilla vs Scarlet (wyverns) Two reasons. And you know what they are. #1 Waifu. Fight me. Oboro vs Shiro (lancers) Not even remotely close. Kaden vs Selkie vs Veloruia vs Keaton (shifters) It would have been velouria. But after maining Kaden/Keaton both and taking selkie as my first fully done kid as a magic user in revelations, I can't pick anymore. Kaden isn't as unlikeable as I thought.
  11. Who do people usually give orochi too
  12. anyone have an offensive proc/vantage on charolette or death blow on kaze
  13. Hes also an asshole in the other routes too. The only redeeming quality he has is that you get to kill him twice in conquest
  14. Depends entirely on if you feel like playing out revelations hard as your endgame file with lunatic as a challenge when you feel like it, or if you want your endgame to be a lunatic file and want to make clearing it easier
  15. Do brave weapons work in the back under the new system?
  16. Its a back-to-back, like the endgames are
  17. Gimmick weapons are gimmicks. High ranking tomes have almost always been norse. There aren't too many "bad" ones. Renaming braves now is weird to get used to. Not sure what that was about
  18. Dwyers is actually useful outside of the campaign (ie online etc) All of the "if this unit is supporting the avatar - - - - - - - -" ones can go eat a dick
  19. How can you people not let L be born, the fuck is wrong with you
  20. I entirely expected this to happen Is japan not confirmed done getting DLC? Especially since most of them were never "Completely" evil, mostly just meat suits for anakos, its even easier to write then gengrel/autism emmeryn
  21. Its really not this hard. Gunter (And Kaze once you hit A) are your legitimate armed retainers. The rest are the maids/butlers that were basically forced to look after you (And ended up actually liking you, but thats besides the point). I'm sure the rest of the royals also have maids and butlers that are you know, hanging back and watching the castles while they deal with daddy issues
  22. Kaze and Saizo are the birthright christmas cavs. Laslow and Selena for conquest. But arguments can be made for others. Keaton and Kaden are definitely the revelations ones
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