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Everything posted by Tribute

  1. On chapter 26 Of Hard/Class/Revelations, I'm recruiting Felicia!Selkie and making her a Sage. Decided to see if ditching the offspring seal in favor of a direct Diviner reclass into grinding would be worth it for magic. Notes: Minus a couple times I got too overzealous and took on a skirmish that was too high level and died, I was not resetting for optimal levels Offspring sealing from 20 kitsune -> 16 Nine-Tails -> heart sealing to sage: 36 HP 32 Res 15 Def 29 Luck (Capped) 24 Skill 31 Speed 18 Mage Heart Seal to 20 Divine -> Master Seal to 1 Sage -> Grinding to 16 35 HP 33 Res 14 Def 29 Luck (Capped) 23 Skill 31 Speed 18 Mage B-Rank Tomes So, other than saving some weapon rank grinding...Nope, offspring to heart seal is pretty accurate
  2. Is there a list anywhere of levels that the various maps scout
  3. 15585 37509 47089 98051 I check my inbox regulary and accessory back everyone in there
  4. Because you like fliers and fates is prettyy damn good at making anyone usable if you want too.
  5. If you have arms scrolls to burn its good
  6. Velouria is the best. Kana is the worst. Honestly i don't like alot of the kids that come off as like 8. If we get a next game i really want to see a "kid" character or 3 or 8 where the schtick is that they fucked up the time travel/time chamber and came out older than the other kids. Bonus points if its the first gen obnoxious little sister lol and the daugher comes out older than them, could make for interesting supports too
  7. Also it doesn't matter if you lose units on the back half of the final chapters, you can't log book them but they don't die since it doesn't technically save a postgame state. So on classic you can play pretty aggro
  8. Im assuming you're talking about the ability that lets debuffs stack rather than just refreshing or being overridden by more powerful ones
  9. Generic troubadour has a non generic counterpart in revelations
  10. Sophie as in silas' kid? I did her late enough that the offspring seal set her to level 18
  11. Xanders chapter on hoshido Revelations artificially makes itself easier because so many low unit count chapters overlevels you
  12. Its worth it. Honestly the plotholes aren't THAT bad (on ch20 atm) But I view it less as a stand alone plot and more a look at the pieces of the full story you didn't see during Birthright/conq
  13. My phone randomly lost my save file. Time to get the new patch
  14. I noticed the general killing animation is the old crit from GBA games, its nice to see it back. Also the basara flop is hilarious
  15. Generally early game (esp conquest) you need attack stance to get kills on the enemy phase so you dont get overwhelmed And then as you go on you start needing the protection of dual guard
  16. Hana to swordmaster 5 for astra then reclass to sage
  17. Do crit rolls override misses in fates?
  18. Related to my castle music, it looked like there was some awakening there, but I couldn't find don't speak her name, is it not there or am I missing it. In my birthright/conq files I just used felica cuz lazy, now im using her because im actually using her on my team, ill probably change helper to flora when I get her and Dwyer eventually if its possible
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