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Everything posted by Legault

  1. 3DS Friend Code 2964-9844-1852. Castle Address 16999-13597-52188-57105 Breaker/Ft. Breaker (Nohr) NA Region Wheat Ruby Easy Nothing in particular yet
  2. Is being watched by Google (seriosuly, he's in the topic with me.... it's creepy)
  3. Hey look. Page number 16300. round number, yay! Edit: ..... Classic. Actually saw that one coming.
  4. Best: Serra Worst: Alvis. Because.... come on.
  5. Hey there. Long time no see. Just passing by, as I have nothing to do.
  6. Either by existance you mean our essence of existance or something alike (ether, etc), or you're wrong and Y will always be constant becuase matter is not either created or destroyed. And because Y never changes, X is always 0, therefore leading to a mathematical error.
  7. I... am actually begining to seriously believe that Lucius is a girl... I am not sure anymore if it is refered as a she in the game...
  8. You sir fail at writing out scientific nomenclature. Everyone knows that the species name goes in non-capital letters, so strictly speaking, it shoud be Homo sapiens.
  11. Oh... yeah... sure, lemme fix that in a sec.
  12. It all begins with one click! You'll start out in Thracia Village hopefully, and if you don't, then go there. Fire Emblem needs to make a presence everywhere, so lets begin here! Anyways, it's a good online game that takes away an hour a day, so it's not like I'm punishing you. If you do this for me, then I'll be in your debt and do something really nice for you later in the future. Word. Anyways, I know that Fire Emblem can take over the world, eventually. And when that day comes, wars will be fought be turns, and we will be the presidents of the world. And then wars will become a turn-based CoD.
  13. Because... duh. Is the spoon really there?
  14. Why does your avatar remind me of Ike?
  15. Legault


    On a kinda unrelated note, I call the naruto fans to join this game: THE BILLY VS SNAKEMAN ANIME PARODY GAME!! It's a really cool game that is losely based in lots of animes, mainly Naruto. There's villages and ranks and the whole works join Thracia Village. After this shameless bit of shameless advertising, I'd like to comment on the actual topic. I watch the anime Naruto, so it's kinda very behind on the manga. I am currently at the point where Naruto is going for the granddaughter of En No Goya and defends the forbbiden jutsu, but I can't really recall if I watched Naruto this week or not.... hmmm.... ah well. Still, it seems to me this part is filler, since it doesn't really fit with what came before
  16. Care to illustrate? Cuz I don't know either :D
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