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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. My thoughts on remaining/rumoured echoes: Ken - practically a lock, he's rumoured and it makes too much sense Shadow - same as Ken, but slightly lower odds Medusa - not really rumoured much but she makes so much sense to me that I can't see how Sakurai would not put her in the game. Gardevoir - iirc she's rumoured as both a newcomer and an echo, she makes sense to me as a mixed echo and I'm thinking Pokemon won't just get Incineroar Black Knight - makes a lot of sense and was a Mii costume, but FE already got an echo so I'm not sure it'll get another Felix - tbh while I would love to have him playable, Golden Sun will be lucky to get one character. I don't think he'll get in even if Isaac does. Impa - I thought she might have a shot, but now that we're getting near the end of the reveals she looks unlikely. DLC may add more echoes but I think the first four I mentioned, plus maybe the Black Knight, will fill out the remaining roster. I don't think Megaman will get another playable character and if SE gets another character it will be someone new. For DLC... I would love Celica or Micaiah as Robin/Zelda echoes respectively, Jill and Chris from RE, Malos as a Shulk echo, Impa as a Sheik/Zelda mixed echo (or as a new character at this point tbh), Black Knight if he doesn't get in the base game, and of course Isaac/Felix if either or both of them aren't in the base game.
  2. I like Gunnthra's design and unit type but the story did her dirty. I like Laegjarn's design and she's a decent enough mobile Camus but like... she kind of just fizzled out at the end. I like Hrid and Alfonse purely for waifu purposes. I wouldn't describe any of them as favourites but they're the least boring/most attractive OCs to me.
  3. The Black Knight speculation has convinced me, I want him and hope he's in. Still hoping for Isaac but I'm not confident. And if Sora is somehow the rumoured SE rep I'll be thrilled. Expecting it to be Noctis, Terra, or a DQ character though. I'm thinking there are 2-3 newcomers and 3-5 echoes left for the base game. Incineroar is the only one I'm positive of.
  4. I mean the sisters have cool designs but they're still Heroes characters so I have no real attachment to them. Cool for people who were waiting for them though. Garon looks really creepy and it's so weird his base form is as a red dragon. Wonder if this means Bolverk is being saved for a Legendary Camilla or Xander.
  5. I like Silas and Flora but not enough to be upset about not getting them. Good news for me as I can skip this and keep trying to get Quan for now.
  6. I have no idea what I'm looking at in that pic, but I like Flora so if she's a GHB or TT reward that's cool by me. I have no idea who would be on a Fates banner though. I guess more kids? Which would be really boring personally. I guess I'd hope for like, Scarlet, Silas, and Rinkah. I doubt they'd introduce beast units through Fates and not Tellius, but then again anything is possible, so maybe that's happening?
  7. I want her too! She's gotta join the rest of her family after all.
  8. Damn, bye Ike. Hello Ephraim. I am really surprised Veronica is so popular. I don't get it, but hey.
  9. I think Lewyn was really the last character I very specifically was waiting for. Now I want several missing characters pretty much equally, Jill and Haar a bit more so. Hopefully Jill has a lance so she can go on my flier team, I'm not so sure if Haar will replace Flying Nino on it.
  10. I am so blessed with 2 Lewyns that I'm not even mad I didn't pull Quan from the ton of blue orbs I got. Now to wait for the TT to be able to pull again.
  11. Dang multiplier strikes again. I'm glad Ike stays around but not going to gloat here because of the luck involved. What I take away from this is that Hector has gotten waaay more popular since Heroes. In fact I wouldn't be surprised to see him rank much higher if all the CYL winners were included in a poll again. I've definitely grown more fond of him recently that's for sure.
  12. YAAS Cuan and Lewyn in one banner! This is the greatest day ever. Hope I can pull them but I'm low on orbs so I'm probably going to rage a bit.
  13. Going with Ike because best FE lord should win everything. If he loses I'll go with either Lyn or Celica.
  14. L E W Y N Also Jill, Haar, Reyson, Tibarn, Pelleas, Dieck, Lugh, Idunn, Guinevere, Sonia, Limstella, Pent, Louise, Nils, Selena, Saleh, Edward, Nolan, Briggid, Lex, Quan, Ethlyn, Altena, Ashnard, Python, Tatiana. But I will settle with Lewyn, for now.
  15. Finally, glad to see Marth get some love. He looks pretty cool!
  16. This is very true and is a reason why I hoped Legendary Heroes would be special very rare units like the Brave ones. But it makes more money to have them be monthly I'm sure. Anyway since Three Houses won't be out yet and probably won't be included in the voting, I'm guessing: Marth - everyone seems to agree he deserves more attention and he's generally liked among the fanbase so now that the heavy hitters are out he should be able to secure the win. Loki - I'm assuming she's going to keep being important to the story and unplayable so she may be the next Veronica, with the bonus of having tiddy power to boost her to first place. Chrom - Smash will help him for sure. Not really much competition other than Robin and Alm at this point, but I can't see them edging him out. Camilla or Eirika - could honestly see this going either way, depending on whether Camilla can hold on to her popularity and prove she's not just a Waifu of the Week like Tharja. Which really underscores how meh CYL3 would be. Camilla, Eirika, and Chrom all have several alts already, and Loki is... not my cup of tea. The only reason it would be worth it is for Marth to get his deserved Brave version.
  17. It makes sense that Heroes would get some representation as it's been a huge success, but... really, the castle base theme? That's not a good pick. It's not exciting enough for a fight, it's pretty repetitive... like it's fine as background music for sorting through your units but it doesn't get me pumped at all.
  18. Really need classic Marth. Other than that, no one really comes to mind. Everyone after FE3 pretty much still has their original outfit in Heroes, just with more details.
  19. Oh not as a legendary, I mean as a normal unit on the banner which will presumably be from the same game as the GHB unit. Anyway, I pulled my free Ephraim and spent around 130 orbs on blues but no luck. Nowhere to put him for now though. The thing with these Braves is that they don't feel as necessary as the first batch, since we're so far into the game now and have so many good units. I'm already satisfied with my armour team and don't really want to replace LA Hector.
  20. A little underwhelmed this time, but still good to finally get the announcement. Veronica seems like the best pick? But I'll probably choose Ephraim for my free pick because favouritism. I'm bummed Celica got the sword and not Seraphim. I voted for her but she's the lowest priority, unfortunately. I'll go for Veronica and Hector and hopefully get at least one of them. As for designs Veronica and Hector look really nice, Celica is cute with her classic outfit though I feel the art isn't too impressive, and Ephraim looks a little awkward haha. Kinda sad Marth didn't end up getting anything, I was sure they were gonna include him. Hopefully for CYL3 he can benefit from a mass rally effort.
  21. I'm really excited to see the artwork. The first CYL had a really great concept/designs. Hopefully this time is just as good though the theme is trickier. I think the one I'd like the most is having them as their teachers. Ephraim as Duessel, Celica as Nomah, Veronica as Xander, and Hector as Uther (?), and if Marth is in he could be dressed as Gotoh. As long as they're good units and have nice designs though I'll be happy.
  22. Last guess: Sword Hector, Axe Ephraim, Seraphim Celica, Staff Veronica, and bonus Starlight Marth.
  23. He's probably the best choice for FE villain they could choose, and could theoretically be a slower echo of Ike. But here arises the problem with the FE roster again. I know "slots" aren't a thing in Smash but to an extent I believe Sakurai does want to be as balanced as possible among series, and while theoretically he could add Chrom, Black Knight, Celica, Lyn, and Edelgard all in one game since they all represent something different, really, it's pushing it to add even one of them after adding 3 FE characters last game. And likely, that one was Chrom. Who represents the least amount of "new" qualities within the existing FE roster. BK, while also an echo from a game with a playable rep, would be the first FE villain. Celica, if an echo, would still be female representation. Lyn and Edelgard would only work with a new moveset. But Chrom? There's nothing interesting about him except the fact he's a mixed clone, which any of the other possibilities could have also done. Kinda went on a tangent there but tldr is I think BK would be great but doubt he'll get in now that we have Chrom for this game.
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