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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Everyone freaking out about Camilla getting a fifth alt and we don't even have the inevitable Brave and Legendary versions yet. It's gonna be real bad once that happens, isn't it?
  2. I'm a big fan of how Ray Chase has done Roy, so I really hope it's him and that he continues with the role for the inevitable FE6 remake. Having a hard time really hearing Roy in the videos though.
  3. Wow, I'm just now seeing this. Just what we needed, a banner of Fates alts. This is so bad, as this whole thread has already made clear. And with their damage control announcement of FE6/10 banners, I wonder if the rest of the year's banners won't be equally as disappointing. They better have something very interesting to make up for it in the FEH Channel. The only good thing I can say is that the art looks good. Even male Corrin, I don't get why everyone is saying he looks funny. Is it just because he's wearing a dress? Nothing wrong with that but it looks more like robe anyway.
  4. Well, with the news from Sakurai I'm changing my predictions. I still think a Three Houses rep and a Xenoblade 2 rep are locks. As for the others... I'm guessing 2 of the following: a gen 8 Pokemon, a Metroid Prime 4 rep, and a BOTW or next Zelda rep (as the last release in 2020 after the reveal of the next Zelda game). The last spot will be a third party, either Rayman or a Square Enix character imo.
  5. 13 minutes is too short to be anything big. I'm guessing Book 3 isn't until next year. If it's mentioned here then it might just be a trailer with "coming in 2019" to tease it and 2 or 3 smaller immediate updates to talk about. More likely it'll just be those smaller updates and a banner announcement.
  6. After seeing Chrom is also back as a Mii outfit, I feel like Rex could still be DLC. If he's one of the first to be released then he wouldn't feel so outdated. Is it realistic to expect at least 1 DLC pack in the first half of next year?
  7. Can't believe Ishtar lost. Granted it was very close but still. On team Reinhardt now, I'll be surprised if he doesn't win now that Odin and Ophelia are out.
  8. Ok, so Chrom is a fighter, a final smash, and a Mii costume? This is making me hopeful that Rex and ATs might actually have a shot at getting made into DLC fighters.
  9. I really lost a lot of hype with this last Direct, but I am excited to try the Belmonts and to play on all those stages. World of Light seems fun so I hope it's a worthwhile mode.
  10. That's disappointing. It would've been cool for it to change to something involving Grima. I am curious to see if it changes if Chrom is in the battle. If it stays the same, then it proves that a character can be playable even if they have another role in battle as well. Which would, in theory, extend to assist trophies and the possibility of them getting promoted to playable status.
  11. With the way it's looking, probably a mix of generic enemies and third party characters. Because they decided killing all remaining popular first party Nintendo characters was a good move. But semi-realistically... 1. Sora or another SE character, but not Geno I really can't see SE not getting another character but I also can't see it being Geno at this point. Sora is my pick but it could end up being Noctis or Eldrick from Dragon Quest if Disney doesn't allow it. 2. Dixie Kong She should already be in and I think she will be by the end of this game's development. 3. Rex and Pyra, Pyra alone, Mythra alone, Lora and Jin, Malos, or some sort of representation for XC2 It all depends on whether or not Sakurai decides the Mii costume is enough, but I can't see him not adding someone from this game. 4. Edelgard from FE Three Houses We know Sakurai likes FE, we know this game is coming out early next year. The timing is perfect. 5. Isaac, Felix, or Matthew from Golden Sun Wishful thinking but I'll keep supporting Golden Sun until it gets a playable fighter. I'm really hoping that there isn't more than 1 third party this time. Either that or have a second wave of DLC. A lot of ATs should ideally be promoted to playable, not just Isaac.
  12. I mean even if you think adding a free joke character is a good idea, why not Waluigi or someone people actually wanted? I hate Waluigi but that would've been much better than Pirahna Plant. At least you're adding a character with some fans instead of a character with literally zero fans.
  13. Oh my god this was really bad as far as characters. Why, WHY, save Ken and Incineroar for last in a game where you're adding Ridley and K Rool?! If you know the roster why not save the huge deals for last? The way they did it just created unrealistic expectations. Why bring Isaac back as an Assist? Him being back has to mean someone noticed his popularity, right? So why not make him playable or save him for DLC? He has the easiest moveset, complete with Final Smash, ever. Why is Rex a Mii costume and Pyra a Spirit? Moreover why does Xenoblade have no new characters or stages? Even if XC2 was late for a fighter, where is Elma or any stage from XCX? Why rub the salt in the wound at the end, after deconfirming a ton of highly requested characters, showing freaking Pirahna Plant as a unique newcomer?! Why tease DLC while also confirming you probably already know exactly which characters are going to be added? I'm just so disappointed the Grinch leak was BS. That would've been fine if we'd gotten something just as good or better, but no, we get Ken, who everyone expected, Incineroar, who no one wanted, and Pirahna Plant.
  14. I'm really bummed out how so many people around the web are so rudely dismissing Isaac. I thought the Grinch leak was real but now I don't think so. I hope the insiders and leakers don't know as much as they're trying to claim and that we get some nice surprises tomorrow, because just Ken and Incineroar would be such a let down even if there's DLC later. Isaac would be a huge bonus as I'm sadly losing hope in him again for the third time.
  15. I learned about the series through Melee, got FE7 when it came out thinking Eliwood was Roy, and discovered a new genre I'd come to really enjoy. FE7 really grabbed me, I loved the characters, the story, and the whole style of the game. The cliffhanger ending hyped 13 year old me up so much and I was hopeful FE6 would follow in English. When FE8 came out I was disappointed it had no connections to the previous game, and though I liked the game I missed Elibe too much and overall felt underwhelmed by 8. I played 6 and in some ways liked it even more than 7 despite it being more primitive. When 9 released, I felt similar at first but quickly grew to love Tellius as well. I was super excited for 10 and it was the main reason I bought a Wii after starting my first job. I loved RD, obviously, and it became my favourite in the series. Shadow Dragon followed and was a huge disappointment, and while I've grown to enjoy it, it's still one of my least favourites. After that came the FE drought and I kind of drifted from video games in general during that time. I replayed a few of them and wondered if a new one would ever come out. So finally, when Awakening was announced, I was blown away by the graphics and presentation. It was one of my first 3DS games and while it was great to play a new FE game, I didn't feel the story was as good as the other games. Especially because the trailers had made it seem like a different game than it ended up being. I put in a ton of hours into the game, though. I think replaying the story so much made me notice the flaws even more and my opinion quickly dropped. With Fates, I also hyped myself up based on trailers and prerelease info and ended up with a completely different game than I was expecting, though I enjoyed Conquest and Birthright a lot (Revelations is awful). I played FE4 and watched LPs of 5 and 12 to catch up with what I was missing from the series while waiting for SoV. While it's also flawed, the game made me hopeful that FE can take what worked from the old games and what made the new games so popular and do some very interesting things going forward. I'm hoping Three Houses will be exactly that. If I had to list the games I've played from favourite to least favourite, it's something like: 10, 9, 6, 7, 4, 14C, 15, 8, 14B, 11, 13, 14R
  16. Interesting... so what does that leave for November and December? I'm guessing we'll get at least one SoV banner, if not two. Maybe another Sacred Stones banner is next considering Legendary Eirika. And I'm very curious to see when the first Three Houses banner will drop. Guessing April along with the game.
  17. Eirika is not a favourite of mine, but considering Ephraim got a legendary alt it's only fair she does too. And the art is very nice as usual for her. It feels really random and unnecessary, though. Still, glad for her fans.
  18. Going with Ishtar. If she loses then I'll go with Reinhardt or Linde. Hoping one of them can take the win.
  19. PenekoR continues to have great art. I really want them to work on a mainline FE. Aversa and Gangrel were the only Awakening villains I enjoyed, so I'm glad she seems to be good.
  20. Not terribly excited but Owain has nice art so I'll try for him. The best thing about this is Aversa is free. Finally. I'm honestly surprised they didn't put Aversa on the banner and make Loki more limited since she seems to be the big bad guy of Heroes. Guessing Book 3 is gonna change that.
  21. Oh, I forgot about Femui. I don't get what they were going for but to me the proportions look totally off, she has a huge butt and legs, her face is off, her feet are weird, and it really accentuates the bad armour.
  22. Actually, add Lachesis and Mist to my list. They're definitely too moe-d up for my tastes. It's passable but they could have much cooler art. I'd love horsey alts of both of them.
  23. PenekoR who did Eldigan, Valter, Saber, and others is my favourite aside from Kita Senri, Hidari, and Wada Sachiko who did art for main FE games. Looking at the catalogue of Heroes, Daisuke Izuka is also one I consistently like. Cuboon and HACCAN have also done a few I like. Edit: Soeda Ippei has a very cool style as well but it's a shame they've only done characters I don't like or don't care for. I'd like to see their take on more characters though. Maybe Ashnard.
  24. OG Hector, Raigh, Rebecca, OG Eliwood, Lloyd, Tailtiu, and Cordelia come to mind. I also agree that Seliph is just boring in Heroes, wish they would give him a Legendary art with more personality. I actually thought his Awakening art was one of the better ones.
  25. Nohr: Scarlet, Charlotte, and Benny, Shura TT, Iago GHB Hoshido: Orochi, Reina, and Yukimura, Rinkah TT, Mikoto GHB
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