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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Worst: Corrin and Chrom. The former is a terrible vehicle for player worship and ruins the characters and story of Fates. The latter is a self-righteous hypocrite who never gets called out but rather gets rewarded/praised when he doesn't deserve it and doesn't grow from his mistakes. Bad: Robin. He's also a bad self-insert who steals the story from the other lords, but he's a bit more likeable. Meh: Eirika, Eliwood, Sigurd. Pretty inoffensive but also uninspiring. If we're counting Alfonse and Sharena I'd put them here as well. Decent: Marth is a pretty standard good guy prince, but I find him to be developed decently enough through his two games. I cut him some slack for being the OG lord. Alm, while a bit neutered in SoV, I find interesting taking into account the more aggressive/impulsive versions of him. Lucina shows a great deal of conflict and maturity, especially contrasted with the other lords in her game. Good: Celica is also done a bit dirty in SoV, but looking at her throughout several representations, she's driven, smart, and not afraid to put the wellbeing of others before her own. Seliph and Leif have interesting backstories and though I'm less familiar with them they made a strong impression, gathering the courage to fight after losing literally everything. I like Roy, there I said it. I find him very naive and idealistic, but in a way it highlights his inner strength and makes me think of the general optimism of youth, which is nice to remember once in a while. Hector and Ephraim are instantly charming and stand out in a crowd. I could do with Ephraim being developed a bit more than he is but it's not awful for me. Great: Lyn speaks to me personally as someone caught between two cultures and I love her prologue even if it's short and not the most revolutionary. Ike is imo the best developed and best written lord, growing from a pretty simple kid to a strong fighter and negotiator. I also consider him a great example of a well-written queer character. Micaiah is so good in most of RD that I can overlook what happens in the later parts of the game. I love how she is willing to go to questionable places to protect what's important to her and I consider her the strongest female lord. Ike > Lyn > Micaiah > Celica > Leif > Ephraim = Roy > Hector > Seliph > Alm > Lucina > Marth > Eirika > Eliwood > Sigurd > Alfonse > Sharena > Robin > Chrom = Corrin.
  2. Marth and Roy, especially Roy. I got FE7 thinking Eliwood was Roy, and the rest is history.
  3. This is hard, we got really good music on 3DS. SoV = Fates > Awakening, is the best I can do to choose a favourite.
  4. I was hoping for a Black Knight boss, since I didn't spoil myself on classic mode all that much. It would've been very cool.
  5. Sora, Banjo Kazooie, Rex or KOS-MOS, and someone from an unannounced new game coming next year. That's my guess. I'd rather not so many third parties but what can you do. Hope they do a second set down the line and maybe a couple of echoes, free or paid.
  6. Looks interesting enough. I like the look of Book 3 better than I did Book 2. And Tibarn!
  7. Hitmonlee, no real connection to it other than I'm pretty sure I chose it over Hitmonchan playing Red/Blue as a kid.
  8. I can't see Sakurai being ok with leaving him as a costume. He's a Xenoblade fan and specifically wrote about how much he liked XC2. I don't think Nintendo would pass him up either, since the game sold really well and Xenoblade is probably their most successful new franchise behind Splatoon. There's just so much for Rex and the only thing against him is the timing of release of his game. It would be a shame if everyone in a position to decide the DLC ignored him in favour of third parties and/or less "iconic" first party characters.
  9. I dunno, if he meant that it's just from games not represented yet then that's a weird comment to make because it doesn't help narrow it down. Is XC2 considered different enough from XC1, making Rex possible? How about Captain Toad, is his game considered different enough from Super Mario 3D World? Is Super Mario 3D World considered already represented in Ultimate? Assuming it's from franchises with no content in the game yet, I can't really think of many from Nintendo that make sense and meet the criteria. Eternal Darkness? But why would they promote a dead series? Golden Sun? Isaac is popular but he's an assist. For other third parties, I could see Sora happening, as unlikely as it seems. I can also see Jill or Chris from RE, Rayman, and/or Heihachi getting in.
  10. New franchises being the focus is pretty bittersweet. On the one hand, having more games represented is a good thing. On the other, there's still Nintendo series in the game missing important characters. I especially feel Xenoblade got done dirty if it really doesn't get any new character on the roster once all is said and done. I haven't played Persona but Atlus deserved a rep and I sort of expected one, I just thought it would be Jack Frost. I just hope there's one more third party rep at most or that Joker is the only one.
  11. 1/11: Wolf 2/15: Python 3/12: Xane 4: Altena 5: Homer 6: Idoun 7: Sonia 8: Selena 9: Jill 10: Haar 13: Gangrel 14: Scarlet
  12. This is what I was going to post. Every "generation" of FE has a different feel to it and does new things so regardless of how anyone feels about 3DS FE, it would be a shame if they didn't try something new for the next hardware jump. I'm cautiously optimistic based on the first trailer that Three Houses will have its own identity. I certainly hope so anyway.
  13. Of the newcomers, only Simon/Richter, probably more of the latter. Though I'll try out mostly all of them, not interested in Chrom, Ken, Daisy, or the plant. Then my usual mains: Ike, Roy (a bit of Marth and Lucina too), Ness, Lucas, Roy Koopa, Villager Girl. Also enjoy playing as Palutena, Toon Link, Wolf, Peach, and Zelda. Honestly I like most of the roster though and will probably be using mostly everyone to some degree.
  14. I'll take my chances in Elibe. Seems to be the least dangerous for commoners since there isn't a crazy dragon/god/demon trying to kill everyone (Idoun is mostly docile and Yahn pretty much just manipulates people in power), and the fighting is mostly just royals killing each other. Even with Nergal and the morphs, their focus was basically killing people in power and their plan to open the Dragons' Gate wasn't as world-ending as what happened on other continents.
  15. Yes, I want FE to tackle political/social themes realistically and have mature writing that respects its characters and world. No, I don't want it to be rated M for Mature with blood, gore, and nudity and have a bunch of grim-faced burly men that look like they're from a history book instead of magical anime teenagers. There's two very different definitions here. FE has been mature and realistic before. I want more Jugdral, but with more detailed writing, and more Tellius, with less contrived plot devices. The other pre-Awakening games, to me, were also mature in their storytelling in that they took their stories seriously. Awakening suffered from having way too much simplistic comedy and bad pacing. Fates, on the other hand, overly relied on melodrama and teenage power fantasy tropes (since I'm not familiar with manga/anime terminology, and apparently shounen isn't the right word to use here). Both Awakening and Fates, imo, had solid ideas and bases for the stories they wanted to tell, but it came undone in the execution. Early GoT is a great example of what FE could aspire to be imo, in terms of story. Fates tried to do something similar, I feel, but fanservice and tropes took priority over making a consistent plot.
  16. I would buy it for the curiosity but I doubt I would ever actually make a complete game. I was really into RPG Maker as a teenager (had a handful of never competed projects haha) and I want to try out the Switch version when it comes out. So if something similar was released but with actual FE characters and sprites, I would love to try my hand at making up side stories. I would also love to play other people's games, if the FE fangame community is any indication there would be plenty of interesting stuff to choose from.
  17. Realizing I only have Fjorm out of all of them, lol. It's really amazing that the entire cast of Book 2 is so forgettable and meh. I'll go with Laegjarn because I like Camuses, if she loses Hrid for being cute, and if they're both out then Gunnthra because I like her design.
  18. I can definitely see all of this happening. Wonder if the anime will be based on Shadow Dragon or Awakening? If Warriors 2 is happening then I expect Tellius, Elibe/Jugdral (depending which remake is next), and Three Houses to be the new focus. Three Houses should be out by then, right? I hope so anyway. Edit: come to think about it, I could also see Tellius HD happening. IS are 3 years late to the Switch when they could have had that ready for this year tbh, at this point they're just leaving money on the table. I could see Three Houses in spring, Tellius HD in fall/winter, and a remake for 2020. It seems like that would be a doable, profitable schedule for them for the next two years.
  19. Wow I wasn't expecting Gharnef to have particularly good art. It's good he's finally in though I probably won't use him.
  20. Generally it's because she was the first character many FE fans met and the way she's introduced is very 'personal' so it's easy to grow fond of her I think, since she talks directly to you and leads you through the prologue. I know people don't like the prologue and how she doesn't participate as much in the main story, but I like her story even if it's short and while it doesn't develop the themes too much I found her interesting as a biracial character who struggles with what it means for her identity. I would love for her story to get expanded in a remake and for her to be more involved in the main plot. It also helps that she had flashy animations and a cool class, even if in practice it isn't the best, but when I was 13 and playing my first FE I didn't notice too much. Even now that I've played the other games I still find her to be one of the most likeable and relatable lords.
  21. Love: Ike, Lyn Like a lot: Micaiah, Celica, Roy, Ephraim, Leif Pretty cool: Seliph, Hector, Marth, Alm, Lucina Indifferent: Eirika, Eliwood, Sigurd Dislike: Robin Don't talk to me: Chrom, Corrin
  22. Somehow I missed this thread. It's good that Nintendo removed it. Yes, it's offensive when a group of people who've been victimized for hundreds of years, and who are still discriminated against, get represented in media as the bad guys coming to terrorize their oppressors. That's what the original game is. Of course it's a product of its time but that doesn't mean that it wasn't wrong back then too. It just means the opinion of Native Americans who it might have offended wasn't valued back then. And since the reference adds nothing positive to Smash Bros today, there's no reason to prioritize keeping it over not offending someone. The comparison to Mario Odyssey doesn't work because the Tostarenans and Mario's outfit aren't offensive in and of themselves, they're the opposite, celebrating a culture. What would be offensive is if the Tostarenans were depicted as evil invaders of the Mushroom Kingdom or if Mario in his costume had to lead an invasion of the Beanbean Kingdom or some crap like that. I do find it odd that people criticizing its removal are doing so by asking how anyone can be offended by such a small reference. If it was as unimportant as they claim then they wouldn't care that it got removed either.
  23. Lol at Azura saying Corrin "took responsibility" for their choice. That is not how I remember Fates' story.
  24. I want both, and also Malos as an echo. I expect Rex and Pyra will be DLC. And that's good enough for me.
  25. I'm glad I forgot this was on because good lord Feh is annoying. She drags everything out to unbearable lengths. This could've been half as long and gotten the same information across. The actual content... meh. The new mode doesn't immediately interest me. Merging free units is good, though I dunno how much I'll make use of it. And book 3 teaser did nothing for me since I'm not really invested in the story. Wasn't expecting much anyway so I'm not let down, it's not like there was much to announce right now. I'll be more excited when book 3 actually starts and hopefully brings beasts into the game.
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