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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. I don't get why they're adding so many OCs this story arc. We have Surtr and his two daughters, Fjorm and her three siblings, Loki, and Helbindi. Am I missing anyone? That's a lot especially since book 1 only introduced Alfonse, Sharena, Victoria, and Bruno, and didn't conclude its story yet.
  2. Those leaks are beautiful. Just waiting for all this to be confirmed to finally buy the season pass. I've held off in case the story content wasn't too interesting, but all the new info is very cool.
  3. "Too anime" is definitely not an accurate term, but I understand it. Anime is pretty diverse after all, and FE has always been anime inspired. Fates was way too shonen for my liking however, and that direction does not fit FE imo. Hopefully they realized that and go back to more mature writing in FE16.
  4. Xander, oh god Xander. I loved his design when we first saw him. It screams exactly what his character was supposed to be, a complex Camus type, and got me even more excited for Fates, which seemed like it was going to tell an epic morally grey story. Then the game came out and Xander was actually a whiny hypocritical princeling who blindly obeys his obviously evil dad and recruits serial killers to be his retainers yet he and the writers still act like he's actually wise and righteous. I was crushed.
  5. Nah not because of that, weird because Naga is green in Heroes. Though apparently it negates Loptyr's effect still, despite still being weak to it in the weapon triangle.
  6. Julius: Literal Antichrist is a better title His animation should be cool, kinda weird that he'll probably have the advantage on Naga. Excited for his art as well.
  7. Great that Ishtar and Julius are FINALLY coming! Kind of odd picks for second gen. I would've expected Shannan and maybe Ced. Also it's a travesty that Lewyn is still MIA. More Jugdral is always reason to celebrate!
  8. Meh, lucky guess imo. That FE title just reeks of fanmade fake. What this actually means is no Nintendo Direct this week, probably.
  9. True, Peri is memorable for being so terrible. Maybe not the best example. I really can't say I find most of Awakening's cast memorable though, since they were just gimmicky without being offensive like Peri. As for the possibility of a direct, apparently the original release by Nintendo in Japanese used wording that said the information about the online service would be out "in the first 10 days of May", so it's probably going to be closer to the end of the week if it happens.
  10. The most memorable characters to me are ones with interesting backstories and/or development. I'll take more Jills and Ninos over Peris and Kellams anyday, please. Fates and SoV were much less tropey with their characters, imo anyway, so I hope FE16 continues that trend and makes believable, well-written characters. One or two "comedic gimmick" guys are ok, I just don't want the majority of the cast to be like that again.
  11. Super excited as I passed on the original release. The roster looks fantastic.
  12. Yes, if only because that would mean more focus on plot/writing.
  13. Personally, I really doubt a third Tellius game. It seems like the story was always planned to be told in two games, and it would be pretty hard to make a sequel without mucking up the epilogue or making it take place far in the future which at that point is it even worth making it Tellius anymore? We saw how Awakening treated Archanea as just a nod and wink since Ylisse is basically a totally new world. I think we will probably a third Elibe or Archanea game eventually, but not until FE17 at the earliest if that game isn't a remake. Just a gut feeling but I think FE16 will be totally new.
  14. Come on guys, "Lustrous Daybreak" is literally what you get with a 2 minute search for synonyms of "Radiant Dawn". If this title was a third Tellius game it wouldn't be such a similar name, and it would have the word "radiance" in some form. I really doubt this game will be Tellius though. I'm feeling like there might be a Direct next week leading up to E3 for the online details Nintendo confirmed are coming in "early May". Probably a couple of games too if there is one. Though I don't think FE would be there, it's always a possibility.
  15. Definitely not. Putting aside the fact that it would be using resources and taking up space that could be used for the many, many FE characters that are still not in the game, this is FE Heroes, not Nintendo Heroes. If they want to make a Zelda gatcha, go ahead, but leave those characters out of this game. And I say that as a huge Zelda fan.
  16. Water Atk: Lucina Water Def: Marth Water Res: Azura Wind Spd: Lewyn (lol who am I kidding, probably Reinhardt) and/or Ryoma Wind Def: Takumi Earth Def: third Nifl sibling and/or Xander Earth Res: third Nifl sibling and/or Leo (I wish) Fire Atk: Myrm OC and/or Roy Fire Spd: Camilla Fire Res: Micaiah Tried to make it a mix of personal want and likely heroes. Marth NEEDS to get a legendary alt and soon. Edit: actually, Roy will probably come before Arvis
  17. Legendary Alm with red bow, seasonal/alt Anna with blue Shining Bow, standard Briggid with blue Yewfelle, Legendary Takumi with green Omega Fujin Yumi or something, GHB Mikoto with red yumi.
  18. I got really lucky and pulled Lyn relatively quickly along with a second Legendary Ephraim and my first dancer Inigo! Unfortunately my Lyn is -atk though she does have +spd. Hopefully I can pull one with a better nature but if not I'm just happy to have gotten her!
  19. The only other strong contender for wind legendary alt is Takumi or if we include thunder with wind affinity then also Reinhardt. Those are the only characters Lyn could've "stolen a spot" from and both also recently got alts. The wind legendary was never going to be Marth, Lucina, and definitely not anyone who isn't a main/original character and already in the game. So I don't really get what people would have preferred for this legendary banner. If it's just because she hit 5 alts, will there be this much complaining when Lucina does too?
  20. I want remasters. Playing these on the Switch with the user friendliness of the 3DS games would be incredible. Updated/new cutscenes and voice acting too, though I imagine the voice acting would only be for major scenes and not as prevalent as in SoV due to the huge scripts. As far as gameplay I personally don't want/need many things updated. I'm fine with most things as they are, even RD's supports. Same for the story. I would like them to add more Dawn Brigade chapters though, and give Micaiah more endgame screentime.
  21. Last year: why are the only alts from Awakening/Fates? Tellius and Elibe are popular too! This year: stop with the alt Ikes and Lyns! Lucina and the Fates royals deserve more attention!
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