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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. I would enjoy an Arabian, Ancient Chinese, Gothic, or streampunk take, as well as more Japanese and European inspired games. Being Latino I'm biased but I think it would be cool to see a game inspired by the Spanish conquest of the Americas. Or at least a nation in a game based on the Aztecs or Mayans.
  2. Got my Alfonse finally, all is well in the world.
  3. I wanna say Xander but I feel even that wouldn't save Fates' awful story on its own. But I would make him less whiny, not a blind follower to Garon, creeped out/disgusted by Peri (since I can't also rewrite or delete her), and more like the conflicted but ultimately good leader he was meant to be, instead of the cowardly guy that pretends to be wiser than he is that we got.
  4. I would be very down for new pantsless Marth art.
  5. Tibarn (green), Reyson (grey), Naesala (blue) GHB: Lehran (grey) Caineghis (red), Ranulf (blue), Lethe (green) Nasir (blue), Ena (red), Kurthnaga (grey or green) GHB: Deghinsea (grey or green) Jill (blue), Haar (green), Tauroneo (red) Pelleas as a TT reward with red tome. Nils (blue dancer), Bantu (red armour), Nagi (green) Xane as a TT reward with a unique shifting ability. Guinevere (blue), Miledy (red), Gale (blue) GHB: Murdock (blue) Lewyn (green), Ethlyn (grey), Cuan (blue) Ishtar (blue), Julius (red), Altena (blue) GHB: Emperor Alvis (red armoured mage)
  6. I don't like them per se but I don't hate them either. Most are tacky but some are ok. The only ones I'd say I consider good are the Love Abounds and the Hoshido New Year outfits. I like some (cough bunny Alfonse) for superficial reasons. As long as stuff like this is kept separate from the "core" and is optional I don't mind it.
  7. I'm such a hypocrite but I can't resist Alfonse's character traits in that outfit. After he inevitably loses I'll support Catria or Lucina.
  8. Well, we are in FE anniversary month. Let's hope they have something planned.
  9. Ike didn't need to hog the spotlight so much in RD. Lyn is pretty useless in the main campaign. Zephiel is not very good in Heroes. Eldigan is pretty dumb for trusting such obvious bad guys. Leo is the least useful of the Nohrian royals. To name a few.
  10. Peri looked interesting when all I'd seen of her was her back in battle and her eyes in the battle screen. Xander has a cool design. Corrin is a little cute in their official art. Chrom is really hot. Validar... I'm sorry I can literally think of nothing good to say about him.
  11. Hyrule Warriors Dark Souls TWEWY Octopath Traveler FE16 Smash I am hoping against hope KH3 gets ported to Switch.
  12. Elibe, Ylisse, Valentia. An Elibe prequel with Athos/Nergal could be cool. Or in the Scouring. A sequel would have potential after Binding Blade, maybe something more political dealing with the fallout of Bern's defeat. For Ylisse, I would be interested in a game with Lucina as the main lord in the alternate future ending with her traveling back, as long as the writing is stronger. I've thought about this idea as a classic RPG spinoff actually, with some of the other kids joining your party. A prequel about Chrom's dad vs Plegia would be interesting too, again, with good writing please. For Valentia I would enjoy seeing a sequel with similar mechanics and more creative maps. I feel like Tellius is fine as it is and Fates is such a mess I would have no idea where to start. I would be fine with more Magvel or Archanea too.
  13. Wind legendary: Gen 2 Lewyn Water legendary: Some new version of Azura, Kurthnaga, Emperor Marth Fire legendary: Emperor Alvis, Crazed Ashnard, Promoted Micaiah Earth legendary: Deghinsea
  14. This is a veeery interesting idea I haven't heard before. I kind of like it. How would it be balanced though? Would everyone be able to ride a mount? We talking Genealogy 2: Electric Boogaloo? Edit: ah, somehow missed the part where you say mounts would be costly. This is a great idea actually. Obviously there would be tier lists for who is best with which mount and so forth. Please IS, this sounds fun.
  15. I'm down for this as well, but honestly I doubt they could succeed... prove me wrong IS. It would be nice to at least have something new. Medieval fantasy is well and good but a new setting would be exciting.
  16. My favourite villains are Zephiel, Arvis, and Lyon. What do they have in common? They are all sympathetic to a degree. You understand their motives. And to a degree you may agree with them. But somewhere along the way maybe they did something irredeemable or their end goal may be too extreme. I want more villains like this. Ideally, acting on their own instead of being possessed/manipulated by a dragon.
  17. I agree. Especially after SoV. I like the story and feel it mostly succeeds, but the complaint that the themes of classicism are undermined by the reveal that both protagonists are actually royalty is very legitimate. I would enjoy another protagonist that isn't a big deal at first.
  18. Yeah the critical cut ins are something that I can see why people like and why others dislike. I'm mixed but lean towards disliking them after a while. Hopefully the next game has the option to disable them. Also hope for less "in your face!" type victory quotes.
  19. Player worship, and by extension the avatars. It just feels so forced and embarrassing when every character goes on and on about how awesome you the player are. It's a thing with regular lords to a degree, but nowhere near the level of avatars. The story in Fates bent over backwards to make Corrin be super amazing and perfect just the way they are. I also dislike avatars being so central to the games now. I just feel they detract more from the experience than they add. I never had a problem "relating to" named lords before, or to the rest of the cast, even without a self-insert. Supports suffer because you it's all about quantity over quality now. There are still good ones but they get buried under a pile of bad to lackluster ones. And both Robin and Corrin suffered because they were written as established characters but also left just generic enough so they could be called avatars. I've said this before, but if the next game has an avatar, I hope it's more like having playable Mark. A totally secondary character irrelevant to the plot. Fates would have probably been better if Xander/Ryoma (or Leo/Takumi) had been the main lords and your avatar character was one of their retainers. Other than that, I agree with a few points made in this thread. Lazy villains, gimmicky characters, bad writing, to name a few.
  20. Archanea: Marth, Caeda, Minerva (pretty standard...) Valentia: Celica, Saber, Sonia Jugdral: Lewyn, Finn, Eldigan, Lachesis, Leif, Altenna Elibe: Roy, Zephiel, Guinevere, Lyn, Nino, Jaffar Magvel: Ephraim, L'Arachel, Lyon Tellius: Ike, Elincia, Micaiah, Jill, Nephenee, Pelleas Ylisse: Maribelle, Cherche, Gerome Fatesworld: Leo, Oboro, Camilla It was tough but I limited it to 3 per world except worlds with more than 1 appearance (except Fates bc they aren't true sequels and Archanea bc those are the only ones I would describe as favourites).
  21. So far I gave Lucina a water blessing and Takumi a wind blessing. I just base it on their personalities for every character I give blessings to. Others I'd do: Azura: water obviously Ryoma: Wind (for thunder) Hinoka: fire Sakura: water Xander: Earth I guess Leo: Earth Camilla: fire Elise: wind Chrom: fire Robin: wind
  22. I wanna point out there is a difference between people calling Lyn or Eirika their waifus and Tharja and Camilla being created with the intention to be waifus. It's evident to me at least that when creating the former 2, they were more concerned with "what's her personality?" and "what are her motivations?" while with the latter two it was "what should her outfit be like?" and "what fetish can she represent?" And I say this as someone who likes Camilla. People will always latch on to their favourite characters, but I personally prefer less pandering to the player. Let the characters speak for themselves instead of praising the player with every line.
  23. After being disappointed with Awakening's DLC I skipped Fates' and SoV's, though I did watch playthroughs of most of it. SoV's story DLC was cool, I would've probably bought it if I'd had the funds to spare at the time. Honestly, I'm sure FE16 will have DLC. Whether I buy it depends on the pricing and if the content is story heavy (and if I like the story enough to want more of it). Anything fanservicey like the scramble maps or grindy I'll pass on.
  24. On the positive side: + The series is getting the attention it should've had a long time ago. + SoV was a great remake, huge improvement from FE11. It was also a huge improvement in writing from the previous two games. + Heroes is doing great and bringing old characters to the forefront again. This makes me hopeful for future remakes and also better representation in future spin offs or crossovers. + Fates showed they're willing to be creative and I liked Conquest and Birthright. + The gameplay has never been more fluid and the presentation is at its peak. Voice acting does wonders for this series and the quality is finally good. On the negative side: - Awakening is taking them way too long to get over. Yes, the game is popular, it saved the series, it deserves recognition, but it needs to share the spotlight a bit more and they need to take a chance and do new things without fearing the Awakening crowd won't like the new games. Fates was creative but it was also afraid to be too different from Awakening. - Spin offs thus far have been oversaturated with new characters and we know now that old characters are popular and are marketable, so hopefully if Warriors 2 or a different spin off happens it'll be something more broadly appealing. - SoV really suffered from them sticking too closely to the original in the gameplay (particularly maps). Future remakes need to be willing to change outdated features. - Fanservice has gotten out of hand. Limit it more to Heroes. - Titles have devolved into generic words. Awakening is ok, but Fates could describe any game in the series and means nothing on its own. Heroes is ehh but it's a mobile game. Echoes would've been bad on its own, or if it doesn't become a sub-series, but Shadows of Valentia is good. Overall, I'm apprehensively optimistic, I guess.
  25. I dunno if I buy your interpretation of the soundtracks. To me the tracks in SoV still sound somber when they need to. I can sort of see what you mean about the towns seeming too cheery since the world is supposed to be dying, but I still felt like Valentia was bleaker than other worlds while playing SoV. I also agree with your view on Celica's tempting. It wasn't done well in the remake. Some points I've seen mentioned as negatives in the remake and that I agree with are Alm being more "goody two shoes" and Rudolf getting aged up. I would've liked Alm to be more like Hector or Ephraim to contrast more with Celica and to better show that they balance each other out.
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