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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Got 3 Siegberts and other trash. Not even Azura on the greens I pulled when there were no reds. Worst luck ever. Guess I'll hope I get him next time there's a focus banner...
  2. Super happy about Celica and Ephraim! Not surprised about Hector, and while he's not one of my favourites I do like him. Confused about Veronica, kinda salty, but at least it isn't Loki or Tharja? The women's division is generally a mess though. I have feeling Marth is going to be included with the winners. He has nearly as many votes as Ephraim and surpasses him if combined with his FE3/12 self. Hopefully there isn't an outcry from Camilla fans. Other thoughts: great that Leif actually went up since the midterms! Hope this means a Thracia banner soon. Good to see Micaiah, Mia, and Soren up there. I really hope between now and a potential CYL3 Micaiah gets a Legendary alt to help her chances of winning next time. Tellius remaster/VC would be nice too. Not as an attack on anyone specifically, or their fans, but I am glad Tharja and Awakening in general polled lower than probably expected (at least among the top 10 bc I haven't checked the full results). Maybe IS will stop trying to push them and only them in everything forever, seeing that other characters and games have fans too. Like I said, the women's division is not the most impressive. I really hope FE16 features a stronger female lead than ever before and has many other well-written female characters in its cast, so that maybe we can have less blatant waifus ranking higher than characters like Jill, Elincia, Minerva, etc.
  3. Hero King Marth needs to happen for sure. And Light Priestess Micaiah. I like the idea of Anri, Altina, Athos, and other actual legends from the games' lore. I think they should try to not go overboard and keep it to a few characters who are either established legends or acheive legendary status. Not every lord needs to be a legendary hero imo. Kinda conflicted on whether characters like Ashera, Grima, etc would fit or if it would be too weird to make them playable even like this.
  4. Going all in on red until I get Ike. I already spent the 60ish orbs I had left after RD and SS banners, and got summonblocked by Siegbert, but I'm going to rush through the TT and use the free orbs to try for Ike. Should he come early, I may try for Azura/Gunnthra.
  5. Oh shit! Another Ike! Yes!!!! But... I'm awfully low on orbs atm. Those animations are awesome! Super happy about this surprise. Orb overload will hopefully help. The tap game looks interesting... is it a rhythm game? Because sometimes it appears to be and other times it seems the taps are random. I hope it's rhythm based.
  6. For anyone else in central time, that's actually 930 pm. Got my time zones mixed up. Later than I would like... :/
  7. Is this 630 central? If so that's great, I'll be getting home a bit before then. It's too long to just be the CYL results, and the anniversary is on Friday, so I'm curious what else it could include. Maybe new versions of the Askr trio?
  8. I dig your roster but I would make two changes: swap Alm for Celica and Validar for Aversa. This is for more variety in fighters and also to balance the male to female ratio a bit more. And because I despise Validar and he should never be acknowledged A game with a roster like this would never happen though, as good as it would be.
  9. Odds of Brave Camilla being a magic wyvern and becoming flying Reinhardt? I'd say it's highly possible since she seems to be a favourite of the developers. And it's about time a magic flier was added into the regular pool. Ephraim as an axe cavalier fits, even if people take it as a sign Duessel is never coming. Hector and Celica are trickier because the logical thing is to give them swords, but that's a little boring. So are staves as a possibility for Celica imo. Personally I think Seraphim is a good pick for Celica, or Awakening's Celica's Gale. Worst case, I guess Beloved Zofia and try to make her somehow exciting. For Hector, that would leave colourless weapons, which really don't suit him, so I would personally rather he gets an even better Armads even if that means two greens, or if no one else is red then maybe another Durandal? Should Marth or Eirika manage to kick someone out of the top 4, I like the idea of Starlight Marth, and Eirika could get a bow or staff as a callback to her Awakening DLC (with a better outfit tho, "Queen" Eirika anyone?)
  10. Going off ballots posted here and even the midterm results, it seems that Jugdral overall will rank higher than last time. This is great for potential remakes! Hopefully IS will see that there is interest in those games and won't skip over them, assuming work on the next remake isn't underway already as FE Switch should be nearing completion by now.
  11. Day 6: Leif (FE5) and Nino. I am glad to see both of these in the top 10! Hopefully Leif is added soon.
  12. There is zero chance this "theory" going around that IS purposely sabotaged Eirika is true. First of all, IS has no real stakes in specific characters winning. They get money either way. See: CYL 1, where it became obvious afterwards they weren't expecting the winners because (a) they pretty clearly had Brave Lucina ready which is why they extended the winners to the top 2, and (b) they took a long time to get the others ready. Secondly, in the time since the poll started and Eirika started getting votes to the release of the Sacred Memories banner, they would've had to commission Eirika's artist, contact the Japanese and English voice actors and record new lines, and make a skill set for her... JUST to prevent Eirika from getting more votes and having to do all of this anyway.
  13. I need this. Ideally for me it would be Marth and Ephraim in the top 2, I like Hector but he's not a favourite of mine. I know he deserves the win though. Re: the Loki and Veronica talk, I'm skeptical of any Heroes OC being high because they've got next to no character. Sharena is the perky one, Alfonse is the just one, Anna is the funny one, Veronica is the sullen one, Loki is the sexy one. And that pretty much sums up their characters. But on the other hand, I get that some Heroes players have grown to like the OCs even if I personally don't get it. So I don't really mind Veronica or Alfonse being up there; Loki though being so new and fanservicey is annoying though. There are so many characters who deserve to rank in the top 20 only for Loki to be up there. Even within her archetype, Sonia, Petrine, even Ishtar though she's not so busty... are all way stronger versions of it.
  14. Woah! These results are pretty surprising! I called the wrong one of Tharja and Camilla underperforming it seems, which is fine with me as I like Camilla and am not fond of Tharja. I am shocked at Celica winning right now. I guessed she would be in the top 10 but I didn't realize she was so popular. Way to go Celica. As for males, I am a huge fan of the top 5, especially the meme that is Reinhardt actually making it so high, not to mention Leif is in the top 10! What's going on? I will be super happy if the current top 4 are the ultimate winners. I would've preferred Micaiah to be one of the female winners but I always knew she was unlikely, so I'm just glad she's still climbing the ranks slowly but surely. Meanwhile, my votes for today are Ephraim and Pelleas.
  15. There has been a lot of support for Tellius in general though? Micaiah is especially being name dropped all the time.
  16. Today's voting theme is badasses who aren't in the game yet. Day 4: Jill (PoR) and Lewyn Previous votes: Micaiah, Celica, Elincia, Eldigan, Zephiel, Jaffar
  17. I hope people can stop being negative for a second and appreciate this great art. I recall there was a serious lack of official SS art for a long time when it was new, so it's especially nice to see these characters represented like this.
  18. Switching gears a bit, with Micaiah seemingly doing so well I wonder what they could do with her if she won. Making her a staff unit works, I guess, but it's not too exciting imo. Purge (somehow) or a fire Pyre tome (for the Awakening reference)? Hopefully she gets her Light Safe outfit. I like it much more than her third promotion.
  19. Comments like this is why people often give you a hard time for shitting on characters you don't like. Also this poll is literally showing some Japanese actually like Tellius because Micaiah, Mia, and Soren are all polling highly, but you are basically doing the internet equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and throwing a tantrum just because it's not the "right" kind of Tellius appreciation.
  20. Between that list and the Reddit one that's been going around, I'm pretty happy with how the results among the more hardcore audience may be going. The casual audience is a toss up though. I wonder if they will release a preview of the results a few days before the end like last time, I fully expect it to be completely different if they do.
  21. I think Eirika fans will mostly keep voting for her, and casual Heroes fans will either go "wow, this new girl is pretty cool, maybe I'll vote for her" or "oh yeah, Eirika, forgot about her" and then either vote for her or not. I think people making a huge deal over this and it probably won't lessen her chances at all, if anything it will bring in potential voters who weren't aware or interested in Eirika before.
  22. Inb4 FE that's FE Switch's title and main lord. I'd be ok with it.
  23. There is no reason to be so negative. No one from Sacred Stones has gotten any sort of special version in Heroes to date. And tbh, they're not likely to appear in seasonal banners anytime soon. Why not let Eirika's fans be happy at this surprise that likely won't happen again for them, barring Eirika somehow winning CYL? I'm sure you would have been ticked off if people complained this much about one of your favourites getting a special version.
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