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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. You were always Kratos/Zelos. Fagit. Presea's where the action's at.
  2. Oh, well then that shouldn't take more than maybe 20 hours. If you have it memorized. :3
  3. Dude, you're mini-modding my brother. Good job.
  4. Come on, he's tan. Not black. He doesn't even have any of the features besides slightly dark skin. He looks more Iranian than anything else.
  5. 40-50 hours Actually, the destription on the back of the box claims up to 80 hour in a single game, but if you really want to get all the grade point bonuses, skills, and titles (including all items in every dungeon collected, complete bestiary, item guide, etc, which are nessisary for certain titles), then you're deffinitly looking at 100+ hours of game time. [/faggit]
  6. Lol at the thought of there being anything deep down anywhere in any Tales game.
  7. I 100% agree with this. Good luck getting that 1300 on the SAT for FIU. Just remember 2/3 of the test is on English.
  8. Illegitimum non carborundum; Domine salvum fac. Illegitimum non Carborundum; Domine salvum fac. Gaudeamus igitur! Veritas non sequitur? Illegitimum non carborundum -- ipso facto!
  9. Competition encourages greater efficiency, new technologies, and the adoption of more effective models. Maybe you won't drive 3 states, but you'll certainly drive to the next town. Not to mention that competition and free market approaches are more, you know, democratic.
  10. I find it hilarious that he thinks you need to be "fair" or have to prove anything in an impeacement hearing (note: not trial).
  11. Jedi mind trick works every time. And its God to you, peon.
  12. Danved/Devdan is more Mediterranean. There are no black people in Fire Emblem.
  14. Yeah, because Nixon proved what a good a president he'd be when he actually got elected.
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