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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. America is a Christian nation. Obama is a Christian. It was his inauguration. He could do just about anything he damn well pleased. The idea of "separation of Church and State" is a myth, like people who attribute the phrase "survival of the fittest" to Darwin. It's over wrought, derived, and contrived, bullshit. The only thing about religion in the constitution is that the state shall make no LAW affecting religion. A law is a concrete thing. Informal practices, which many ceremonies in the United States are, including the inauguration, have no relation to this amendment.
  2. lolno Just to clarify, Obama jumped the gun on Roberts, but Roberts misplaced the word "faithfully", messing up the oath. Obama chose to repeat it as Roberts spoke it, rather than the correct way. The oath is just a formality anyways, regardless of whether he took it or not he was president at 12:00 on the 20th (which actually happened before he took the oath). Roberts went over to the White House and they redid the oath today anyways, so it's irrelevant now. Unlike many of the people here, I actually went down to DC and stood outside from 3:00 AM to hear him speak in person (albeit about a mile away from the Capitol on a giant Jumbotron, but I could still see the Capitol over the millions of heads so it still counted :P). Lord knows the irony though, that out of millions of people, this Harvard boy would end getting stuck next to a bunch of Yalies. As for the poem, it's a well known fact that almost all poets are horrible at reading their own work. ;) And it's Aretha Franklin. God help you if you seriously don't know who that is. Ignoring the fact that Obama is the first black president is even more ignorant than the people who go gaga over that fact. There is still something to be said for it when you consider context (which, outside of your pseudo-intellectual fairy-fucking-fantasy land, actually matters). Anyways, I look forward to Obama's presidency with great anticipation.
  3. It's not spam, it's input. But if you want me to elaborate, then fine: The saccharine entertainment value of anime, although sweet, is not enough to delude me into finding anything more than sheer, mindless, entertainment value in it. Crying at anime is like having a list of your favorite commercials: it just shows you're weakminded enough to buy into the system.
  4. This. Anime and Manga in general seem to have a lot of trouble coming up with good endings It seems even the most benign adventures always have to turn into a quest to kill god or save the universe from some evil organization (who turns out to be god).
  5. The first time I watched Superbad I was a little put off (although it was still funny), but after seeing it about 5 times in a youth hostel in Prague, I found it funnier each time. If I see this on the cheap rack at Wal Mart I'd deffinitly get it.
  6. GGundam's ending sucked ass. Outlaw Star's was weird, but I liked it.
  7. Lol'd. It's like it's election night all over again (which was without a doubt an historic evening). I am now afraid of how big the universe is (and to a lesser extent the ability for people to argue for 3 pages over what they're arguing about.)
  8. I guess 4chan memes are still funny for those who still laugh at LOLcats. For your entertainment:
  9. Hanukkah or Chanukah (in alphabetic characters) are both correct. Not that I care. "Happy Holidays" is a phrase I mostly despise hearing, and I make it a point to say "Merry Christmas." Hanukkah is an important holiday, but much of the attention around it exists only because of its proximity to Christmas. There are many much more important High Holidays in the fall, and of course Passover, that get much less attention because they aren't around Christian holidays ;) Kwanzaa can also go fuck itself. So Merry Christmas. :3
  10. And those who read it still don't understand the point of this thread.
  11. It's a perfectly reasonable response to find a (relatively) lame ylyl thread not funny. Furthermore, telling him to listen to old comedians when almost every joke in this thread relates to current internet memes and parodies on "internet culture" (an oxymoron in my opinion), is pretty unhelpful advice.
  12. Sad Tot Fetish ww.... Fed two shits. wat? Ten consonants with just four vowels is kind of hard for an English anagram.
  14. anon delivers edit: Damnnit! It's even got better resolution!
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