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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. You know, I tried. But, to me, this shit makes no fucking sense.
  2. Co-workers? You had a job before you learned what sex was?
  3. There was no ambivalent option. I don't really get worked over them, but then again I always hit the mute button. You think those perfume commercials are confusing normally, try them without sound.
  4. Cross-dressing and transgender people are not nessisarily gay. There are many people who get sex changes but are still heterosexual (IE a guy gets a sex change but still is interested in girls, effectivly making him go from straight guy to a lesbian girl). Feeling like you're in the wrong body is a very different psychological phenomenon than being homosexual.
  5. Very true. Although for females I believe the technical term is "shik".
  6. That's an intellectual, rational approach to sex. A guy could feel that way too if he thought about it. But there are very few girls out there who get physically turned on at the thought of having a baby. Wanting to have a kid falls more under the "choice" or things you have control of category, whereas most people have very little control over their sexual urges. That's just not how it works. This perpetuates an incorrect idea that a gay man is somehow "part girl". Hormone levels between gay and straight men are no different, with many gay men having very testosterone high levels and some straight men having very low. Most stereotypes which are typically associate with "gay" typically focus around men acting more like women (or women like men), effeminate personalities, over-the-top tastes (or butch and a fan of softball, in the case of lesbians), but most of these attitudes only exist because of the unequal treatment of gays in most parts of the world, which cultivates this mindset. The same was true with slavery, where enslaved individuals were seen as more submissive, less ambitious, and less intelligent. Slaveholders would use racially motivated arguments saying that these people were enslaved because they were submissive, less ambitious, and less intelligent, but it is clear today after slavery has been abolished in America that these people were less driven because they were slaves, not the other way around. Gay people do not somehow act like their opposite gender in society because they were born that way, it's because most societies project that image upon them, and that's often all we see reflected back. The fact that you don't believe in lesbianism I think just reflects on either a lack of encounters with actual lesbians, or just springs from your perspective as a guy. But trust me, lesbians exist outside of the realm of pay-per-view websites.
  7. Approved Mostly approved. Irrelevant facts are fun, as you say, and there's nothing contemptible about posting them. It just should be known that in most cases, while amusing, they are oversimplified (as are most "facts"). Did you know that goldfish actually have memory spans much greater than 3 seconds, and can be actively trained in Pavlovian responses?
  8. In the actual study of the psychology of sex, and the instincts, emotions, and urges that are associated with both heterosexuals and homosexuals, the "need" for reproduction is not observed as plausible motivation, and is more an intellectual concern rather than and instinctual motivation for sex. Neither straight nor gay people feel love and arousal towards another person because of their desire to reproduce with them. Such urges are determined more by physical and emotional attraction and the desire to simply commit the act of sex, not a desire to embrace the consequences. Bringing up reproduction in a pure discussion of sexuality and orientation is, for the most part, irrelevant.
  9. Did you know that sarcasm is the use of hyperbole and over exaggeration to imply a notion which lies diametrically opposed to the literal content of a message? Did you know that the phrase "And did you know that the[sic] Black Knight likes to troll? [sarcasm/][sic]", when said sarcastically, actually implies that Black Knight is not a troll? It's true!
  10. Did you know that if you read this post with a careful eye, it actually contradicts itself and demonstrates a simplistic understanding of English vocabulary?
  11. Not much annoys me. I tend to just smile and nod when someone has different political beliefs than me, and I've also found that most "Internet tough guys" usually have something valuable to say if you can get over yourself. The only thing that gets me is the sheer stupidity I sometimes encounter, especially prevalent on the Internet. That is, stupidity defined not as someone who is uninformed, but someone who refuses to become informed.
  12. Did you know that most "Did you know facts" are either apocryphal or completely wrong? It's true!
  13. Moskau, the first one you posted, is classic. The rest mostly suck. Benny Lava has some good moments, as well as some sureal parts of the video without the lyrics.
  14. Dead wrong. Barack Obama's mother was a typical white Kansas Christian, and by the time his father moved to the United States he was a "practicing" atheist. The president did not "hide" anything. But don't let this ruin your tea time with Bill O'reily. And despite what people may assume about America being "behind the times", I would first say such a claim is relative, and since most self-effacing Americans (read: pussies) seem to bow their heads to some mystical power called Europe, I would remind you that in mainland Europe there are many parties which are explicitly based in religion or support pan-national and ethnocentric viewpoints, whether the Christian Democratic Union in Germany (currently controls the government) or the linguistic-ethnic based parties in Belgium, and radical national parties in almost every mainland country (although their share of the parliaments in most cases are minimal). America is still under the influence of tradition and religion in our policies, but to say we're "behind the times" lacks proof. Despite how much some people (pussies) deride America's tolerance, I can tell you we will probably see a president from every religion and minority group before we ever see a chancellor of Turkish decent in Germany.
  15. Well I guess you're not a thing, so I'll have to think about that for a minute.
  16. You will be missed.

    By someone.

  17. "Old" wasn't the particular critique I had for it.
  18. It's not a trial. An impeachment hearing follows no strict legal code or precedent. The "judges" are senators, not members of the judiciary. The better way to think of it is like a job performance review, and the senate is looking at firing Blagojevich. You're allowed to fire someone even if they didn't break the law, and you don't have to break the law to get impeached (See: Bill cheating on Hillary).
  19. Correlation does not imply causation. And no, Fox is actually quite good at Brawl and all iterations of the series. Tourneyfag is used to describe people who take party games way too seriously. Like all other party games, in Brawl everyone is meant to win once in a while.
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