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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Then you are... an imbecile. But there is hope for you yet! Reach for your dreams! Never give up, never surrender!
  2. Lol, hating a sad carapace such as yours would be too much effort. It would be like I cared what your value as a human being was. Your more like a parakeet; bird brained, unable to harm anything, but your squawking is annoying as fuck, and it's just a pathetic ploy to get someone to get you more feed and refill your water tin. But look on the bright side, if Darwin has anything to say about it in a few million years you may actually turn into something useful. But even he'd be skeptical. You'd probably just get a bigger beak to yak with. And to eat those sweet sweet walnuts with.
  3. Come on, for asians, they could be 30 and you'd never know. Plus one of them could easily be a guy. Just saying.
  4. "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own fact" - Senator Daniel Moynihan Wiser words were never spoken.
  5. This is what happens when I use humor around peons. Jesus, I was hitting that joke over a gong it was so overt, and yet by reading your post you'd think I just made some subtle, esoteric reference that could fly over anyone's head. Bravo, sir. Bravo
  6. I guess if you fuckers still get a melt into a bunch of titillated-fucking-giggly shits every time some bastard drops a fucking "F" bomb, then yeah, I guess that first video was pretty fucking funny. However, the second video displayed a much deeper level of humor, the quality of which makes it superior to the superficially satisfying first video, who's only joke relied on the verbal virginity of the listener.
  7. You know that saying that a little bit of information never did anyone any harm? As demonstraited in this post, having only a little information is even more dangerous than having none. It's when people talk about things but for all the wrong reasons that we see all the crazies emerge. Completely ignorant people have the common sense to shut up.
  8. Balls. And the ability to realize that even the smartest people don't know everything. Being "smart" only matters when other people think you're smart. Maybe if you sit there quietly in the back of the room people will think you're some idiot savant or something, but there's no way better way than to get out there than to ask a question, or debate with the professor. [/Nick Naylor]
  9. There is a distinct lack of SCIENCE in this post. >:o
  10. A troll is someone who intentionally creates as much disruption as possible; not someone who simply points out the utter fucktardedness of others. The things that are coming out of some people's mouths in this thread are of such incomprehensible and baffling stupidity, that as a moral obligation I felt compelled to point this out. The fact that you label me the troll is... amusing.
  12. Yeah, it's SNL. But this is... quite exceptional.
  13. Was it the first pokemon movie when they gave out all the promo cards with Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mew? Yeah anyways long story short I stole an entire pile of them. I was nine. I'm now nineteen. Sometimes, when it's time for something to die, well, you should just let it... die.
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