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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. I was pissed. I couldn't watch Desperate Housewives because the Oscars were on. What the fuck!
  2. You would love that wouldn't you. This whole vicarious inspiration thing doesn't work too well on me. I don't "get inspired" by other people, and honestly I don't believe many other people do either. True inspiration, at least for me, has only come from my own actions and experiences. But the guy is certainly a good role model, and has gone through a lot. Must have been tough.
  3. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module> Favoritism over Absolutism File "<pyshell#2>", post 18, line 2, in Favoritism over Absolutism Topic= NameError: global name "Topic" is not defined
  4. Protip: take this from an expert, waiting for the world to notice you is never going to happen. If you sit there waiting for people to randomly approach you and show you that they're good people, all on their own, just because they like doing that to strangers, then you're in for a lot of disappointment. If you want to be pessimistic, fine, let me put this in your terms: you can't ever depend on someone else to do anything for you, you've got to do it yourself. No one is going to chose to be your friend "just because", you have to do things to make them your friend. No one is ever going to appreciate you or those "out-of-the-box" ideas of yours if you only keep them inside your head. And let's be realistic here, you can't blame them. The only logical way they have to judge you is based on what you present to them, on the surface. Which at this point is someone waiting to be catered too. Not exactly an attractive marketing ploy. Protip 2 is to realize that you're not special, and neither is anyone else (you could say the opposite, but I didn't want to abandon the pessimistic tone). Everyone had their own ideas and private thoughts that they don't tell anyone else, even those stuck up whiny bitchy girls you allude to. And if you are to ever understand the value of another human being, something I recommend, then you need to understand that the same way you judge others on their surface appearances, they judge you (If your paying enough attention in there's a catch 22 in there, but I'll let you figure that out.) The way you need to think about this is that you can't depend on anyone. Sure, maybe people will only judge you on your surface appearances, there's always that catch. But if you just sit on your ass, judging you on the surface is the only thing they can do. Put yourself out there, try to let people see a little more. You might even find that most of those bitches are really fucking funny once you get to know them. This has been another life lesson by Black Knight.
  5. Man today I couldn't find my keys, and I was all like "This is what it's like to be crazy!" I mean you know what I mean right? I lose my keys, you go and create massive conspiracies around murder and poison and who's raping who.

    Listen, All I'm saying is we're like two peas in a pod. Right? You feeling me?

  6. Oh my god.

    I can't stop laughing.



  7. But it pinches Also lol at this. Someone graffitied "Nyoro" next to Tsuruya.
  8. Typical outcast equation. Thinking that everything in this world is give and take. "Oh, she's pretty, but a bitch on the inside", "Oh, she's social, but totally lacks depth" This sort of escapism is what allows losers and outcasts to sit there doodling in their notebooks in the corner of the classroom, convincing themselves that the reason they don't have any friends is because they're more intelligent than those idiots around them. The fact is there are people out there who are beautiful, kind, outgoing, intense, and clairvoyant in their empathy and ability to read deeply into things. People who are great in just about every way. And there are also people out there like you, who legitimize their own shortcomings by saying they can't control the way they are, and make up for this deficiency by tearing down others to make themselves feel a little less pathetic. Jesus, learn to aspire. Learn to be more than you are now. Learn to see the good in people. Or you're in for one hell of a miserable life.
  9. Damn you Steve, I staked out that spot while browsing during class today, and rushed back to write a response, but you've already taken it Oh well, this will still be a delicious meal. First, Ostrich, go read Max Weber before you even think about preaching about "western ideals", because I know you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about when you use that term. Second, get your terminology straight. There is not such thing as a "socialist government" in the world today. There are governments which practise socialist policies, but this is a very very important distinction that needs to be made, and I need to know you're with me on this before we move on. We good? Okay. Now why it's important to distinguish between socialist policies is that the governments which practice socialist policies can be democratic or dictatorial. The same is also true for the neoclassical ("Free market") model, which can also employed by democratic and authoritarian governments. Those who somehow equate democracy with the free market and dictatorial regimes with socialism together are ignorant, and severely lack a sense of historical perspective. Here are some examples: Sweden is a highly socialist country, but by many standards (and that was the economist, not some pro-European pinko rag), it is one of the most democratic governments on Earth, allotting its people more control of the government than any other. In stark contrast, I'll bring up a case in Latin America (Which you hinted about earlier as being an area of "great concern" to you, but I'm pretty sure you have no fucking idea about). One of the most successful free market economies to emerge in the 20th century was Chile in 1974 after coming under the rule of Augusto Pinochet. The Drawback? Well, first it's Generalissimo Pinochet to you, fucker, and it was also one of the most repressive regimes of the 20th century with zero workers rights, low standards of living, and absolutely no democracy. Littered among these are dozens of other examples. For example, before Pinochet's coup, Chile was actually under the presidency of a full blown Marxist leader, Salvador Allende. The catch was he was the first Marxist leader ever democratically elected in history, and was a testament to Chile's long standing democratic tradition until the conservative force of Pinochet brought Allende down, and with him Chilean democracy. What I need you to understand here is this: Democratic ideals such as the amount of control citizens have over their government, voting rights, rights to property and land, civil liberties, and all those "western" ideals you like to speak about, have absolutely no exclusive (or inclusive) correlation with socialism or neoclassical models. There is simply no connection, and you're trying to make one like every other Neo-McCarthyite out there. You can have democratic capitalistic economies like the United States or you can have Authoritarian and capitalistic societies like China, you can have democratic and socialist societies like Sweden, or you can have Authoritarian and socialist societies like the former USSR (or lack thereof). It doesn't make a difference. So the moral of the story is, Socialism can't be a threat to the world beyond the capacity that the government who wields it is a threat to the world. The USSR was a land hungry menace that actively created conflict within Eastern Europe and the Middle East to spread its influence. The Swedes are happy enough to spend all day in the sauna. How threatening these governments were had nothing to do with the fact that they were socialist, it had to do with their militaristic and political ambitions. That's what you need to look at. Also to everyone claiming Chavez is an out of control dictator, please realize his referendum for temporary "unlimited" presidential powers actually failed, and as the Venezuelan oil economy continues to sour, so does Chavez's popular support (something which was arguably only high because of the economic boom inaugurating his election). It is now a very sure fact that Chavez is going to have a hell of a fight ahead of him if he wants to remain president when elections roll around. Just because our media likes to take Chavez on his word that he's a crazy dictator doesn't actually inflate his power beyond his constitutional limits, in the reality that exists outside of the TV screens he's actually quite a weak president.
  10. Was that supposed to mean...

    You forgot how old we are?

  11. I don't like your new personal picture.

    Also, it's "def" posse, like sho def, that's awesome, my posse is def.

    :3c Nyoro~n

  12. Ok. I respect that: a man (oops, cybertronian, sorry) who sticks to his guns. Go you. P.S. My Halloween costume from last year: Yeah, that just happened.
  13. Dude, are you like... for real with that shit? Just... Dude.
  14. Another reminder for today:

    find out who has been putting strychnine in the cafeteria milk and rape him.

  15. Your loyalty will be tested in the coming days.

    I know I can count on you.

  16. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

    It is not safe to speak here, we must talk elsewhere. But realize that no one is your ally, and those who would grab your right hand in friendship will use their left to usurp you.

    Be cautious, be wary, and watch the shadow cast from your back.

    You will hear from me again, hopefully before it is too late. Just know you can trust me brothe

  17. It has started. Events are falling into place as we have forseen.

    Greet the new dawn brother, for the world as we've known it is ending.

    Vive la Revolución

  18. Brother Fox tells me you wish to join la Revolución. I rejoice for your enlightenment. But we must be discrete, our words are not safe here. Let me just say welcome, brother.

  19. Who would have guessed that mostly everyone would want an outgoing girl, despite the fact that this is mutually exclusive of the "quiet" girl everyone wanted in the last thread, and just shows how much the nerds here have no idea what they want in a girl? Well I did, when I first saw this topic. So nlyeh! Also, outgoing, and voted loud in the other thread. I don't want my bitch bein' all obsequious and shit.
  20. I can't speak here. But know they're coming for you.

    Watch your back borther, remember, you are one of us.

  21. Remember for today:

    Do reading for Gov class,

    Go to dinner with Catherine and Spencer

    Do laundry

  22. Also:

    Damn Natalie, you're a crazy chick.

    Yo shut the fuck up and suck my dick!

  23. The mods are mysterious in their actions. Every thread that is locked should say which mod closed it and have a reason given why. But of course the way things should be and the way things are often diverge.
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